I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

I’ve cooked enough brain cells don’t need to add pest strips to the equation. Thanks but no thanks .


So I should not wallpaper with pest strips. :rofl:


That how I used them in a empty tent hang some forms fan blowing through the no pest. Left them for a few days. Removed after and bleach water clean everything

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I removed that post. I won’t be the guy promoting unsafe products. From what I read they seemed safe. I was wrong. Taking them down.



Don’t feel too bad, I used to recommend it to my friends, back in the day. :man_facepalming:


I just pulled them out of all my tents. I feel like a dope. Ugh


Don’t feel like a dope. You’ve just been SAVED. I’d feel pretty damn good about that.


Oh don’t get me wrong I’m glad to know now. I went down in the grow and pulled one out that’s still in the wrapper and grabbed my old man magnifier glass and looked at the active ingredients. Ya it wasn’t good at all.
Thank you @Joker and @JoeCrowe for bringing this to my attention.

I felt like a dope cuz I feel I should have caught that before using them.
Onwards and upwards.



Just passing on info that I learned from someone else. A lot of people don’t realize how bad they are. I never did until someone on here educated me. We all have to look out for each other.


I know as fact that 60/60 traditional dry method bud on day 3 of dry is absolutely not smokeable . If you did manage to combust it , it would be green n nasty and hot . It wouldn’t get you high either .

So Cannatrol showed 17 hours 49 minutes left in 4 day dry stage . 68 temp , DP bouncing 52.4 to 52.2 humidity 57 % . Target is 52 even tomorrow afternoon.

Could not resist . Pinched tiny bit of Mac for my lil wooden dugout pipe top I constantly use.

Wasn’t crunchy dry , but was dry . Cut fine with Things that cutcshit because after 24 attempts at spelling them I realize I cannot . :see_no_evil:

Anyway cut fine with those things and burned just fine too . High there already . Taste was Mac but very very mild . No green , no ugly young early taste at all. Mac Sensored

Was expecting much less to be honest . Still has 18 hours and .5 of dew point to lower to .
It is absolutely smokeable now , and you would not know it’s 3 day old bud , lol .
Would not bode well against my cured Mac but that is expected. Bet tomorrow night , at 52 DP dead for several hours by then , taste will improve a lot .

Machine does exactly what David said it does , when he said it would , and how he said it would . Lil fucker uses magic I think , it never sways from its mission and it’s slope to cure cycle is just perfect . It never hunts , never swings, slopes down at precise intervals exactly , and you would not know it’s there . No noise no smell no hassles .

I have this feeling that the 8 day Cycle , just the way it came , is gonna produce excellent bud when the door is opened and it is allowed to breath a few hours in a bag .

I feel much better now about stuffing it with big ass buds in a few weeks time. In fact I feel it is gonna dry the concrete dense Wedding Cake better than I did last dry last month


That’s great news. Cannatrol should give you a second one for advertisement purposes. :100: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Going to try Cereal Milk


Evidentially i guessed correctly. The big girls , of course, are just fine. Even at KILLER strength, Dr. Zymes will not harm them.
Tent 1…100% happier. They were starving, my mix was bad or i didnt put any mix in last 2 fillups.
Claw is gone, green already coming back.

They have hot food in the Rez, the overtop watering will lead them there, they should be fine by the weekend.

Cannatrol has 4.5 hours left in its 4 day “dry” cycle. Temp 68, what do you know, lol, DP 52.2 and falling. Humidity 56%

Checked leafs on Lost Cake…no live bugs, most eggs washed away , gonna hit them again tomorrow

NEW Mom’s Mac and Frankenstien going into octopots today. They both just got a full on dunking in the Good Doctor , all way to the top of Dixie cup’s.

22 days not one single root on the Wedding Cakes…argh…I LOVE and HATE this damn plant!


Yeah that’s me over here with her mom. 6 cuts and like a month in and still nothing :cry: gonna start sticking some in cups of coco like farmerjoe and see what happens.


i dont understand it. Ive rooted her before. Have 5 in 1 gallon pots on my livingroom window .

these cuts all look like shit, gonna die me thinks.

I have a second set behind them, not looking too much better. I took big healthy cuts, did all right, Frankie, Mac rooted just fine. WC and CM still fighting me.

Looking again, i DID find a live mite on LC…got more work to do it appears…i fucking hate bugs .


How are you running your cuts?


same way
i have for 50 years…take cut, recut at node into gel, into cube, under dome. 3 days closed dome, 4th day 1 vent open 5th day both vents open, day6 dome off. Generally see roots in 10 days .


yeah i run basically same as jet tho usually no gel at all as I haven’t noticed a difference with it, and vents always open. none of em look dead yet just takes a fucking awhile. most things root under 14 days but just her is the big pain in the ass. TF#1 isn’t too much better off at rooting but she gets there.


Morning Jet. :sunglasses:

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Whats up Colin hope your day is well. I got up at 6, cooked dog food for the week, washed shit, did all my house chores.

Amazing how FAST weed can go good/bad when we grow it.

I checked my veg food, evidentially the “spill” ruined it. Took a reading , 51ppm at a mix that should be 10 times that high :nauseated_face:. No wonder Tent 1 looked like shit.

Yesterday afternoon the middle plant on right side was 50 percent yellow and the middle of the plant was looking like death . The Dream was droopy, the Cough clawing and all bottom leaf going yellow. Stems getting hard, looking very very sad.

Drained rez’s, filled with an actual solution of food :sunglasses:, gave a heavy feed over top , soaked em in Dr Zymes spray. Light back on like 5 pm, lights go off at 8 pm. At 8pm i hit them with foliar spray.

Open tent just now…WTF…yellow plant in middle only barely yellow now. Lost Cap and Lost Cake grew 2 inch’s and “opened up” their top set of leaf’s. Bright green on them

The Dream…cool…no claw, all leaf up, she grew overnight too, almost all yellow gone, new growth coming in dark. The Cough…SO MUCH happier…no claw, going green, leafs up,

HOW on Earth i missed this for 2 weeks, i must be getting feeble, lol.

Wedding Cake is gettin big. She is now “leaned” about 30 degree’s to starboard, looking like a net will be in order this week sone time. I HATE PUTTING NETS IN TENTS WITH PLANTS…cant get to nback corners, RPITA to do. Did not think i would need them, but i will. Mac is STOUT and will stand on their own. WC is getting real real heavy n dense, falling to the sides.

2 hours left on first dry in Cannatrol. Numbers exactly where they are suppose to be.

When it flips to “cure” im gonna pull some buds, trim tight, throw in Grove bag and see where it settles in an hour. Rest will run the 4day “cure” program.

IF the thing was bigger…id be singing it’s praises about now, because i already realize the damn thing works, and the software controlling it is DEAD NUTS ON , it is just too damn small.

How bouts you SIR…wahts your world about TODAY :sunglasses: