I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Frosty AF! :drooling_face:


Grape pie just improves with age that’s if you can keep from smoking it all up too soon.

I’ve got a few bags tucked away from last year and it’s still one of my favorites. Seems the smells intensely gets stronger after a couple months cure.


My findings exactly 2-3 months to perfection

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Those little humidity digital readers, where do you find them and what are they called. Please and thank you



These lil guys ?

There on my coffee table


Amazon like 19 bucks for a dozen

Gonna FILL the Cannatrol

Not keeping anything I don’t want to trim , 2 shelves per plant , Mac went first


Whew , now gotta do Cereal Milk

Wonder if she will keep her colors


Move over, I’ll trim that luscious bud.


Cereal Milk is nice and an easy easy trim


I have those as well but possibly consider these. Work great. I don’t know why the link shows russian but it’s English at eBay.

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I wish I had that dilemma :upside_down_face:

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Happy with the Cereal Milk . Very nice buds, very pretty, good yield, no bullshit on them.

Loaded all 6 trays, 2 more out of picture

Cannatrol stuffed

Amazing how much bud is in these two, no smells, no hassles, looks like wine cooler to me.

Just hit START…my settings. Starting at 53 DP 68 F, slopinmg 4 days to 51.5 DP, held at 51.5 DP.

ALL MY WORK IS OVER…a few hours trimming the lot, into Cannatrol, im done. Oh yeah, tomorrow i gotta open it and add a wet sponge. Think i can handle that.

Mac n Milk both went in looking stellar and coated. I KNOW whats coming out in 7 days… :sunglasses:


Grape Pie is now my go to wake n bake bud. Really like the high . Very clean , very functional, peaceful . Strong yet not dopey .
Smoked it all morning and no burn out after, feel calm . It winds me down a notch without the heavy feeling . Taste is calming n pleasing and to the sweet side which is my preference . Thinking it will cure into just tasty tasty tasty bud . I’d give taste an 8 already , 7 days out of the ground , that’s saying something

It is night n day from my Lost Cake and I love having both .

Didn’t take a cut , but both I ran looked the same , the male was actually nicer than the female , lol . I have seeds however .

Shisk said he sent a lot of these out , I recommend growing a few .


Man that looks tasty I can smell it from here. Great job once again


So nice , right now appreciating the Cannatrol.
I’m done . Week from now I will have correctly dried bud with no effort on my part . Will come out about ready to rumble .

Harvest was great , bud looks great . Been busy all day , all is done now , can chill and smoke me a Gar !

I got up at 5am , I’m tired , Grape Pie will be perfect

As I break it up it jams my grinder , can now smell it as I’m grinding . Smell getting stronger .

She dropped a butt load of keif , might as well spice up the Gar :sunglasses:


All of those buds are premo man. Really nice harvests. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Or send them my way and I’ll gladly grow them down for you, and send a cut once I find a gem!


That Cereal Milk is one helluva looker, if she’s got that taste, LEGIT. She’s moving up on the list.


I just wonder/interested in knowing if the CM hits like the MAC and WC :eyes:


No sign of your letter arriving yet? Was thinking you might of received it but I guess today being a holiday probably be next week now.


Moi @ShiskaberrySavior ?