I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Yeah, there were four different blue dream cuts floating around the Bay area so who knows. And the cough I had looked much lighter in color, almost yellow in its lightness, and had super fat nuggs with very little leaf. From the pics I am seeing, what is going around it looks more like wjat I consider to be the Dutch Passion version of cough… which is darker green and leafier.


Well, and this is Strawberry Cough too, not pure The Cough…

Exactly. I don’t get so anxious from it, but I definitely know of that edgy sativa feel you are referring to, but man… I feel pissed off for a few days after smoking it and I can’t stand that :sweat_smile:


The oxacana is great for the daytime no anxiety at all Good to get things done

Can smoke it at night it will keep you up


The one I had was called Strawberry cough… I just hate typing all that every single time I refer to it so it’s usually referred to as the cough by me and mostly everyone I know


Sativa’s dont effect me like that, i love them. The racier the better, heart pounding and sweating.


I have wicked anxiety to begin with the last 5-6 years so I’m sure that adds to it, but certain sativas just crush me to the point I see differently and stuff, crazy I despise it, I actually know what you are talking about as I’ve experienced it as well. Just puts you in an off mood, disgruntled, antsy etc. hmmm? I always thought that was just my anger issues but come to think of it it makes total sense. Very interesting :thinking:


Same when i say “The Cough”…mean StrWBERRY cOUGH

Does it taste of strawberry ???


Not at all! But I could see how one could interpret the smell as strawberry. It’s definitely very sweet, but more tropical and anise to me.


I have to watch my sativa consumption. I’ve had them leave me thinking I was having a heart attack.


Yup black licorice is what I get too, after I lost my stripper spit mom. I was trading QP’s with a buddy who still grows the cough to this day craving that black licorice deliciousness. I still miss it to this day and have never seen another growing it anywhere.


Mine tasted and smelled just like strawberries… super sweet, almost sickeningly so :joy:
The exhaled smoke made the room smelled like pure haze though… It was wicked. A few people nearly greened out when they hit it :joy:
It was just too clear of a high for me… I tend to prefer body-pounding indica stones to sativa highs myself :sweat_smile:


I will just love it then. Id smoke Sativa all day, much prefer it to indica. Actually a good 60/40 hybred is my favorite


Both Cereal Milks and 1 Mac 1 down, cut up. washed, now hanging for a day and a half.

Cereal Milk is stunningly pretty. She also came to play and threw nothing but nice buds.

Mac is nice also, super stinky n sticky beyond belief. Cereal Milk will out produce her i think.

Octo’s cleaned, put up, soil outdside drying. Tent cleaned and sprayed . Letting it dry, then take it down. Ill put fabric shell outside to hang for a few days.

Will like having room in the flower side now. The third tent made it just too crowded.

One more harvest to go after this one, then i can concentrate on the beasts i have going in tent 1.

They have been on autopilot since i solved their issue, and kicking ass. Going to need some serious netting in there i believe, will get it up once stretch has really kicked in.

Both of the Lost Cake ladies are the first to jump. Both have jumped 10 inch’s in first few days. The 3 to the right, which were suppose to be lil plants under my lil 300 LED are getting huge, as bigg if not bigger than The Dream/Cough are!. That damn lil 300 ROCKS

The last Mac looking excellent and frosty

Wedding Cake pouring it on and getting hard and big. THIS cut kills when i do my part .

ALL the issues i have had with this plant have come from mites. When clean, she kicks major ass.
Her buds are beautiful, rock hard, yields out the ass, and smells/tastes/effects are 100 % AAA

I WANT to give this cut out to 10 folk. I never want to lose it. ANYONE here, a year or more, in THE STATES who would like to have her, only stip is i GET HER BACK if i need it.

Will be a minute before i can share her. TRASHED Mom tent yesterday, have a clean lil cut of her. In a month ill be ready to spread her if anyone wants it. BEST plant i have personally ever grown


This breaks my heart and warms it at the same time …. Stupid borders :man_facepalming:t2:


I’d love to hold one of those cuts for you my man. I’d of course give it back whenever you asked. Would you be interested in some Oaxaca cuts? I read you like Sativas and this one is pure. Got the seeds from Upstate and people that have grown them are wild about em.

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im pretty covered at the moment, what is the flower time on it??? The “pine” type, my preference .

Keep up with me on the cut…ill post when new mom is ready, about a month i would guess


Flowering on this bad boy is stupid long like 20 weeks or more. The terps are more incense than pine. Knowing what you like, I’ll keep an eye out for it. I’m testing for an OG member that bred specifically for intense pine terps and supposedly knocks your ass out soon afterwards. I’ve got some Guerrilla Fume from Lucky Dog going that is supposed to be top notch pine terps and effects. I’ll let you know once I’ve harvested and smoked some.

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Yeah i wont run 20 weeks, no way. 11 is my max i will go


I’d be down for a cut. Anything I have, that you would be interested in, is yours. And it would always be returned to you if needed.