I'd like to post an apology if I may

Ok folks…I know getting older is no excuse, and neither is having memory issues…
I need to formally apologize to @Herbie - and to my husband @Draig for mis-informing HIM and making him feel stupid on the boards.

A month back, there was a discussion about things we used to grow-- I mentioned how I missed the G13 Hash plant- specifically the pre-'88.

I was talking with several people, and Herbie generously offered and sent us some of his pre’88 g13 x HP…
For whatever reason- I could have SWORN it was Pigeonman that sent them- and that ‘Herbie’ was his real name, so was why he signed the envelope and seeds that way!

So here is my serious, heart felt apology Herbie… you were more than generous, and kind…and I gave credit to someone else…I am so sorry!

And to my Hubby…I’m sorry- I know you mentioned this and gave credit to Pigeonman instead of Herbie because of me…I’m so sorry- I can’t use being blonde as an excuse anymore-- but- well, you know me!


I totally missed this! It’s a crazy month for me so I’m been skimming the surface here and haven’t caught up on my notifications or I may have been able to clarify this earlier with you. :man_facepalming:

I’m sure all is well and @Herbie knows that we all generally consume a fair amount of what we are growing on OG so stoner moments are bound to happen! :rofl: :metal:


We are all HUMAN and mistakes are allowed. :metal:


It absolutely does I hope. As far as blond, I see my hairdresser every month. From :older_woman:t3: to :blonde_woman:t3:


I love the males outta that line.
You’d be surprised at how many have used them…lolz.


Thank You @Herbie for your generosity my friend!!

It’s OK @Lady.Zandra63 I was excited to receive them. I just wanted to give credit were credit was due.
He’ll you know I’m generally stoned and do stupid shit all the time!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wish I could use that excuse- but I only grow for Draig and breeding…I don’t consume…so far haven’t found a strain that doesn’t rigger my Panic attacks…yet.
But, I do have medical conditions causing a LOT of memory problems… but of course- the doctors pooh-pooh it and chalk it up to being a Woman over 50 and under a lot of stress…

Still…My bad!



My partner is in a similar boat with doctors dismissing their real problems; usually because they cannot understand what is actually going on with their female patient!?


You got that right!!
Much of the medical/pharma industry is STILL decades behind in Women’s medicine compared to men’s…and most studies on serious illnesses are done ONLY on men under 50…
Us ‘‘old people’’ and women are still 2nd class citizens when it comes to healthcare…
You know, the whole ‘hurry up and die already’’ mentality…


Try being a man with Osteoporosis…clueless doesn’t cover it.
Have you tried a quality vaporizer?
That and the 88g13hp works wonders for some people.


We’ve got several good vapes- including a ‘globe’ with oil and dry-herb chambers…and we’re Growing some Cannatonic right now…It may be the right blend for me IF we have the high CBD/low THC pheno.
My problem is that anytime I inhale anything- even medical inhalers- I cough until puke.
I’ll probably do tincture or caramels with this for me, I just have to be really low on dosage. Last time I did edibles was a really ugly experience… don’t wanna do THAT again!

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@Herbie has helped me out before, I have bad panic attacks myself. My smoking experience is much better with sativas. @Lady.Zandra63 sorry to hear you cant consume because of that pitciular problem. I would like to send you a seed variety that has helped me more then anything yet with the low blood pressure heart pounding panic attacks. Its not too finicky and well rewarding. I used to feel the high right away, as soon as I inhaled. But now its like waiting for a potential bad trip to happen because the high comes on much differently now, like death creeper weed. This is not like that. You should have a good trip if you know what i mean. Very soothing, warm and happy if you have to take meds like my self. Just DM me a addy and I’ll send it out in the morning.


Thank you so much that’s very nice of you!!
I’ll DM you! Thanks hun!
Yeah… I over-did edibles my SIL gave me and had a total “where am I who the Hell am I who the f-k are you people” freak out…scared the hell out of my family… never want THAT to happen again!


Its not unpotent and should suit just about everyone. Its just very calming and relaxing, but sativa. Like I said I do take meds for it now. So there no garrentee you wont feel same as always so do becareful. I know how hard it can be once it happens, your always erie about it from then on.


just saw this …no huhu Enjoy! Hope they help.


Frankenstein didn’t handle that problem?

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Haven’t grown her all the way out yet…keeping your clones as ‘‘Moms’’ in fact-getting ready to cut clones to grow out next week!! :blush: