I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

When WC MAC CM LC are clean for sure…you can have cuts of any you want, only catch is i GET IT BACK if needed :sunglasses:


Are you keeping some cuts of cereal milk?


I have a Mom, 5 foot tall in Mom tent…just waiting for one of her cuts to root before i burn her.

Cuts have not been rooting cause Mom tent was infested again. WC and CM VERY touchy, if ALL NOT RIGHT, they wont root. Dod not reralize i had mites back in Mom tent.

THAT IS why they have been slow/no rooting.

I have soaked Mom 3 days in a row…leafs up and happy, IF no cuts i have now of her (like 6) root, ill take more and make sure to hand wash them clean of any eggs.


Fresh washed Grape Pie buds smell big time like a Nehi Grape Soda bottle cap :+1:


Yeah I just got caught up. I hate mites and spring right around the corner going to have to step the ipm up. Ended up outta of town this week a bunch of bs. Everything going good on the lost cake tho. I’ll post pic friday when I get back. Cereal milk looks great but ever since having some of the Mac I’m hooked lol


Glad That’s done


@Jetdro of course you would get them back. That’s why I offered. You’re welcome to any cuts I have. Been bug free for a year now and after the last time knowone goes in the grow. A buddy dropped them off last time! Also I’d scope them, take pictures and share just to show I’m pest free. Mites are a scourge I hate them with every fiber of my being. Lol



Sorry to hear this Jet. I have never personally known anyone to get rid of mites with zymes. Sulfur for the kill, it persists and continues to kill all the while, oil sprays, or a green-cleaner type one-and-done mix like @JohnnyPotseed posted have all had a wide range of reports of being successful without toxic chemicals which I wouldn’t use near the pups. If you burn sulfur you can’t be around because breathing it will create sulfuric acid in your lungs and that is no bueno…plus your whole spot will stink for a week or three so I would consider spraying wettable sulfur instead :sweat_smile:


i have 2 mac cuts just rooting now, ill send you one if you want her.


I totally agree with this. I’ve taken in clones from lots of sources and have delt with lots of issues. Wetable sulfur is the best tool in the arsenal. It even kills the borg (russet mites). I can’t burn sulfur in my spot for many reasons, but also wouldn’t want to.

Moving beyond the parasites, HLV is the new age concern, spreading like wild fire through cuts and even seeds. A slow moving disease that takes time to notice, easily spreads, expensive to test for and hard to detect.

I’m in a slow transition of getting back to my seeds and away from clones in general. Extremely slow lol. I have a feeling that older seeds will become much more valuable in the years to come if they came before the virus was everywhere. Could be far fetched, maybe not. Who’s gonna make the first vaccine for it?


@MyLittleGrundle are there clones I have you’d be interested in?


I have to ask since I have not seen you mention predator mites and if you have ever given them a serious chance to get going and do their thing ??? I use the hypnosis miles and never see a gnat and spread some of the spider mite predators couple times as precaution. I think you have to spread them in all areas to give them a chance without any other chemicals used maybe. As long as they have a food source like mites they keep on laying their own eggs. Not sure how much you spend on other methods but predator mites are not super expensive. Spotted spider mites allegedly build a tolerance for pesticides but I don’t have a history of them, just one time and you have a much much larger grow than I do. Think of it maybe as a scientific test.


Yeah I just got caught up. I hate mites and spring right around the corner going to have to step the ipm up. Ended up outta of town this week a bunch of bs. Everything going good on the lost cake tho. I’ll post pic friday when I get back. Cereal milk looks great but ever since having some of the Mac I’m hooked.

Hell yea man that would be awesome. I’m in no rush but if it clean I’ll definitely take her.


Not sure what ya have. I know you have the TK. We could trade if ya like. If you’re interested I can send ya a list of what I got.



Go to my thread… @MyLittleGrundle


All my cuts were tested by Farmer Freeman
No virus no issues

How does this wetwable work and where do I source it ??


No burning in the house I love my dogs too much


I’m still staying cuts all year . Take the good with the bad I suppose .


Yeah I’ve had a few virus panels done from Farmer Freeman. Did one on that Strawberry Cough because she throws a variegated leaf here and there. Came back negative. But some say you need multiple tests to be sure. Nothing seems off to me but I’m always looking. I’ve got close to 20 moms right now.

Here’s the wetable sulfur I use. Goes a long way mixed per their instructions. I think 2 Tbsp per gal.


I am using this brand RN too. I just got mine with same-day delivery from Amazon to eradicate some PM outside a couple years back, but you can get it at a local Ace hardware. I would swear I saw it at my local Lowe’s or Home Depot but it’s not on their web sites :joy:

I mix 3 Tbsp of the Sulfur Plant Fungicide per gallon of water, make sure I keep the bottle well-shaken, and spray every single millimeter of plant surface. It lasts 10-14 days so one application will persist long enough to kill any hatchlings that aren’t eradicated immediately.

:thinking: I have never had to take it into consideration since my temps are usually never higher than 87F but the instructions say not to apply if temps are over 80F. Just FYI