I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

No, she has a more Rose smell to her.


I’ll keep a eye out for the rose smell. I’d imagine she a taller plant?


Lost Cap looking more n more like Mac to me. The same look to the early bud structure, same plant structure, same smells . 3 times as strong however, maybe i made a better Mac, lol!!!


YES…ogah adds size and grow strength to all it touch’s it appears. Ogah goes LARGE and tall.

The Mac i crossed to her is looking GREAT. WAY bigger and stronger than 100% Mac, hope it has the power n taste.

Send me you addy again in message


Oh yeah they are looking very happy. They all look ready to throw down. Gotta keep that cannatrol running


They are just now at 6 foot tall, and have another week to stretch . Hope it is all good, cause im gonna have a shit load of it, lol


morning ifish… @ifish

Can you help me describe Amnesia Haze flvor n taste please???


Rose water and lavender in a juicy way but also in a clean way , not muddled or hiding


I can’t wait to hear. I’ve learned one thing if jets says it killer you bet your ass it going to good.


Plants are so big it’s hard to get good shots of them , have to hold cam over my head


Set Cannatrol back to defaults as I was not in any hurry on this last dry .

After 4 day dry …… bud stabilizes at 70 %

After 1 day cure ….bud stable at 68 %

Today 2nd day of “cure” buds stable at 63%

Be cool to see where it stops , and I shall

Bud is nice and stinky and sticky

Gonna test smoke a joint , it’s Mac 1 so I’ll know how dry is going :sunglasses:


Test smoke :100::fire: Taste is already there , will come out more I suspect but it’s certainly delicious Caps Cut .
Very strange when bud was pulled from unit and smelled it was very mild. Smelled Mac just very light . When I test I’ll pull half oz or so place in ziplock with a meter , let sit an hour to stabilize . Then check . Today when I did that and opened the bag , I was bombarded @Kgrim with Mac , wafted out of the bag , and loud as Hell . Sweet too , I now got the cherry spin on her from scharmpit and he is right . Like wet red cherries .

Smoke is obviously dried proper

That put me on my ass and I can still taste n smell her . Didn’t lose ANY Power drying in the Cannatrol , no sir !

All know I’m now a Wedding Cake Ultimate FanBoy ( how gay , lol ) but the SMELL TASTE of This cut is so good I’m not sure it gets much better . I smoked it at 63 % , at my preferred 57 it will be MUCH tastier and louder. It will get better as it cures too .

I would say this Mac , 7 days from tent , tastes , smells, smokes 85 % as good as last batch with perfect hang dry of 17 days and a month in Grove bag . Just amazing to me .

Since I have Mac over 30 days curing in a Grove in my Jennair , I’ll let this plant stay in the Cannatrol and see what happens a few weeks down the road . I like to smoke my bud at 57 but that’s too low to store at in my opinion . I’ll set Cannatrol to keep it at 59 to 60 after the first 8 day factory run is over .

I have 4 racks of WC in there too haven’t tried any , think I’ll roll one , lol . I’ll leave it on the device too .

The Mac is so good , the pack , ALWAYS at my side , :see_no_evil:, are all freaking stoned and zoned


Damn I’m lit , that cut is GOOD


Nice!!! You know it strong when the pups catch a contact high lol. It crazy to think you can smoke it after only 5 days of drying and it not taste like shit. The technology being adapted for cannabis is great the future going to be bright for sure.


Yes this changes my game . I would bet at 10 or 12 days , bud from this is equal if not better than my hung and 30 day cured bud

It is freedom from work and worry . Now I know it will do it’s job , I just leave it alone .

I cannot tell you how much frustration this thing has removed from my growing life .

I’m very glad I finally bought 1


Yeah the dry just so delicate you can have a piece of equipment go out or some issue pop up and it can wreck months of works in no time. And like you said the stress it would save would be worth the $1500 to me. Knowing it a reliable unit you don’t have to babysit or adjust constantly would be nice.


Testing fresh WC


WC is perfect already . Not sure I could tell it from my 30 day cured WC . Delish, powerful . Were I a dealer I could sell this now ! That’s just amazing. I WOULD show off this bud and blow peoples mind it’s like just under a week from being chopped .


Im done , lol


Yeah the TK is about the same way for me. Like day 4 or 5 of hanging and the flower smokes superbly. Made me realize one of the differences between REAL top shelf/elite plants, and everything else.


Mac is same way too