Identifying gender from seed thread

I see twins in NB 5

:green_heart: :seedling:


that would be very cool to see!

now, because like many of you all, i am unreasonable when it comes to popping seeds and i can’t help myself, i was going to join new overgrower @Tim in his efforts to grow out some vietnam black. i had picked some up from @romanoweed a few months back but i didn’t think i’d get to these any time soon. however, after shooting the shit with my vietbro @anhthormap, i thought it would be fun to pop some vb seeds. maybe inspire others to do the same.

obviously i’d like to try identifying females before-hand, so i’ll do as before and present photos of the seeds’ volcano divot and hopefully we can make an assessment before i germinate.

again, i’ll pick two seeds to pop (three if there’s uncertainty about which two). @AzSeaindooin420 i would love your expert eye to help identify likely females once again. thanks brother!

i’m feeling like 1 and possibly 2, although 3 looks like a good candidate if the seed weren’t skewed to the side in the photo.


I was going to say 1 & 3 :laughing:

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’ll take some pics of mine tonight!

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Ive seen twins from one seed a few times. Even found twins where one is male and one is female.


oh darn @G-paS , looks like you might know a thing or two! lets take a look at NB5 after a few days, which had dual tails on sprouting.

is it twins? i only see one main plant. or do you see it hiding in the photo on the right up above? we just have to go digging a little to unearth our prize…

there it is! i like how it’s like a little sibling big sibling sort of setup. how cool!

any thoughts on what i should do with these two? wait for them to grow larger and then separate them? kill the smaller one off right now? will they be identical in genetics?

i’ll pop the viet black seeds tomorrow after i get a chance to rest.


Some people have separate them. Some kill one and others here have just let rhem both grow.

I have no idea on them being identical. Hopefully someone that knows will chime in.

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If you have the space, it would be awesome if you separated them and documented the results for us curious OGers @highminwin . I use to get the odd twin from an old Super Lemon Haze x Sativa Spirit line and I’d seperate them and then loose track of what was what. That was a dozen years ago.:smile:
I have since read they will be identical and maybe even a male/female set of identical twins. Very helpful in seed making as you’d be able to see how the male would express itself as a female and thus gage what he might bring to a cross as far as structure and terp profile.
I, for one , would be very interested and would appreciate practical insight into this phenomenon .:grin::peace_symbol:


I am curious to see what these Sour Bubble seeds do? I am sure there are more but here are a couple I pulled out as they seem like 2 seeds grown into on like Siamese twins. One day I will pop them and see.


ya gotta pop em :nerd_face:

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yes, i think this would be very worthwhile to document! and i’m glad to have the opportunity to do so. i suppose i’m not quite sure about when to separate them. is it better early or right now, perhaps before their roots start to intertwine even more. or do i wait a little so they’re stronger, to handle any transplant shock? here’s their current progress.

the little one is just so small, i’d be worried about losing it. right now my gut feeling is to give it a few days, but maybe i’m being overly cautious.

i would love to see what they do as well @DougDawson. such interesting possibilities in our hands.


I would think the big one is going to strangle the little one I would do it asap.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’d have to agree with @G-paS


alright, we’ve split the twins based on recommendations from @G-paS and @AzSeaindooin420.

i felt a little bit nervous doing it because i didn’t want to mess them up. i think i was extra nervous because i was dealing with twins.

(this picture is so asian)

i prepped things by having two cups of soil ready to go where i had already poked out holes for the seedlings to go in. i ended up only using one of the cups (for the smaller seedling) because i figured i didn’t want to pull the second one if i didn’t have to. hopefully that would minimize any additional root damage i might cause if i did that.

the soil was moist and damp, but not overly wet. it was a hot, balmy evening in the middle of some godforsaken pit of a home grower’s bedroom, the smell of cheap socks and sour terpenes oozing in the air. (lol) i squeezed along the sides of the main cup to loosen the soil. i could feel it shift, and undulate, under my caress. gently and carefully, i dumped that bit of loosened top soil into my red bowl. boy was it loose! i slowly continued to do this until i got down to what i felt was the beginnings of the root system, the juice, the goodness. from there, more gentle squeezing and loosening of that dirt. yea baby… lol. anywhoo.

i gently tugged on the seedlings to see if i could extract them without ripping their roots apart. this was probably my most nervous time. i could see if you’re a little clumsy or unsteady with your hands, this procedure could go poorly. either you’d rip the poor seedling in half, robbed of a chance before it could even begin. or you’d tug too sharply and there go all of its roots.

but i think i was eventually able to free it enough and pull it out with it’s main root ball intact. i dunno, we’ll have to see in the following weeks how they do. but for now, i present to you the split twins, NB5S and NB5T, which is code for “shorty” and “taco”.


