I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

When time just remind me you got one :sunglasses: You will not be disapointed in her


And don’t tell @schmarmpit, I have his DeathStar that he lost. And when it warms up for good, it’s going back to him!


Yeah, no hurry. Still trying to grow out everything I have to see which are being kept.

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i would like to run that i think , isnt it one of his fav’s???


I’d be down for holding a cut Jet. You already know that tho brother. Nugs are looking great man.



Yup. Count me in.

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Be my pleasure lil G :sunglasses:


Just opened a Grove Bag full of Mac been in cooler almost 30 days

Whoa Baby ! Not sure it gets any better , damn!!


I can barely smoke a joint anymore since doing the cannagar .

The “mini” makes perfect joint sized ones that will absolutely annihilate me if I smoke about half of it . Burns for 45 minutes straight , hits much much much softer than a joint does with the hole down the middle .

Outdoor Mac , mini Gar 1.6 grams bud .

The wood tips are long and have a real deep set for the joint . I cut one in half , works same, now they fit in my cig pack :sunglasses:

Put 2 in there , I’m good for the whole day


That looks like a fun time. These are from @Bobgrows and was $5 I think maybe $8?
I know she makes the single chamber ones now as well. The 1st one I rolled was a little short on the paper but I got better by the second time I tried it. I LOVE smoking these things!


Call of doobie



Gonna watch Dungeons and Dragons Honor among Thieves and try and do while cannagar at one sitting . Hope it’s decent movie, heard it was .
Watched Tetris yesterday , good flic !


I’ve gotta watch those. I really dig that type of genre.

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Which type ?

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Adventure/Fantasy is what I believe its called. Plus when they make video games into movies like Last of Us was pretty good.


Is that a tip we made for you? @HumblePie420

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What size is that @Bobgrows

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That’s a 10 mm. @Smooth

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That’s why I’m trying to get several cuts of what is claimed to be Blue Dream Santa Cruz clone only cut since so many fakes are out there and I currently hold two from different sources and they both look to have the sativa dom really long leaf structure and hope to have another one from someone else in the near future. You lucky ones have had access to it to the point people got tired of it but some of us in non legal states never had easy access to it. I had one I got directly from Piffcoast but he isn’t offering it anymore for whatever reason and I lost it :disappointed_relieved: anyway my next grow is a side by side to compare.
Miss my MAC1 as well. Slow as hell in veg got really nice colors in the end and loved the smoke. I hope down the road to get one from the man himself via the beanbasement and his dirtletter process. I know it’s a process but I am determined to see that part through. If I come across another one I will try it but his legal stuff shut it down at vendors who he used to say spread it far and wide and people still hold the real cut. Never heard that whole story from his version.


No, the tips I purchased from Purple Rose Supply. I didn’t know you made tips as well.

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