I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

morning @HolyAngel

How you liking the 640 bro???

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Good morning ^^

640 is killing it in the 4x4! I’m only running it at 500w right now though. Unsure if i’ll bump it up the rest of the way but got the co2 going full bore now as well. Probably going to take me another run or two to get things squared away with these two new additions but yeah. Really happy :slight_smile:

That Cereal Milk at the least looks like she puts out a damn good yield. Interested to see how she compares to the WC and MAC though. My suspicion is she’s not gonna be half as good :sweat_smile: but she looks damn pretty! That Grape Pie has me drooling over those flowers. I got some beans from shiska to run. Hopefully run those and the ogah’s from him after I get some more SSDD’s started. Thinking fall will be OGAH/GrapePie time.


I use a single hot plate and a pop tin with the top cut off set it to medium heat and let it cook.


Still cant imagine the TK being better than my cut of WC , gotta be just mity powerful bud !!

CM DEF will throw some weight! Buds are rock hard dense.

Grape Pie SHOCKED ME. Wicked looking, wicked smelling, she PULLED SOME WEIGHT TOO!!! No larf, all solid buds even the lowest ones. in 6 days ill smoke her, Lost Cake too, which has the biggest heaviest buds by far.

The 640 is the GD best light on the market. Thing ROCKS dont it!?!?!?!? The spectrum is where it shines, and in flower nothing is gonna beat it in my opinion.

You will love flowering under it


BTW, under THAT LIGHT, MY plants will take 1100 PAR level without issue(full flower weeks 5 on ) . Tent 2 and Tent 3 right now are seeing about 1090 at canopy.



It’s crazy potent! First hit is immediate forehead sweats. And can layer the hits to ride the wave of the high. My TriForce are some of the finest herb I’ve ever had, still not half as good as the TK is on her own. Only had ~3 other bags in my life stronger than the TK. I honestly can’t say enough good things about her. Feel like a broken record but damn :sweat_smile: she is that good!

Great to hear on the GrapePie, she definitely looks the part!

According to my shitty iphone8 i’m seeing around 750 par at the canopy half way through week 4. That exhale bag just puffed out in the last couple days. Maybe i’ll bump it up at day 35 and see how they look. Can always drop it back down if there’s stress. Spectrum definitely rocks! The numbers on paper may not look quite as good as HLG’s numbers, but the plants undeniably are doing better under the ProGrow than they ever did under the RSpec’s. And they looked pretty damn good under the RSpecs.


Numbers lie, plants dont. Seen it myself, ill stack this 640 against ANYTHING in a 4x 4 tent and take that bet!


I feel exactly the same way about the WC cut i have.

WHEN i get WC to NOT BE A MITE MAGNET, i am gonna spread her around this board, i never want to lose it, that will help insure i do not.

Would have already spread her, but not with bugs :poop: :poop: :poop:


Man i do not want to go wash buds…but they wont wash themselves…argh…


Hell yeah!

Yeah that’s what I wanna do with the TK. You and a few others need to have her and maybe that means I won’t ever lose her again either. I still have a buddy with her. And can always pay FJ for a cut but that sucks to have to do. I’d definitely do it though if I had to lol.


Side note:

Space Monkey 2, placed in vac sealed Mason, at 60 % then into my mini fridge at 45F 75% humidity almost 3 weeks ago or so, maybe more…

Came out STINKY, STICKY, DELICIOUS, and at exactly 60% !!!

Same bud, placed in vac sealed bag, in freezer…SAME DEAL!!!


What light are we referring to @Jetdro @HolyAngel ?



Grow Light Science 640 LED …killer spectrum and even coverage of a 4x4
Price is STUPID GOOD on it too!


I’m in need of another 600+ bar style LED once funds allow me to. Testing the waters as it’s been a few years since I’ve bought or looked at anything besides the scorpion diablo. Definitely gonna check it out. Thanks :pray:t2:


Btw buds are looking killer as always @Jetdro i popped some grape pie x snow lotus as I’ve been wanting that grape pie back for a while now, hoping I can find one wicked heavy to the pie side :crossed_fingers:t2:




Damn, you guys aren’t kidding . And that price point! Wow


Lost Cake cleaned, getting a blowjob, then inside to hang for a day, then in Cannatrol unit.

Buds were fat n dense, smell is 100% Wedding Cake…buds 3x the size of WC. :sunglasses:
Think i hit a winner here


Morning @Papalag

How them ole schriveled nuts doing this morn ???



Look at it this way at least you don’t have to wash 48 pounds in the middle of nowhere with limited supplies