I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

2 spotted spider mites are the fucking devil. I came so close to just burning everything down and starting over. I finally knocked them out by spraying Azamax for 4 days, heavy, shit dripping everywhere. One day off, then 4 days with the Therapy. And repeat. Damn near killed my moms. But haven’t seen any since. Fought them for 7-8 months. Good luck brother.


Pic of jet right about now.
images (2)


Damn Jet, have you seen this recipe that @JohnnyPotseed shared for a DIY bug killler? He has had good results with it

One-n-done Miticide


Good eye @JoeCrowe and @schmarmpit :muscle:


I know them to hide in corners I had to empty everything and clean everything then I sprayed the tent with captain jacks dead bug

They cams back I did it again and no more mites

Two f ‘em times


Just spent 35 minutes typing out what i did, then hit delete. Not doing it again.

Drained octo’s, 1 1/2 gallons heavy feed over top each octo. Filled to 2/3 with same heavy feed.

8 tbls in half gallon Dr. Zymes covering all 3 tents. Wash off warm water soak in 1 hour.

Action has been taken


wont bring one of those in my house, there is a reason it works


man this sucks :pensive:
hope this does it and you are no worse for wear when its done :pray: :angel: :crossed_fingers:


Maybe try https://www.etsy.com/listing/1317254642/mite-death-and-foliar-concentrate-kills?click_key=b93b0032081f565b1e16d107b178bfa6b5c6600c%3A1317254642&click_sum=c201c7bc&ref=shop_home_active_7&frs=1


Damn Jet. Hate to hear this. Declare all out war.

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I tried to search this topic and didn’t seem to find the word predator anywhere so I have tried ask have you really considered bringing in the foreign legion to slaughter them for good maybe??
Predator mites may be your best long term solution.

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My bad dudes!!!


Another thing I’m sure that’s been mentioned is spider mites develop resistance to pretty much all pesticides if they survive a couple rounds of applications. Home made remedies are less than useless despite what is said.

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That is dichlorvos.


No bueno si Jose ? @JoeCrowe


Personally, I think it does as much damage to your brain as it does the bugs. That’s the side effect of the organophosphates.


Dam that sucks wishing you luck at destroying them bastards .

If they were all just vegging I’d be doing a sulphur burn flowering plants your limited to what you can do.

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Yeah I stayed away I also used a bleach solution to clean everything and did that three times I had to trash the run but ever since I’m a lot more cautious of when I go in the grow area. I found the no pest strip idea on another forum and they said not to breath it or be around it. I did load it up tho with a few hanging on fans lol I was pissed watching my grow burn in the fire. It was my first run week 5 flower.

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I looked those things up @MyLittleGrundle since I am always battling fungus gnats and from what I read don’t think they are good safe.

Here is a C&P from website selling them. please don’t think I am being disrespectful or trying to be a know it all, just passing information.

Safe for Non-Food Areas

This strip is designed specifically for use in non-food areas and areas where people are not present for extended periods of time, such as mop closets, locker rooms, boiler rooms, utility rooms, and lavatories. It may be used in areas where food and people are present for extended periods, but must be used overnight and taken down when people reenter the area the following day. This product is hazardous to humans and domestic animals if inhaled, swallowed, or if it comes in contact with skin. Due to local regulations, this item is not available to establishments located in New Jersey.


Afraid to hang lest strips .

The Doc will handle it . Won’t hurt my plants a bit either . Well …….lol

Hit them with the super heavy solution of Zymes. Completely soaking each plant to the point it’s raining in the tent . The elec sprayer works a charm still , was great investment in my grow supplies . When I went back just now to hose them off with warm water, the tent one ladies CERTAINLY took objection to the mixture strength , and have clawed their leafs in 1 hour , damn . Just tell me how you feel, lol

I used 3 gallons hosing them all off , the three tents . There are puddles on tent floor I had to clean up . It was dripping and sounding like rain in the tents for 10 minutes after I stopped . The sprayer really covers well .

Will leave lights off another hour then back on .

NOT A BIG DEAL . It is what it is. Only LC in tent 3 had visible bugs or eggs . The Zymes will handle that .

The bigger issue is tent one ladies starving. My stand that holds my nutes fell and most bottles broke on the floor , most at their caps .
My veg gallon lost 3/4 of it , was new bottle. Thinking either I did not add food to last fillip or the veg food is bad. It must be shaken to Hell before use , the spill may have fubard it .

Ladies are starving . Looking like shit . My move was drain rezs , fill back with fresh Jacks at higher strength , and I fed over the top a strong veg mix .

I’ll know if I have done the right thing real quick