I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)


YES, that is true i suppose !!!


So you peeked lol :joy:

All good bro

Still kickin

Garden looks amazing


no, saw them hanging out between your knees… @Papalag


Too bad i have to chop a mite early, but its all good


Yeah they sure do lol

That cereal milk looks like fire :fire: damn nice job :+1:



The Blue Dream is exploding. The Cough is also, showing SERIOUS vigor now. Both are getting pretty huge, the turn will come soon.

Did i see your running the BD 70 days ??? What about SC???

What kind of stretch did you see??? My Dream is almost 3 foot tall and 4 foot wide already.


Those pics and flowers look great.


I’m super curious about that cereal milk as well. I’ve had my eye on her since they dropped her. I’m a vaper and my favourite vape juice has been a version of cereal milk for 7-8 years now, the company that makes it sends me big 1000ml bottles now as it’s almost all I vape :dash: I’ve heard good things about that cut, and since Gary Payton made me rethink my cookie outlook now I’m highly intrigued


Thanks C!

Yeah, both the Lost Cake and The Grape Pie look splendid, even 2 weeks early . Both produced very well. Grape Pie had many many nice tops, decent sized too. Lost Cake took after her Momma Amnesia Haze and threw seriously fat running buds. Both will yield out the ass is needed, and no larf on either, course i

DEFOLIATE…sssssshhhhhhh…dont tell anyone …


I got it because a few years ago i bought an ounce of it. The nose was 100 % EXACTLY sweet milk in bottom of an empty cereal bowl. 100% . Let 100 people smell it, 100 people will say ceral milk . That distinct.

The buds i bought were meduium sized, hard, and looking down into a bag of it, it looked white. Very good coverage .

High was fantastic, great power, taste although different than smell, was MUCH to my liking.

THIS is the 3rd GD time i have run her…an will be the FIRST time i get to try her, see if it is what im hunting.

Done this enough times to know however…THOSE BUDS , regardless of smell or taste, gonna have power. Can feel it, smell it, touch it. She is covered, she is tight, she aint gonna be bogus!!

Will it be Cereal Milk…im gonna find out REAL SOON :sunglasses:


eh, Cookies lines can look deceiving as they are bred for 100% bag appeal, but the smoke always shows cookies when it’s there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still, I’ll withhold judgement until your smoke report lol
Would hope she brings the power along with the looks :wink:


:rofl: now that shit was funny @Papalag :joy:


Hope I like Blue Dream and Strawberry Cough, cause im gonna have a shit ton of it , those 2 absolutely gonna fill the whole 640 by themsleves no problem.

The lil 300 killing it over my 3 getting big X’s


Remains to be seen if CM punk, lol, has the POWER…but she CERT has the look, lol

Then there is Mac…honestly in her own league

Shit…got bud washing to do…


YEAH, he got me huh…lol…touche…


just put up new pics of YOUR BABIES @schmarmpit

See ya replying, edited post with pics, go check em out.

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I can see that! They look very happy.

Yeah, I just took the Blue Dream to 70 days. I’ve run her 3 times and she always took that long to show ripe trichomes. She will about double her height in flower, nothing too crazy.

Strawberry Cough will about double in stretch as well, maybe a little more than the BD. But she’ll be done by week 8 and you’ll be smoking her while just getting started on cutting the BD.

Can’t wait to see the haul you get off those two. They both are major producers.


See the slight downward tip to Mac’s leaf’s last pic??? Tell tale…MITES…them fuckers, lol!

ONE DAY…ONE DAY…maybe in a different Universe, im gonna get a clean run on this damn plant


Think ill flip fairly soon then. Maybe a week with branch’s tied out to sides to fill the light footprint.

Im STILL hardly able to walk and hobbling around. NO WAY i can bend over and tie plants, all i could do to harvest this morning. STILL NOT…LMAO…got put the Mac down…damn…lol…even hung the Grape Pie i washed, and still have my Lost Cake to “process”

SO DAMN NICE…no time constraints anymore…lol…they can wait, there just drying, lol, ill get to them some time…


Looking great @Jetdro!!! Can’t wait for the smoke reports.

The hanging nuts comment had me geekin’

Either you or @Bobgrows ever need some cuts kept going I’m here for ya both. I got room and don’t mind.



@ShiskaberrySavior Appears to have hit this one out of the park…you know, if the bud is good, lol .

Easy grower, no issues. Gave up 6 big arms, and 4 little bit smaller ones, NO BOGUS BUDS on this bitch.

Nice look n feel to them good n dense.



If the Dr. Zymes didnt make the mites dissappear, at least it DID ZERO HARM to my buds, kept the lil fucktards in check till now, and left NOTHING in my rinse bucket. Spotless , no residue no tell tale blue lines across my water.

Buds washed sparkling and pretty…

Thank you for the oportunity to run your seed MR. Savior :sunglasses:

But if it sucks, lol, you know ill call it…lol!!!

my dogs ARE PISSED…no play 5 days…they might DIE… :sunglasses: