I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

I made this several months ago…


I’d just spilled 40 grams of RSO all over my wooden cutting board. I managed to scrape up most of it, contaminated with spices and dust, but lost at least 10 grams. I still made cookies with it, and they still worked, but yeah… big, clumsy hands don’t go well with delicate operations. I don’t even want to think about how badly I’d probably screw up making rosin.

Oh, btw, here’s the MAC1 that I posted last week, looking quite a bit better now. :slight_smile: I’ll start taking cuts in a week or two, once secondary branches start coming in.


Sorry brother, but this made me laugh!! How many dogs did you have on you when you were laying on the floor?!



No I didn’t hit the floor the parchment with all the Rosin hit the floor .

My tloor looks like the desert , but instead of tumbleweeds blowing , it’s dog hair .

ANYTHING on the floor is covered in hair.

Rosin coated dog hair




Dream Cough 100 percent and kicking major ass now

All 3 of my X’s getting it on too

As are Lost Cake and Mac week 7

Grape Pie looking excellent

Real soon The Dream and The Cough will take over the thread . Both are now getting large and I have made them 100 happy now .

Gotta go get the back WC in Tent 2 up off the floor today :see_no_evil:

@schmarmpit @ShiskaberrySavior



Frosty! :cold_face:


While in Tent 2 trying to get the big Wedding Cake up off the floor , and buried in there, I scoped for mites . They all have bugs. My spraying has killed the adults but there were way too many eggs for my liking .

The Cannatrol needs a good 6 days to dry , time to start staggering the harvest . I’m not fighting the mites anymore .

Tent 1 is clean , but Mom tent is again infested .

Imagine that is why I cannot get WC nor CM to root :see_no_evil:

I did everything 100 percent right , plants on a perfect run , wtf did I have to get the lil fuckers .

Sick of my hard work being destroyed by these pests .

They are all coming from Wedding Cake . I guess I never got WC clean .

Mother tent just got full on nuke treatment . Gonna hit it hot every day for a week . Don’t give a rats as anymore if I kill the moms . Really sick of this shit , has ruined 3 runs in a row for me now .

When I get WC and Cm to root , Mom tent coming down . Will keep Mac WC CM Frankie and Lost Cake as tiny plants I can completely dunk . I will start back at square one with tiny cut of each , and keep them tiny till I’m sure I’ve got them clean . Fucking sick of this . All from taking a GD cut .

Even though I 100 percent no doubt have hit these ladies 3 times in 5 days now , from head to toe not missing a single spot , and getting drenched laying on my back shooting upward to get undersides of everything , I found moving fucking spiders on all plants. Not many , but the fact I could find 1 or 2 moving mites on all the leafs I pulled tells me my canopy is way too thick to be effective spraying no matter how hard I try .

So , fuck me , the Cannatrol is about to get abused , lol . Plants are beautiful , sticky sticky sticky, and the buds have not been harmed . The population of bugs is small enough to contain when I get some room in the tents to work on them . Can’t get in there , no way to pull them out . I scoped them all , and SURPRISINGLY all have milky heads and even a touch or two amber at day 50!! I am not gonna lose much but some weight and couch lock , which on Mac and WC mean nothing . Gonna start taking them now , keep hitting daily with Zymes and fresh water hose off hour later till all are down . Two are really close now .

I soaked @ShiskaberrySavior ‘s Grape Pie and my Lost Cake (which is big hard and beautiful at day 50) in 1/2 gallon of Zymes . I literally about drowned them . No living bugs on them now . Tomorrow before lights on they get the axe . I’ll cut to branch’s , take outside and spew another half gallon of Zymes on them . Let sit an hour , then they go for a good long swim in my 40 gallon garbage can full of clean water and a complete hand rub down .
Hang for 1 day inside , then gonna buck buds off and Cannatrol them .

Changing numbers on the unit , starting at 53 DP , 4 day slope to 51 DP. Then 2 day “cure” lol , at 51.5 or 52 DP. Should come out 58 or 59 percent and “dry” .

Every 6 days I’ll pull 2 plants . They will hang a day then 6 in Cannatrol . If I pull buds from all stems , lose any larf or small shit I won’t trim anyway , I hope to fit 2 plants in the unit . Gonna be real tight . I won’t overfill . Any left over will just be hung to dry .

Not what I wanted , but it is what it is. All the buds are stunning right now , not gonna let them get fubard , just not . The Zymes does no damage to the plants, and although spoken of highly everywhere , appears to do the same to spider mites . Maybe control them , not make them go away. I’m SICK of controlling the lil fuckers.

Buds are gonna have a different high than last run of them. Last run pulled at all cloudy 10 to 15 Percent amber. This run 70 percent cloudy only a smathering of amber . Be cool to see the difference .

Shoulda just said I was gonna harvest early for that reason, lmao, and not say all the above , but I am who I am and call them the way I see them .

Tent 1 appears to be clean . But I have said that before recently :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::banana::banana::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:. I will go back to 3 times a week Zymes and once weekly Azamax for next 2 weeks , then flip them.


Last shots of Grape Pie and Lost Cake before chop:

From now on in here I’ll be focusing on these which are now ready to rumble . Dream is beautiful, Cough now holding her own big time , my 3 X’s killing it .


Damn Jet. That really sucks.


Azamax for the mom’s man. 1 foliar and a soil drench and I bet all the mites will be dead after that. Eggs too.

Grape pie looks beautiful :heart_eyes_cat:


The friggin mite battle is a tough one over the years I’ve had my share of bug issues .

It’s disheartening to see them return time after time especially when a guy tries so hard to get clean .

I learnt my lesson buying mite infested clones I remember a few years back getting 200 clones only to end up over run with mites took for ever to rid my rooms of them .

Another time a buddy visiting brought them in I’m guessing on his clothes. Same deal took 3 runs to get clean.


Sorry to hear about your mite troubles buddy. I know when I had some, I used three different products (spinosad, neem, and Method 1 PPS) rotated every three days to prevent the mites from building an immunity. I did this for two weeks, spraying with castile soap in between. The plants took a beating, but the mites didn’t return.


Great job

Lost cake looks dank



Grape Pie came down LARGE and STINKY :sunglasses:


Sounds promising hopefully more people see your results and get some growing .
Sent out a pile of seed and very few have grew any yet.
Really looking forward to your honest opinion as to how she smokes .
My seed supply of that strain is dwindling down almost to nil . Thanks bud


Can already tell it will be excellent. Has the look, size, goo, smell of …DANKNESS!!!

Hey now we can actually see Cereal Milk !!!


Cereal Milk


Sorry for shitty cell pics…THIS is what they actually look like. Most colored plant ive ever grwon i believe.


Those are looking really fine also how much longer on them?

Anything in veg you’ve got growing I’d do a sulphur burn and kill them friggin mites.
They can’t survive a couple 2 hr burns eradicating any hanging out in your rooms.

I know it works great at doing a total room clean , stinks to high hell keep your dogs out of the area till the smell dissipates .


how do you do one, no idea , hard ???

I will take those two Cereal Milk’s next round, so 7 days or so from today .

EXCITED to try her!! VERY VERY VERY lil mite issue on her, seems to naturally keep them at bay