Identifying gender from seed thread

Still gonna do the experiment and you guys can take the results with a grain of salt but it’s something I FEEL worth researching so that’s what imma do, be nice if there was a lil more community support to see where the rabbit hole goes but with or without the support the plan is in motion to see the results


Cool, how many or the bag seeds you determined to be male came out male,?

My guy, where are you getting “bag seed” in any of this?
All strains have been named and associated with their provider. The OP mentions running two rounds of 32 beans as well, but nobody said bag seed at any point.
Beyond that, this thread was posted yesterday, so there are no results. Please read the thread before posting.


If this is what you’re referring to, he’s talking about members testing on their own seeds,not bag seed specifically. Seems like you just misunderstood, no biggie.


How many of the seeds determined to be male were sexed?

Are you trolling right now?:sweat_smile::joy:
I literally just said there are no results.


The best idea imo would be to run the experiment and “myth bust” it once and for all, we’ve all read or heard about the theory so lets see.
If I can get clear enough pics I’m in.


Ridged testa and defined hilum characterizes malnutrition.


Agreed but for a good study we would have to assume they are not hermie seeds due stress like you described.
The white ones look like what my GDP shitted when it didn’t like the high temps in flower.
I don’t recall ever seeing my seeds have any prolapse though like the first two lol

I just shucked about a k of seeds and after reading this I got out the scope. They must all be the same sex :rofl: :rofl:

I would throw a 100 into EWC to try but they are a preservation run.

:green_heart: :seedling:


If my friend gets a permit for hemp , I can try this. Or someone here already has the conditions for that

In the first group randomly put 100 seeds

To another group choose 100 seeds that fit in the criteria for female plants

Transplant outside and see the difference


Pointing out flaws in methodology isnt being a naysayer or “hater” as was used earlier. Trying to prove yourself right isnt science. You wanted to prove something once and for all and are getting angry when people show why that isnt what you are doing. But im out and done before being called a hater again. Have a good one.


I don’t think it’ll work, but I’m willing to give it a try…
Regular seeds have a 50/50 chance of being a male/female…
If this method adds at least 10% chance in my favour, it wouldn’t be bad…

Is this only supposed to work for regular seeds? Fems seeds would all be the same, no? If you reverse a male with ethephon the resulting seeds would be 33% females and 66% males (assuming yy isn’t viable) wouldn’t the shape ratio follow these % ?

Many lines are 75% females due to using hermie males, what about those ?


I’m not a statistics person, I wonder how many seeds a person would need to document and run in order to prove/disprove this hypothesis (for it to be halfway meaningful you’d have to document and run all of the seeds, not just the ones deemed to be female via visual inspection). A lot I would think.

TBH I suspect one problem with this theory is designing a halfway reliable experiment and actually carrying it out in a meaningful way (because of Cannabis’ monoecious nature I’d think you’d really need to run them through all the way, not simply run till sexed).


I’m interested in your results @AzSeaindooin420
I can’t participate. Not enuff room. Interested to see your results. Regardless what anyone else says.


A few thousand, probably - and due to all the other hypotheses surrounding sexing, you’d have to keep very tight control of the variables. For example, do we know for certain that electromagnetic fields have nothing to do with cannabis gender? I’ve read theories that attribute pest resistance & susceptibility to electromagnetic signals the plants are emitting, and that plants in close proximity to a large number of plants of one gender will more commonly grow as the other. Take any other interaction between plants in close proximity and say the same thing, and there’s another variable. Do male plants emit different smells, like pheromones in humans, that can cause plants to go female? We have no idea. Unless you can control for all these other variables by keeping a 100% stable environment for these tests, they’re going to be less reliable.

Personally, I have no dog in this fight because I can’t see any difference between any of my seeds anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: Just saying, it’s not easy to experiment on something we know almost nothing about.


Oh man, a ton. To prove/disprove it would have to be a really well structured & controlled experiment as well.

YUP. Cannabis is definitely dioecious though, intersex/monoecism are two different things.

I don’t think anything is going to come of this but I don’t understand any of the hate. @AzSeaindooin420 don’t let it bug you. :v:Experiments are just that, experiments.


Ya I don’t get all the negativity surrounding this either, we all love popping seeds and u try to put together an experiment for FUN and the thread turned into trollitup. Right or wrong, myth or facts, it’s an EXPERIMENT cuz why not? Got nothing to lose and not like there’s big money on the line and I’m planting my indoor garden anyways, if I’m wrong and it’s still myth then I’m fine with that and gonna have a bunch of plants, not all experiments yield the results ur looking for but at least I tested something I thought was worth checking out whether u guys believe in it or not


Shooting down an experiment before it even gains traction is being a naysayer, let me run the test first then y’all can have a hayday with the results, right or wrong 🤷 Im gonna PROVE or DISPROVE the theory, there’s no “proving myself right” cuz I could be very well be wrong in this experiment, but I’ll at least wait for the results first before I decide if the theory is true or false

Everyone bringing up well what about this variable and that, but bottom line if I end up with majority females in what I targeted as females and if I end up mostly males in what I targeted as males then that answers my questions on if I can TARGET em, if the 60 plants end up being a random luck of the draw then experiment concluded and it’s bunk but damn y’all give it a month to let the results come in to see what does come from it before we knock the idea outta the ballpark