I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

My team at work took the afternoon off yesterday and went to see it. I was skeptical going in, but thought they did a fine job. Good popcorn flick. What did you think, Jet?


Not my type of flic but yes I liked it . Special effects were very good , story was good . Worth the watch for sure

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Grape Pie is bagged @ShiskaberrySavior
7 days in Cannatrol now in Groves .
She went 6 ounces of beautiful sticky stinky bud .

Bud stable at 62 % gonna roll this and see what she’s got :sunglasses:


So, as I break bud up for grinder I notice it’s texture and feel. 100 % SPOT ON !! Feels like breaking little chunks of styrofoam off . Perfect texture , perfect feel to the bud . EVERY BIT as good as my 15 day hang week in bags dry.

I’m sold , damn lil thing works, and works WELL. @Kgrim Thank you sir bought because of your reports on it … you are dead ass correct in my opinion


Morning @HolyAngel @TopShelfTrees1


Good morning Jet! What you saying on this fine Thursday morning?

Btw that grape pie has me drooling. Now I want a cannatrol too lol


Even just out of the Cannatrol , bud smokes beautifully .Hit you in the face GRAPE , but like sweet grape . Lingers in mouth . Has a cool backside taste too I can’t describe. Taste is most excellent @ShiskaberrySavior

Taste getting better as joint burns. High was quick , nice smooth high , way different than the LC I smoked yesterday .

Power must be good , I just put it out. High still coming on . Very nice peaceful chill high .


That funk in the back should intensify over time. This and grapestomper OG are the two grape strains I judge ALL others by. Grape goodness all around! God I hope I find a heavy GP leaner in these GPXSL !


Yeah the taste is only halfway there , if that . A week in a Grove bag in my cooler at 52F will bring it out .

Smoked nuff bud to know what it will morph too . Ones with TASTE right out of the dry end up being very pungent plants.

Goji right from dry smokes great with a good portion of its flavor already there. This GP has great flavor already , it will become much stronger and the back flavor , which , now that you mention it , is sorta funky , will certainly become clear .

The Mac in my cooler a month will blow your socks off when you open the bag and smell it , THIS GP gonna do the same I would bet . I bet it goes super sweet grape like soda water .

High is Very Good . Very clean , soaring high , only smoked half a J , feel great .

Almost feel Ike bucking a pound of bud right now

Argh , lol

Hey @ShiskaberrySavior

I give Grape Pie a ………hmmmm …… a 4 !

Lol , just kidding man , excellent plant will run again for sure . Great power , taste gonna be SPECIAL I think . Thanks for the beans bro



@Jetdro once again, thanks for the props.
I knew you would be pleased with the ease of use, and final product. I just did the same thing this morning on the way to the shop. Smoked 1/2 a joint of Pistachio, and got high as hell. It’s been sitting in a Grove bag for a few months, and it broke up nicely, stunk up the living room, smoked smooth. It does have a “nutty” flavor, but mostly reminds me of late 70’s early 80’s Columbian. Real rich flavor with an awesome stone.


You just throw the groves in a cooler? Hmmm I keep a cold ass room as I do the same thing but around 58-60 degrees. Never thought of that, since losing my cold room during the move I haven’t yet figured out a way to do it here. Great idea

Hey @Kgrim that a GNX in your avatar?

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Lost Cake bagged . Didn’t yield as much as I thought , only 3.5 ounces . Looks fantastic but has little smell right now . I know better than to smoke her this early in the morning , I’ll stick to the Grape Pie which has me plenty fucking high right now , lol . In fact , screw bucking buds at 9am , I got a half j of GP , time to go run with the hounds , lol , I mean my pack .
It’s 50F and raining , they will love it . After that bucking buds won’t be so bad


It’s not a GNX, but it is a Turbo Regal.


6 banger turbo??? @Kgrim

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Ooooh, nice! Love those beauties. GNX is my holy grail, I almost traded my magnum and a second non RS for one but the guy backed out, and now my magnum is toast! 4600$ appx it needs :man_facepalming:t2:. I can assume we are from a similar timeline. So many have no clue what a GNX is! My kids included until I “schooled them” haha


My good friend and ex partner in crime still rolls in his turbo regal all summer long, got it on 20” rims though which kind of defeats the purpose but she sure looks sexy in white with a crap ton of pearl. Turns heads for sure


Hey, maybe I’ll sell it, get me a cannatrol and a couple 640 medic grows??? @Jetdro


Yeah bought a fine ass JennAire 3k wine “cellar” on FB for 300 bucks. Thing is bad ass and beautiful and big . It’s set for 52 top 60 bottom . Buds from dry go into Groves, stabilize them about 59 or 60 , then into cooler . Groves keeps them dead solid on . Humidity in cooler goes 52to 65 percent or so .

Already noticed a BIG difference in my bud stored in Groves in cooler as compared to my old way in a dark pantry . The cooler temps keeps buds nice I think.