I love them. Are you keeping them on a heat pad at this time or not?

:green_heart: :seedling:


They’re fascinating, how could you wait to pop those mate I know I couldnt !

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no heat pad. i find that the cardboard box they’re contained in with the two small led desk lamps going at their maximum power keeps things at a nice temperature. warm and not too hot. i actually need to purchase a bunch of small temp/humidity sensors. i just hate ordering from amazon, and so i keep delaying making small purchases like that. i dunno, i should get over it.

i had a heat mat going when they were seedlings, also going into their very first days in solo cups. but i felt that the heat mat was generating excessive heat. it’s also summer time, so that’s a consideration. i’m in southern california, so it’s not as bad as other areas, but definitely this last week it’s been quite hot.

i do have a small usb computer desk fan blowing over their tops, so that helps with air circulation.

i’m with you @Jango. do we need to get some pitchforks and torches out? i know some of y’all have pitchforks in your sheds or backyard or something! come on, don’t dilly dally. we want to see those seeds popped! @DougDawson you shall not deny our collective need!! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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viet black 1 and viet black 3 sprouted and gone into solo cups. it was a straight-forward germination, i don’t even dunk the seeds in water anymore. just moist towel in a zip lock bag, place in a warm spot and wait for the tails.

the new caledonia 4 and queen mother 2 hadn’t sprouted yet, so i went and dug them up. that’s why you see nc4 grouped in with the vb1 and vb3. i figured i’d put it back into the towel/zip environment until it had for sure popped its tail.

queen mother 2 had issues, but i’ll cover that in my grow journal rather than take up space here, which i’d like to reserve for the main topic of identifying gender from seed. also as a note, this picture was taken before the NB5 twins were separated.

i’ve got one more set of seeds i’d like to pop, but i think i need to hold off about two weeks in order to make sure i don’t screw myself with my limited space. i’ll be back then with more “which seeds do ya think are female?” questions.


Twins aren’t incredibly rare, maybe a little more rare than a condition called Whorled Phyllotaxy, and twins can be either ‘identical’ or‘fraternal’. I would bet those are fraternal twins
I can’t wait to see what becomes of them. The draw for sprouting seeds is the unknown outcome, no matter how hopeful the grower may be.

Those seeds you have @DougDawson may contain the next freakshow. They are definitely cool looking. They kind of remind me of BAM seeds from the mid 80’s.

A lot of the BAM seeds I had, and grew, were odd looking for cannabis seeds, like they were heavily creased and very dark in color, almost completely black. They grew fine plants. Those are seeds I miss having around, germination wasn’t very good, but the weed was incredibly strong and you were high for hours after sharing a joint with a friend. Incidentally, BAM is Black African Magic.

It may be a strain only old guys remember. I was a teenager in the 80’s, I remember it well and I’ll be 54 in a few weeks .:dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

I read this whole thread from the beginning. I remember seeing the exact same seed chart stating “you can use the pictures on this seed chart to determine the seed sex” by studying the shape of the hilum, or as they put it, the volcano. That was way back in the dial-up modem days… maybe 30 years ago.

I won’t say the chart was complete BS, maybe sometimes coincidental at best or what you may call bro-science. I’ve gotten males from fem seeds twice and collected pollen both times, one batch was sterile, the other was fertile.

Cannabis plants are dioecious, so the anomaly possibilities are pretty much endless.


@DougDawson i think that two-seeds-in-one thing is more prevalent in BOG’s genetics than in others. I got several from both my BOGglegum x FDM IBG, and also Sour Blutooth F2->F3 runs, but none from my non-BOG runs…

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