I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

I saw my brother in-laws king shepherd run in to him once. His feet ended up higher than his waist. Still makes me laugh thinking about it.



oh they FREAK PEOPLE OUT…if they are not REAL dog folk…they are scared to death. Hair up, growling, teeth out…all in good fun.

Look at pic above…Stormy, the Huskie…is my Boy Finn’s Mother. His father is Tuck, the big male they are all trying to take down. Look at her face…she is smiling and having the timne of her life. My boy Tuck looks ferociuos ,but t its all “GAME”


We have 10 acres. And there is a valley between us and a neighbor. We were bringing groceries into the house and just left the front door open. Our 3 GSD’s and boxer were playing rough in the yard. Ten min later, get a call from my buddy. “Is everything all right over there?” I’m like yeah, everything’s fine, why? He says “ It sounds like your dogs are killing each other or some animal!” Nope, they’re just playing! :grin:

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I only have two right now and they sound like that all the time. Drives me nuts when its happening indoors and I cant hear myself think let alone the tv or anything. Dog life. Lol


The Lost Cake looks great, nice job on that. Hope the effects are there too :dash:


Yeah they were beautiful looking buds, really cool hue to them. From theri smell, i think it’s gonna be smoking like Wedding Cake…which is just fine by me.


Out in yard, this thing ran across my feet scared the shit out of me!!! About 6.5 to 7 foot long, i dont like snakes. Ran inside, grabbed BB gun. Took 4 shots at its head from 5 yards(gun sighted in at 50 yARDS) didnt hit it. Slithered off and went under neighbors car. Looked…it aint there!!! It is up in his car undercarriage.

DONT want dogs finding it if it is bad snake…anyone know???

Googled it

Texas Rat Snake…glad i didnt harm it then


Round eyes=non venomous. IF you can see the eyes!


Dudes! I’ve been over here laughing at your dog stories and enjoying your pics. I looked over at my little Shih Tzu and I’m like, Aw lil’thing. She’d be trampled. Lol
Thanks gents. Great catchup.



She’d be like a tiny speed bump turned football.

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Got one myself, my best friend in the world, although she’s pretty damn tough and tends to chase off most bigger dogs, hell she’s killed rats that startled my wife, twice, crushed a jack russel, (had it whining running with its tail between its legs after it tried to bite me) and no joke, chased off 2 full grown coyotes. Blows my mind, she’s 20 lbs with a 100lb attitude lol



Morning jet what you smoking this fine Saturday?


Nothing yet…howa bout you???


Finished off some orange sunshine from last night . Thinking about what’s next to hit the rolling tray had to seal up that black leb x straw banana and hide it couldn’t stay out of the bags .
I’ve got the itch to tear into some last years grape pie again for the last while been smoking the seeded bud and it’s not quite the same .


Oh don’t get me wrong she’s tough. Won’t back down from anyone or any dog. She’s my moms dog. I told her if anything ever happened to her I’d take Sophie. She passed away last year from Covid so Sophie came to live with the wife and I and our three cats. Lol
Sophie wasn’t around any dogs so she’s not a big fan of other dogs. We’ve gotten her around some friends dogs and it takes awhile for her to loosen up and have fun. She’s getting better



Usually when we’re ready to leave she’s starting to open up and run with the group.


Ya if they aren’t integrated early they tend to be shy, mine is turning the corner now where she doesn’t like many other dogs, just me lol. Idk she’s almost 9 now perhaps she’s just getting older and has no time for pups anymore. I’m very VERY sorry to hear about your mom my friend, I too lost many including my stepfather and grandmother and very close friend all to Covid smh. I bet it’s nice to have that piece of her, that relation etc. some form of comfort. All I know is they are amazing dogs. Never would I think I’d have a little tiny dog and have fallen in love but it happened lol

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Wish I had a zip or two of that deliciousness right now, count me jealous


Your on the right side of the fence shoot me a pm .
If I’m digging into that bag might as well dig a bit deeper.