I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

So sorry Jet. The frustration is palpable. I feel for ya brother. Good luck with the nuke day bro.



Man that sucks to hear :face_with_head_bandage:
I definitely hear ya on the scorched earth though.
Hopefully the azamax and all that effort takes care of it for you and you don’t have to start over :pray: :crossed_fingers:


Hate to hear of this infestation. Mofos are some tough critters. I know you hate losing Moms. Sux…. Big time.


Don’t give up on the fight. Hope you get everything clean. :+1::seedling:


Glad you chose to raze and conquer these mites now rather than watch them destroy all your hard work again Jet. Sad, but good on you! Its better to ensure your future bug-free success than to battle with these frustratingly persistent pests. Note that bleach doesn’t kill mite eggs, so :crossed_fingers:


I’m with you @Jetdro! Fuck the mites. Nothing worse than seeing bugs crawling over everything. They haunt your dreams. Better for mental health to just trash everything and stop worrying about them. I had to do that twice; first time from PM, then last year from russets. Lost 15 something moms but I didn’t care. Just wanted the mites gone. You’ll be back at it in no time. Maybe this will move you more in the direction of seed starts, but I’m happy to offer anything I’ve got if you still want to mess with clones in the future.


So disgusted I snatched a bud of Lost Cake from the Cannatrol . 4 days on the dry , I day on the cure , but at my settings , not the default ones

Let’s see where it ends up , feels like 60 or 62 to me does not feel any wetter at all

Shit, looks like my numbers worked well!!
It’s certainly Grove Bagable now :sunglasses:

Means tomorrow morning I take down Cereal Milk , let hang a day , then Grove the Cannatrol buds, swap in Cereal milk .

Gonna take the smaller Mac too , see if I can Squeeze all 3 in . Think I can , makes a big difference when I buck buds off the stems , holds more that way , seems to dry better .


4 or 5 days in , the last set of cuts actually look good.

Issue the whole time was mites . Thinking these last cuts are clean enough to root .

I shall continue to dunk them every 3 days or so in Zymes.


Fuckin mites!! Brutal to hear, man.


Hard to believe this was in an Octopot growing in my tent 6 days ago!!

Holding at 58 percent , just where I like my bud for smoking 56 to 58 % .

Obviously no cure , but pretty amazed by what the Cannatrol can do @Kgrim

I’m going in …… hope it has some taste at this point .


When they finish, anyway I can talk you in to weighing them? Interested in how much bud can be dried at once in real life!


I load my machine up. And on average, get between 11.5-12 OZ’s dried.


I’ll load it full this time , but magine @Kgrim is correct

Off top of my head I would say the Grape Pie went 5 ounces dry , the LC 4 , then had some windowsill plants too , maybe 2 Z’s worth . So I’ll pull about 11 from it in 2 days . There was room for a bit more .

This next run of Cereal Milk n Mac , I’ll load it full . There is more than 12 Z’s in the 2 CM and 1 Mac . I’ll buck , lay tight but not overlapping , see what can go in there . Feel that if I load it , but not “stack” shit , the Cannatrol can handle it .

Cannatrol absolutely holds its numbers , and returns to them in mere seconds after door opening . Kind of uncanny . My numbers work better for me than theirs , the thing will work for me just fine on a 6 day stagger which is also fine.

It has reduced my work load an unbelievable amount , the wet trim of all fans and large sugars, and bucking of the buds is quick n easy , and has all but eliminated trimming

What I have been pulling is acceptable for rolling and if wanting to impress a quick hit with Fiskars is all it would take or a few plucks with my fingers . What is taken is excellent quality for hash .

The LC I just smoked , lol, am smoking , is stupidly strong bud. Taste is Meh , lol, but it’s in there trying to come out . Has a hint of green to it , then backside is part WC part something sweeter and less thick . One week in a Grove will transform it into whatever she is going to be . Power is silly , all in the head and spacey /confusing. Comes on slow at first , creeper to an extent , then hits hard. I put on a great looking flic I wanted to see when I sparked the joint . Halfway through joint I put it out , Lost in Cake , lol , could not concentrate on movie. Mind racing everywhere but calm at same time , different high , I like it now it’s leveling off . NOT WC stone , even though I think it will have WC taste n smells . Much more high , stupidly high , GG4 type level , but very very clean and not boring at all . If the taste n smell come out , I might have a winner here . :v:


Taking them into nuggets is something I’ve done for as long as I can remember. It’s nice to show off a big ole bud, but handling it 15 times breaking pieces off to smoke is counterintuitive to me
Taking the buds down to nuggets makes my crops dry at all the same rate.
It’s the way I was taught as a youngster and just never really changed.
Also, having my trimmer makes quick work of going thru giant plants. It was a damn expensive piece, but the time it cuts out is unbelievable and worth every penny and aching bone.


Sounds like a winner brother :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::+1::+1::+1::+1:

Good morning you old f’er


Thank you sir, and yes, good momring, harvest mornings always good!!! :sunglasses:


Cereal Milk is stunning looking. Very nice yield too!

Mac …REEKS…and so sticky i cannot hardly work on it

Gonna be a nice load into the Cannatrol, no way it is holding all this, but im gonna try.

The Dream and Cough are HUGE…starting their stretch , both look awesome, pics later after harvest is over. Gotta clean n hang the 3 plants


Good monring @Papalag and @ShiskaberrySavior

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Morning jet still fighting them bastards I see .

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I can’t wait to smell that ! It’s in flower only 20 days

What week did you harvest ?


She goes 65-70 days then she is done done . Should hsave a nice smell at 20 days i would think???