I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

I wish I had the sensitive nose to differentiate this but I dont and my wife for some reason does not care for the scent of growing plants. Flowers yes after they are cured.


So while i have been mite figthing and staggering harvests, the Ladies who make up the title of this thread have gone crazy. I turned around and looked at them today…omg, lol, they be a bit big, lol .

Im 6’2 they are up to my armpits…time for the turn .

I have been spraying about everyday, keeping live adults off the plants till i harvest. Im SICK of spraying, it is getting old.

Hit the big ladies again today, that 5 of the last 6 days they have been soaked.

At least the Cannatrol is EASY. Fill er up, turn it on, leave it alone…my kind of machine !

ONE WC cut has thrown some roots…woot woot!!! NONE of the CM’s (6) rooted . After fresh water hose off, im gonna take more cuts…argh!!!

Lost Cake looks outstanding, gonna take cuts of her too, and both of the new LC’s too, as they also look great.


Hope for better luck here



I really think you give your dogs a great life. They always look like they are having a blast. :smiley:


It’s because im having a blast, they just like doing what i do. Pocketful of joints, nice day, the pack along a creek or in the hills or in the woods, for me, perfect day. It’s scorching here in the summer, i dont like it, can only imagine them in their fur coats. We know EVERY puddle within 100 miles of us, and because im a water boy, always have been, they have grown up since they could walk knowing if we are on a “hike” , at the end of the hike is WATER!!! LOl They generally beat me to it, and spend as much if not more time in it than i do.

Im lucky in that all 4 are COOL and can be trusted and brought around pretty much anything. We are always off leash, they rarely even wear collars. All will drop on the “down” command, even if in full run, and stay at my side if ordered to.

SHAME when we run into other dogs, RARELY, RARELY, are they social, or trained. Owners have ZERO command over them. Mine love to socialize with other dogs, about got to the point when i see another person out with dog('s) we go the other way. They have my friend Randall, who comes over 3 X a week with his 4 dog’s. My Boy Finn’s Mother, and his sister, and his 2 sons. Talk about a wild day at the creek, lol. I never get pics because it is too crazy to pull out cam and shoot…gotta focus on watching 8 dogs run all over, lol. Yesterday, at the creek, me n Randall are standing there…here comes 5 of them, down the edge of the creek, WFO , right at us. I stepped into the creek , Randall tired to “dodge” , he ended up in the creek too, head first, bounced in by his own dog…lol…Randall is 6 foot about 215 soild muscle and 30. They pounded him into the ground like a cheap tent stake…was so funny i about threw up laughing.

One day ill get pics of the whole pack…maybe tomorrow, were hesading to the big creek tomorrow


Would love to see those pics. You and your dogs living the good life. Very nice.


Fuck the pics. I want video’s!! I know how wound up my girls can get. Can’t imagine 8 GSD’s at a full run!!


I have 100’s of hours of video’s, cant post here right, need a host or sonmething ???


No clue. I’m old! Lol


One of these younger tech guys will know for sure.


RANDALL comes over with the other 4. All 8 stage in the backyard. It is a FREE FOR ALL who gets out the gate FIRST…gate opens…havoc for 2 minutes…full speed, running into each other, mocj charging and take down by the back of the neck…fly bys at top speed , 1/2 ending in collisions, lol. It’s freaking insane.


Yeah, I can only imagine. When my girls get playing rough, sometimes you take a random GSD to the thighs. And you damn well better be planted. But I’m a short fat little fucker! Lol


Sounds like when my son brings his pups over, but on a much bigger scale. Lol



Better not to be planted. Could get hurt worse.


Short enough they don’t buckle my knees. Just knock me on my ass.


Dude!! I can HEAR this pic. And to a normal person, they would think the dogs were killing each other!!


If “Paddles” hit you (115 lbs) at 32 MPH…YOUR GOING DOWN…ask me how i know


True. Dead run, I get the fuck out of the way. This is just roughhousing in the house!