I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

I can totally see that. It was my ex’s hobby/passion but I attended a few training sessions and went to some tournaments. Schutzhund was created by the originator of the German Shepherd breed. Max Von Stephanitz went to great lengths to create his ideal working dog (size, structure, intelligence, demeanor). Once people started copying the look of his dogs, he came up with Schutzhund as a temperament test. You couldn’t call your dog a true GSD unless it could pass his test.

In the US it evolved into a three part sport: tracking, obedience, and protection. You put your dog through all three phases and a judge gives scores out of 100 points for each. It is not conducive to teamwork, and I found a lot of people with big egos participating. They say the only thing two Schutzhund trainers can agree upon is what a third is doing incorrectly :rofl:. I haven’t talked to my ex in many years, but I did see a post on her website where she has quit the sport. It was too much drama between people and not about the quality of a shared life with your canine partner. Now she doesn’t compete but boards/trains other’s dogs as a side gig. She grew up training a Sheltie to a UD title in AKC (which is high level, including scent discrimination). She’s a really talented trainer.
What she loves doing now is taking long vacations to national parks, camping with her dogs.


My best friend is a released service dog. First two years of his life he was part of a breeding program and we were lucky enough to adopt him when he was released from training because he used to get distracted by other dogs. Half of their puppies don’t make it all the way through and we ended up with the clown of the bunch. People are amazed how well he behaves, usually, he knows he is just our baby now and doesn’t have to act like he is on the job. He is almost 10 and we have been fighting cancer for a year and a half. Surgery, chemotherapy and all. He his a fighter, last pic was after another CT scan and they shaved his belly again.


Can tell awesome dog ! KNOW my dogs



So glad I’m 69 , 100 percent grey hair , look like a.square , lol . We’re I in my 20’s or 30’s and do the shit I do now , I’d be in jail for the rest of my life .

Have haircut cross town. Hop in hot rod . Still puffin cannagar , lol . As I’m pumping gas and pumping the cannagar, dude to my right yells out hey man nice wheels . I say thanks man . He looks at me weird , and does a head motion . I’m like , ok your weird. Turn round to get pump handle , I see a COP standing 4 feet from me, hands on hips , head cocked . Looking at me , Parked next stall !


I look at him crack my best Anthony Bourdain ( I look just like he use to ) smile ……

He says …… lol …… smells good .


I say yeah this new legal shit ain’t half bad
Keep pumping gas . He shakes his head , laughs , just stares at me .


Finish getting gas , hop in car , put cannagar down , fire it up ( can be heard from 1/4 Mike away :see_no_evil:) he walks into store .

I of course spin 2nd gear as I leave



Hopefully the horse looks as good as the bag of buds?
Hope you got the better end of the deal.


Sounds like a friendly state here they’d of slammed me into the back seat and fried my image


Got a 1 year old Honda lawn mower , mine is on its last leg (10year old same mower, lol )

It starts one pull , I can’t walk behind it yet cause I stepped over log at creek top o hill where I sit , and hung my left leg on it , fell on my face and tumbled down the 25 foot sand hill just wrenching hamstring again .

I hobbled home and it took all I could do to get out of my car at the gas station .

Now haircut place and dreading getting out


Dam didn’t you just get over being assaulted by a weed wacker ?
Remind me to keep my distance when your operating power tools.


Sample of lost Cake snuck from Cannatrol halfway through drying is smokeable . My number tweak is Doing what I hoped it would .

Small early sample is very promising :sunglasses:



Grape Pie early sample


Wow that’s gorgeous Jet!! How she taste?


Looks dangerous nice job growing her out.




I hit a home run on Lost Cake . Friend just over we smoked a 3 day drying pin joint of it . Taste already , but still a green to it , the high is amazingly strong , 95 percent in the head. For a minute or two I was near mumbling , lol , so was Randall. We both smoke all day , lol , so that was very unexpected . Superior power in it , taste is going to be a bright wedding cake taste . Not floral bright like Amnesia , not super dank thick creamy like WC , but wedding cake Dankness with a lighter feel and finish .
So glad I have a mom of this plant


Stuff that I pulled at four days dry time in Cannatrol , then into Grove bag and into cooler .

It’s very nice ( outdoor wasn’t pretty to begin with ) and feels great .

Watching wrestle mania , dude is 7 foot 3 410 pounds , makes Lesnar look small .


Dam just checked they want 40 bucks to watch it !


Free on net

Front row sorts

First row sports

One of the two



Declared war on the Mother tent today . I have had enough growing with mites . I’m gonna either finish them off or kill all the plants and start over .I have wasted my last day mite spraying .

Somehow tent 1 is clean . Anything within 20 feet of WC has them .

Wedding Cake Mom is gone . Just trashed her . Trashed the 5 on my livingroom window sill also , they too had living mites on them . The 5 foot Cereal Milk is gone too. Have 3 cuts in a dome , her fate rides with them , WC too , if it was meant to be it shall be . I’m cool either way

Mom tent emptied . 100 percent straight bleach one full gallon drenched tent . Dried . Half gallon of Azamax was next . Then 2 full gallons of water at full blast .

If my cuts of wedding cake and cereal milk do not root I will have lost both Plants . Don’t care will not make another run with mites .

All the new moms have been kept small in Dixie’s , I have dunked them in Azamax twice in 8 days and 5 times in Dr Zymes .

All the fresh cuts 4 days old were also dunked big time , up to the cubes .

Sick of this mite shit , it ends this week one way or another .

Come Saturday morning , when I check all the plants , if I see another living mite I’m taking it all down , every leaf .

NOT gonna run Tent 1 with huge plants if I have bugs in there . Didn’t see any when I checked yesterday , Saturday morning I’ll pull a bunch of leaf off everyone , see a mite all getting trashed .

I have watched the stickiness and perkiness of the tent 2 and and 3 plants decline as I spray the living Hell out of them every other day . Instead of packing on the late frost , I’m hurting my harvest by constantly having them wet .



The dream and cough are very large and in charge super happy, I have taken cuts from each . They are right at the flip . Just wanted to let you know I will not flower out if either has a single fucking mite on them . Just can’t watch it anymore .

If that happens . And I scorch Earth , they will be first ones back in action once clean


Sounds like you have a plan moving forward. Sucks brother sorry.