I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

That sucks. My little dog is terrorizing the cats right now. It’s pretty funny. She gets them all chasing each other then gets on the couch and watches. :joy:


Tent 2 before i clean it up like Tent 3

Glad thats over, should set Tent 3 for the duration. Gotta do Tent 2 now …later…or tomorrow, lol

Both Tents lights 60%, on their heads, 700 PAR level in each , dead ass even across the whole canopy

These 2 Tents were an after thought, now i guess they are my current tents, lol.

Tomorrow or Friday I shall up pot the Strawberry Cough and Blue Dream into Octopot’s. Both look great n healthy, if not a bit too large for their Dixie cup’s.


Thought I’d kept a picture used to be able to buy these in Canada .
I think it was called rapid rooter it was a 50 site tray the plugs were pre soaked . What ever they used worked excellent not sure why they quit selling them here ?

Probably some banned chemical they were using !


Tent 2 half done, sick of it for today, do the 2 back plants tomorrow. Mac left WC right . Not growing any larf or popcorn in these 2 tents :sunglasses:

420 chores over for today, time to chill


Was on FB saw @Meesh is in a real bad way with her teeth and jaw. Like going to emergency room bad . I wanted to sy something to her but im in FB jail for 44 days and could not. Know a lot of you who have been in here know her, so wishing her good thoughts


Oh shit! Because she couldn’t hear out of one ear there for awhile!? You saying teeth/jaw makes me think infection in there… could easily reach up to the ear canal :thinking: Tooth/jaw infection can very quickly go bad regardless though. regardless of anything to do with her hearing… Damn. I hope they caught whatever it is in time and she’ll be getting 100% better soon. I don’t have her on FB or anywhere but here but @GMan might know something?


My face looks like I have a baseball in it. Crazy swollen. Still terrible pain, but I’m not howling and writhing like a dying animal anymore. I’m not sure if this is just from the infection or if I’m having a bad reaction to the antibiotics. Waiting for the Dentist to call me back. The last few days have been beyond horrible.


That sounds horrible, damn I remember her mentioning not being able to get over something and being in pain but that’s been AWHILE back if I remember correctly.
Positive vibes out to meesh for a quick recovery, hope the ER doctors are on their game


I always have taken care of dental care. Know a coworker who actually ended up dying due to dental infection went septic and caused heart valve damage and ultimately he died. All preventable. I don’t think the dude ever owned a toothbrush but it can happen to anyone. I had a crown go bad and ended up with a root canal and new crown. Same as you guys described pain swelling etc. miserable couple weeks.


Sorry to hear bro

Nothing worse than when your teeth hurt :cry:

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Not me
That was a cut n paste from Meesh FB

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Had not smoked any OGAH in a spell. Was tired, so i hit the sofa and rolled one. GD iFORGOT how she can be. My “chill” lasted 3 minutes, then i got up and did Tent 2…lol

Tent 2 complete and done. Might need a net later on, but not now. All 4 cleaned up, no larf, no popcorn in this tent. Gave them their last preventitive BUG TREATMENT…put all back in Tent 2, right at lights off. Tent 2 is now self sufficent until i need a net. Tent 3 should be good till harvest.

Glad it is all done, tomorrow i can make up OCtopot’s for the new cuts :sunglasses:


Wish I had more room but I’d just end up giving away most of it. I actually like growing as much as smoking a lot of the time. My small space provides pretty much all the two of us consume and I usually end up giving away some.

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I go overboard , just me . No matter what I get into , I go :100:full time , lol , just the way I’m built.

It’s just me smoking it, maybe a friend once a month or two, so I understand what you mean.

I do use it for barter however, and it’s shocking just where and who will barter, lol .

Just about any home repair , yard stuff, windows , doors , lawn mower repair , lol , lol , that’s a funny story , I’ll tell it one day , will barter . And I always get the better end of the deal , cause I can give them something they cannot have otherwise .

It is nice having all the room I need . Been here 25 years , never had 5.0 at my place . Just me so no one bitching at me about plants in the kitchen or bathroom or on all window sills, lol . Can have separate veg and flower rooms and a dry room . All that makes it much easier to work the plants .

I remember growing 50 years ago in my 20’s.
In closets and basements and out buildings. Shit spaces , shit equipment, crowed with little room . Didn’t have other options and didn’t know better . Fast forward 5 decades, lol , I put in my time , slowly built up and learned , many trail and errors .
Now I have all the room I could use , great equipment , and the time to do things fairly correctly . Makes it 100 times easier to grow decent plants .

When Tent 2 and 3 come down I’ll take those tents down and put them away . Will be 100 F here in just weeks , too expensive to run a bunch of lights , dehumidifier , extra ac , and I just don’t like growing in scorching weather .
So I’ll just be back to one tent and low plant counts till October


Go up to empty water from 10 gallon bucket dehumidifier empties into . When I put the bucket back I checked a Blissful Wizard. Been hanging like 6 days , VPD been LOW , lol . Bud felt hard and spongy , felt smokeable so I accidentally pulled it off .

Blissful is Gsc x Captians Cookies , which is GSC X White Fire Og I believe . Expected a GSC or Cooke high……… ah nope , lol

Taste is jelling , tell its morphing , but is good and different . Smooth and good expansion .
Rolled a half joint , half a paper , sparked it up .

GD it’s different . Total head high , VERY spacey , very strong . So creeper it took 5 or 6 hits to feel it. Then ramped up big time in next 5 minutes. Totally non functional, not racey, not dirty , just very zoned out in the head . Like I took a huff of paint or something .

I’m suppose to be making up octopots for Scharms Charm’s , but that’s not gonna happen. Not having trouble typing this but my mind is racing . Gonna finish the thing and then go see if I can make pots or not , lol

Finished the half joint

I’m High School High , like GG4 but not boring and not one dimensional . It’s certainly not watered down GSC. Did NOT waste my time growing her :sunglasses:


Very nice smoke report brother, thank you.


Just go smoke some OGAH and I bet you’ll be back on track :wink:


Cheers Jet. Gonna go for a tour !!!
Looks awesome

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Yeah it’s that type of day I’m silly stoned early lol :joy:


Down enough to go make pots up . Think I shall hit some ogah before however , good idea @HolyAngel