I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Lmao :100::banana: funny


So , day 6.5 in Cannatrol . Bud is now stable

Coming out of Cannatrol it smelled like HAY .
After spending 15 minutes trimming an ounce , smell is coming out . Sweet pure Mac 1 goodness .

Buds were wimpy and airy , be interesting to see how it tastes and how the high is compared to my indoor ,

My indoor is much tighter , much denser , much heavier. But these plants suffered in horrible freezing weather and torrential rains for a month . Amazing they made it as well as they did .

Gonna roll a joint and test it right now :sunglasses:


So do all the plants first exiting out of there have a hay smell ?

You’d almost think they wouldn’t.


Well, power is certainly there . Every bit as stout as indoor , maybe even more ! I’m lit on half joint .

Burns very very slowly . Taste is definitely Mac, but not as strong as my cured indoor . Same flavor profile just a bit muted .

For 6 days from chop I’d say pretty incredible . Bud is sticky , has good feel , good when you squeeze it .

Be interesting to see if it picks up more smell and taste after a spell in my cooler . Put an ounce in a Grove bag, set at 58 , and into the cooler .

I know from experience that my normal 15 to 18 day hang dry produces similiar . Meaning once put in jars or bags for only 2 to 3 days the smell and flavor are marketably improved .

Magine same will happen here .

Sitting here having hard time typing this on my phone. Power is 100 percent equal to inside and it seems more “couch lock “ than inside is . Maybe cause I have smoked very very little in last few days , but that half joint has just wrecked me, lol


Something about fresh bud buzz vs a older cured version . Just different type of high.


Just harvested some duct tape (2.5 weeks)smoking it fresh half a j and flying . Smoke that same plant from a couple harvests back great buzz but not quite the same .

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The overall smell of the cabinet was hay . Didn’t really smell Indy buds .

When I sat down to trim it , there was not much smell . If you held a bud and pressed it to your nose, you could smell Mac. But faint . Did NOT smell hay like . Took 15 minutes trimming and they “stickied” up and got a bit of smell . Grinding the bud for a joint , I smelled the ground bud. Was stupidly sweet and Mac ish , very very clean smell , but NOT loud .

Same smoking joint . Sweet sweet Mac flavor , but not strong . Call it mild .

I would say that it tastes 100% better than any bud I’ve ever dried before in six days. I could not take bud the way I normally dry it and have it taste or smoke anything like this in six days.

These were small wimpy outdoor plants so I’ll reserve my judgment until I get to do some of my nice indoor which will not be very long. The big girls intent two and three are now sucking about 3 gallons a day which tells me they’ve got about a week left of big time bud production and then they’ll slow down. Once I dry some of those I can really give an accurate opinion on how well it does.

My thoughts are that it’s going to be incredible. These were Wimpey delicate buds in the machine handled them very very well I think it’ll have an easier time in the big fat ones to come


:rofl::crazy_face: haha I can see it now


So far ahead of y’all…lol

I have a stand of bamboo in my backyard, about 8 years old now and some plenty big for a brace or crutch .
Tomorrow if no better, ill make me one.


Glad everyone is 100 % , as i can still not really get around well.

Harvest is gonna be excellent, and not too far off now

The Cough

The Dream

Lost Cake

Lost Cap

Cereal Milk

Mac 1

Wedding Cake

Grape Pie

Lost Cake


Wedding Cake

Grape Pie

Lost Cake

Trimed one plant of Cereal Milk this morning, placed in Grove bag. Gonna go test it, see if it smells like what i have been after for 6 months


You like the look of your Grape Pie @ShiskaberrySavior

Hey @schmarmpit …check out The Dream…BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL plant! reminds me of Amnesia Haze but thinner leafs and not as “burly” . She gonna be a poster girl i bet !


Looks nice see how she is after a trim .Got me nervous now hope it smokes good .


How’s your ass doing? Man, that shit hurts more and more the older we get!

What cut of the Blue Dream is it? Santa Cruz?


Still crippled but it is getting better . First day was miserable , today only terrible , lol
Yes it is the Santa Cruz cut . He has run her and has a grow on her here .


Gonna press some of the outdoor Mac and Grape Pie


Will be interacting to see if they have a similar return as the indoor stuff. I’ve found return to somewhat track with THC% IME.


Pull was good , did one bag at 181 and one at 201 . Did not affect color or texture of it at 201 and returned more. I will stay around 200 from now on. Color is excellent smell excellent too

Put some on cig, made cig taste very good but ran and made a mess . Which got on my fingers , which touched the parchment , which stuck to my hand till over the floor , then of course fell on kitchen floor face down :see_no_evil:

I swear to God no matter how hard I try about 50 percent of ALL ROSIN I make ends up in my hair or on the floor or one of the dogs.

When I need a gram I press three grams worth hoping to “capture “ a gram into my holder :see_no_evil:


Good thing you got lots to spare . I remember you dog wearing some a while back ! Lol


I didn’t lose it all , probably 25 percent of it I just gave up , lol . Still got like 4 grams of it clean so all is good . Why no pics cause I made a mess :eggplant::eggplant:

Just tasted a dab of it ……sweet n grapes and then Mac flavor takes over . It’s excellent combo of the two