I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Fight is over…only one more harvest after this one, then all bug plants are gone.

Mom Tent looked great this am…new cuts still looking good…thinking i will not lose anyone in the transition. :sunglasses:


I’d nuke them with 2 hr sulpher burns till there wasn’t a living bug to be had .
At least you’d be able to save your strains reveg the budding plants .
No smoke but you’d still have them to regrow.


Wow, I’ve never taken MAC to 70 days. She looks pretty darn ready by 60. But I might try for 70 this round. See what’s different on the smoke.


Cap takes his 63-67 days. I find in my tent she will fatten all the way to 10 weeks time.


Yo bro
Check out my mac
Small plant( retired mom ) in 3 gallon fab bag
Lots of buds on this baby

Octo Mac
She needed more vegg time

I’ve got 3 in the mini Octopots in veg till they get big


Mac veg’s very slowly. Best to let her get big before the flip.


Hey @schmarmpit you around???


You will love the smell and taste and effects from her. This last one i took down is perfect, gonna be all she has, im ready , lol.


Morning Jet.


How do the Dream Cough smoke?? Compare them to anything??? The 2 are now at my shoulders, gonna throw down some buddage :sunglasses:


I personally think the cough is awesome, great high.

I hate BD though… It is tiring so my girl and I don’t like it for hikes, and it makes us angry then next day or three after smoking similarly to Trainwreck. Huge yielder though


Is that one of yours ? What’s in it


LMAO…no lol

I meant Bleu Dream / Strawberry Cough…


i liked the BD i had in Colorado, only time i have had it. Never had The Cough


morning @ColeLennon

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Morning Jet. :sunglasses:

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They are both strictly daytime herb for me. If I smoke either at night I will be up all night. The Dream I can smoke all day long though. It’s not super potent and gives me the best vibes. I just feel chill and content, life is good, have energy to do shit, nice come down. The Cough in comparison will get me a little racey once I start layering up. But I’m still figuring her out. It’s only my 2nd harvest with her so far. Sometimes I feel like I’m on crack and then other times it’s like, “is this thing on?”. MAC behaves like that for me sometimes, too. Also, the Cough smoke is a bit harsher IMO. It really does make me want to cough lol. I think it’s very expansive is why, not sure. Slow dry and cure like everything else. The Dream is smooth as butter.

I just pressed a bunch of different strains last night. The Dream and Cough had decent yields, 22% and 25% respectively. I feel like pressing yields can provide some insight into potency, maybe.


Some people swear by it :man_shrugging:

And I have heard of people who don’t like the cough… It’s too mind-blowingly sativa for them :joy:

YMMV of course… its all subjective


Good call on total annihilation, did it once myself 11 years ago, even had to cull my whole crew wide 8x8 that held all of our collective moms. (Ya I still haven’t outlived that one) I ended up giving them to two of my closest friends and my mentor :man_facepalming:t2:. Since then my cleanliness is usually unparalleled, I even throw on a tyvek suit, booties and of course gloves if I’m entering a tent whatsoever, have seperate flip flops as I go to the cultivation floor etc. Those lil pricks still haunt my dreams. My one Buddy attempted to let his go to full bloom infested haha that was a nightmare I’ll never forget, covered in webs, millions of mites, eggs etc. :nauseated_face: just horrific! And of course he got zero smokeable bud wasted tons on the 5 1000w, nutes, water etc. to tote it all up right into a bond fire, like 8-9 pounds easy smh. I remember specifically though the PNW hashplant when all the rest were crushed, barely had any, and zero visible webs, she definitely had mite resistance and unfortunately none of us have had her back since.


I’m not a fan of BD either, never have been makes me anxious and have weird thoughts.