I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Fuckin Texas. Florida was the same. Bugs. Sorry Jet. Kill those fuckers. :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:


I’m all over it

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Yeah I wouldn’t use them if your trying to keep the plants. And your setup probably not at all cause you have dogs and it is suppose to be pretty potent


Start thinking of a long term solution to fighting the ability to allow them in. Better yet, just start working on a preventive plan and one that kills them quick. Being the outdoors men you are and the pack. Better just develop a plan to minimize them. Your probably not going to be able to stop them getting in.


No offense taken. I’ll have to read the box again. It does state that they should hang in a well ventilated area and once done blast a closed space to open it up and wait a few before going in it. The box does say they are great for bars that have fruit fly problems. I have them in my tents with the ventilation running constantly. You could use them to fumigate the tent then pull em out.



Wedding Cake in Tent 2 is a big ass beautiful plant


She sure is :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Lost Cake , even with some mites, looks awesome too
Mites be gone this week


Getting close


I’d smoke the crap outta that, mites and all. I’d roll a mite cannagar


So buds have been at 68 F and 52.6 to 52.4 all day . Gonna be at 54.00 in the morning I would guess . Thing slopes really well .

Just checked em . Opening door no longer produces much smell. Kinda grassy but not loud .

Buds now feel different, like only a few days from being done were they hanging and felt this way. Starting to get harder , drier to the touch . Not moist feeling .

Grabbed a Mac Bud. Not much smell to my nose. Squeezed it good , oh yeah , it’s Mac alright . Unmistakeable . Very muted but there.
Bud is not done , but I think I see where it is going , and I like it .

Will let dry finish , David told me to run 24 hours at steady 52 DP before pulling anything. So that means I can sample on day 5 . It will hit 52.00 tomorrow, if it holds at 52 even for the next day he says it’s done drying .

I have 2 cereal milks in it. Both same cut . I’ll pull one day 5 and Grove Bag , put in Jenn Air cooler . Other run it’s 8 day deal , so 4 additional days of “cure “ .

On day 8 I’ll sample both , will be a great real world test .

I’ll also see if it is smokeable at day 5 , and if it has any smell or not .

Maybe I should do it with the Mac instead . I know what proper dried Mac tastes n smells and feels like. I have never finished cereal milk before so I don’t know her . Hmmmm


They will be gone by end of the week , not gonna smoke them , lol


Jet, I hope you don’t mind this and I’m really not trying to be THAT guy. But you have a TON of people that view your thread. Those no pest strips are really not safe to use around your plants. @JoeCrowe and @ifish can probably tell you the scientific reason why. Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone new to growing.


If you look above I said I will not use them . No

Dr Zymes is natural , can use day of harvest if you want to .

I’m NOT smoking nasty treated bud nor bud grown around chemicals .

The mites are a non issue with my sprayer and the Dr . 3 hits this week , will be all I shall need to control it .


@JoeCrowe keeping me safe

Love it

Hey Joe


If you google “organophosphates brain damage” there are many scientific articles about it. Google dichlorvos, you can see it’s an organophosphate. Here’s the bottom line for people who don’t want to read those pages:

Organophosphorus compounds cause four main neurotoxic effects in humans: the cholinergic syndrome, the intermediate syndrome, organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy and chronic organophosphate-induced neuropsychiatric disorder. ← ain’t good.


Lights back on

Big girls took it in stride like usual with Zymes
Actually even look happy

Lil ones not so much , lol

Oh well they will get over it now sun is out


I knew you would know!


I know it sounds like my “brain damage” post was a micro aggression against people who use it, but it was serious.


Just trying to keep people safe!