I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

I’d sent holy some seeds they were looking for just thought they might of made it by now .


Was gonna say I got that long ago. Already popped lol


Oh I thought I told ya they landed the other day? Maybe I forgot :pensive: but yes definitely have them but wasn’t gonna start them until I get back from my trip in august. Maybe I could throw some down right now though… I just got a bit of an opening… but they’d have to be quick. I’m trying to have veg/flower shutdown no later than mid july.


So the gold triangle made it good to hear.


Oh I forgot that one, no those haven’t landed yet but i’m sure it’ll be any time now. I meant the grape pie :sweat_smile: will start one of the two asap and get er done though :+1: I super appreciate it!


Ok I’d knew the grape pie landed hoping the other letter makes it to you.


Inquiring minds want to know. She got a fair run this time, IF she is any good it will show here. I will say im not sure ive personally taken down prettier bud than her. WC is very very close however, and this last run of her is epic, making very heavy buds.


What a day! My good buddy stopped over to smoke and say hi. We went to the basement to look at the lovelies and I started pulling plants out to look over. Fucking Gg4xMac1xPinetar Kush thru pollen sacs on all the lowers. Whole fucking tent is seeded. WTF!! Chopped the whole tent 3 weeks early hung it in the dry tent and thru the next 16 into flower. Fuck me. Backs killing me. Thanks for listening. Lol



Ooooh that one I woulda watched SUPER close some super known herms on lowers there. So sorry to hear this


That sucks balls . I’m sure glad I’m not into running wild ass hermie shit .

One of the benefits of defol is there are no lowers to get lost down there and cause shit like that .

I’d rather have mites than herms , sorry it happened on such a good run too :see_no_evil:


Well I’m not into running hermie shit either. Third time I’ve run this strain, first time it’s happened. My lowers are always trimmed up tight. Unfortunately a few spots kicked out little BS flowers and sacks. Ya it sucks.


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Heavily seeded ?? You took it all down ?

Strange it showed now any differences in the three runs??

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Well that sucks.

Only difference is I let them get big and busy. I did take it all down. A few that were close are seeded pretty well. Some not bad. Not a complete loss I’ll get rid of it for half price. I’ve never had a plant do this after so many runs. I had a white strawberry that threw a few seeds the first few runs then the last five no seeds. I’ll have to pay better attention. I’m more mad at myself for keeping the auto pilot on. Ugh!



Hey @schmarmpit

I gifted out the Dream to someone here, guess I should have asked you but I figured there wouldn’t be an issue. Receiver knows where it came from . Hope we’re good

Speaking of , both Blue Dream Santa Cruz and Strawberry Cough killing it . You are also correct about vigor in SC , she is right with BD which is beautiful

My Lost Cake and Lost Cap looking great also

Wedding Cake pouring it on . She packs weight all way till 75 days then falls over , lol

Mac is DONE , lol ; just waiting on a slot in the Cannatrol .

Btw @herojuana.tom I set my machine to dry on slope from 53 to 51.5 . Their “cure “ I set at 51.5 also . Even though machine says it’s 57 percent it IS NOT , it about 3 or 4 points higher . WHY I set it lower , set at 51.5 bud will come out 58 to 60 percent .

Speaking of Cannatrol , man it’s so hard , lmao

45F pouring hard rain me n dogs stuck inside . Glad I got plenty to smoke , got The Masters cued on big screen , will flip over to the UFC fights tonight :sunglasses:

Gonna be a good chill day , and my ass ain’t burning no more either .

Hope all are well ……just hanging in the chair anyone wanna chat spark it up

Morning @Papalag @ShiskaberrySavior

@Rhino_buddy @ColeLennon @Cormoran
@Smooth @ifish @toastyjakes


Hell of a grow you got going on in there woot woot

I’ll get some pics up later, girls are almost 4wks in flower and looking nice… busy with the yard today, mowing, planting the garden, getting the chicken coop ready and fenced… lot of work already this spring lol


Good morning my brother I was making hash all morning once it’s dry into the freezer for a bit

It’s a great day to spark something up
A bit cold up here like 42

Yesterday it was like 72 damn big difference


Tell me of your hash making

I got shit loads of bags full in freezer I need to do myself , just takes forever n makes a mess , no longer too much fun for me :see_no_evil:



Morning glad to hear your feeling better. Been kicking the idea of cloning all my strains currently growing and starting again.
Some sick stretched out party cup suffering plants have me re thinking.

Must be the winter blues or just friggin lazy, so done with snow can’t melt fast enough as far as I’m concerned.

Motivation is about a 2 right now.