I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Yeah i seen that and thought about editing my post but got distracted with work :pensive:


damn man your description of your WC and MAC makes me drool every time. i need to get my hands on them some day once that boarder issue is figured out. a cherry flavour wedding cake sounds pretty fkn bad ass also. my brother in law just got a German Sheppard i hope it turns out like any of your beauties


I told ya, LOL once you get it set for your “environment” you’d be amazed at the taste.
I was scratching my head on my 1st batch, and was dumbfounded at the taste after 8 days.
It was coming out of my machine, like yours, muted at first, but tasting like it had been drying for a few weeks, and after sitting in Grove bags for a few days, it would stink up the whole room.
The Trol just takes the guesswork and worry, and throws it out the window. Now you can be assured that when it runs its cycle, you’re going to have tasty buds that are only going to get better!!!
I’m already looking forward to harvest season this year, LOL just so I can try some more different strains I’ve got going.


Might just have to ask Santa for one this year. All these great result posts a guys crazy not to have one.


For sure brother. I’m thinking the same.


I’m with you there oh plz santa. It a lot of money but it a bad dry can ruin it all. And the work those 10 days take monitoring it. Maybe I’m just trying to talk myself into it but it seem like the right move


@ShiskaberrySavior, like I told @jetdro, you won’t be disappointed. I’m not really one to tout a product, but smoking is believing. It will put out in 8 days, without a care in the world, what would have taken 18-21 days in my old room, checking, checking again, stressing, checking again, oh shit, went too far, it’s a bit too dry.
The ease of hitting start, and not even thinking about the dry/cure, and knowing what I’ve got will taste good is priceless IMO.



Little stubby .

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I went to the “bank” today and made a withdrawal.
Ban Ham.
Straight up kerosene/jet fuel on the inhale, nice “fruity” taste on the exhale.
3 puffs had me good from 7am until 4 when I left my shop.
This was just the 1st strain out of 11 to get washed. “Hammer Mitten” which was a real good yielder is waiting to be smoked next.


thats what the ladies used to call me . :cry:


After 2 full “cure “ days bud is stable at 62 %
See if it stays there or achieves the 58 % the unit displays for humidity level ??



Thing about gagged me . Not good for one person . Hits like a mule , need water to put the damn thing out , cherry the size of a dime .
Be great for lots of people smoking , gonna put it up , lol


Yes, that appears to be happening. Coming from fellow growmie, Greasy.


Last batch of Mac , super happy with it.


Hey @HolyAngel have you had Mac 1 Caps Cut? Have you run it ever?


I’ve had it from dispos and whatnot but I have never had the cut to grow myself, no. Your flower pic there looks better than any bag of Mac I’ve ever had.


Damn!!! That looking good. I can smell it through the screen. Perfect appearance


How the moms doing still no signs of bugs?

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IF it was Cap’s Cut, it is covered like mine is.

IT doesnt get much better to me, least from what i have grown. The difference in the Wedding Cake and The Mac is it’s density and texture. Both are thick heavy rip apart buds, with big taste n smell and great high’s.


Those came out of the Cannatrol, then into Grove bag. Been in maybe 4 or 5 days i guess. Smell from big bag is delecious but not real loud, but when left out a few minutes then handled rough or broken up, the smell is fantastic. The texture is perfect, i can do no better. Taste, still coming out, is already AAA, and high is in there already. Put nuff in my grinder for a fat joint, takes Arnold Schwazzanegger to get it going, lol. The consistency of sticky ground styrofoam, joints easily rolled fat n tight and “stick s” to the paper. Can mash the joint while making it, no powdery shit falling out, it clumps together.