I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

yesterday :nauseated_face:
Sad Cough




Wedding Cake getting it’s lean on…


Whats up Bee??? @Mr.greenbee

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Planning my Outdoor. I have 2 of the 3 strains picked out.
Wonder Dawg

90’s Kush @Bobgrows

I am getting ready to plant some micro clover to cover the lawn space directly behind my place. I’m replacing our old mailbox. Getting the supplies to fix my pvc pipe irrigation going to my spicket for the gauntlet. No rest for the wicked. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Looks like good choices to me sir!!! Must be nice…head to Walmart and buy clones…you suck!



I will make sure you have your choice of great cuts. We have a lot of clones. They make it very difficult for the little guy to grab them though. :upside_down_face:


What a great day today is starting off to be! Checked the Lost Cake and Lost Cap for sex again, figuring they are a bit happiuer maybe throw a pistol out of those teardrop’s i keep checking.

SWEET…both are ladies. Each one threw only 1 pistil …kinda wierd.

Lost Cap is KILLER LOOKING…cant wait to see what she has. Certainly WAY more vigirous than striaght up Mac1 is.

Lost Cake’s look great too., or will by weeks ends.

Was only planning on 2 small plants under the lil GLS 300.NOW…3 plants, and cause they will flip the same (same tent) as The Dream and The Cough(which i am growing large) they are gonna be big and overun the light. Ill figure it out, if i have to i will put a 640 in there if plants looking all that when they get bigger than the 300 can support.

HMMMM…grown out 5 Lost Cakes now till at least sex. ALL have been ladies…HHHHMMMMMM


You know the system and how to work it…be nice getting some cuts from you


Smoked a canagar , net idea out the window , this will do just fine


So a cannagar burns way longer than a joint does , even using the same amount and just not packing hardly at all. Must be the airflow down middle causing that ???


Trimmed a bit , Mac , let’s see where it is at , will take 30 minutes or so to stabilize

It is dry , but not as dry as I like it . Been on cure 2 seconds before I yanked this . Want to see their definition of “dry”

To me I think it is absolutely smokeable but a touch moist to the feel . Left out on a counter for an hour might change that .

Curious to see where it truly is. Machine said it came out at 56 percent humidity , house is 55 percent took 2 minutes to trim n bag

To my hand it feels like ………… 64


Big difference in feel from 56-64
That’s two very different feels

Did the outside of the bud ever crisp up slightly while drying or was bud equalised sort of thru out the dry

Maybe that is affecting our judgement ? Curious to find out why : )
Love these riddles


Not much about off work. Ready to smoke and relax lol how are you jet



Bud is not “dry” after exactly 4 days. Not my definition of dry anyways . It could not be Put in grove bags nor jars at this stage .

Fingers don’t lie , neither do meters

Back into unit .

My take :grin:
Bud was uniform throughout cabinet . Buds were very evenly DRYING , lol , no crispy outside n wet inners , very uniform .

To me it feels like 60/60 hanging bud 1 or 2 days before I would take it down . Surprised it Pegged at 70!

My 60/60 room would be NO WHERE near as precise as this thing . Would not maintain 56 percent humidity STEADY either , would be higher. Would take a day c day and a half for plants that feel like these .


Thinking a day or two more at 68 F and 56 humidity and a DP of 52 will actually produce what I want .

Can I pull on day four and bag to facilitate rotation ? Nope

Can I pull on day 5 …… willing to bet YES

If it takes 8 days , I see a difference already . Buds did not shrink as much , didn’t lose much color either , and certainly , from the small amount of water out the back , are not gonna get over dried .

Jury still out on final take of it


MAC1 One of the best there is. One day,


How’s that grape pie smoke any yet?


Not yet
Maybe today I shall :sunglasses:


All this grape :grapes: talk make me need to see what I got in the vault I must have some somewhere


If you can’t find any let me know I can send you some . Starting to run low but I’m sure if I sift through the bag I’ll find a few more decent seeds .


Looks like 5 days and it is actually dry .
Another 5 hours to go to make 5 full days , will certainly be done by then .

Gonna try some Grape Pie


Cannatrol DOES NOT DRY IN 4 DAYS. Maybe not even 5 days.

It is getting close but stems no where near breaking , buds will pull off stems without the tell tale string , but still spongy .
When buds are dried proper , they are “crunchy” feeling on outside , have feel of styrofoam when squeezed .

Buds right now , 4.5 days in the machine, supposedly in its “cure” stage now , are not finished drying in my opinion . Stems bend , bud feels moist . No density to them yet , which comes at end of dry when they firm up .

I’d call it still needing a day or 2 more . DP although set at 52 wants to stay at 52.2 to 52.4 . Must be by design , as it held its numbers and slope function perfect first 4 days . Sponge in and wet .

Could not bag buds at 4 days . Still 4 hours of day 5 left , but I’ll call nope on bagging today .

My hopes of a 5 day stagger are gone. These are small wimpy buds , the WC buds are like rocks compared to these . No way they done in 5 days in this machine .

Bud is smokable right now . Just rolled one of Grape Pie . Didn’t go out , not wet nor green tasting , but taste n flavor are mild. To be expected at this stage. Bud would have to be really good terps to taste it now .

With that said…… GP 100 % has GRAPE IN IT. Good grape too , like Nehi Grape and sweet . With a finished dry it is gonna be very tasty I would guess .

Too bad about its power level however .

I was able to smoke a third of it before my head was spinning

@ShiskaberrySavior V good smoke :sunglasses:

I’m sitting here grinning and blasted off 4 day dry froze and underwater bud !!