Identifying gender from seed thread

Hello all.
People: keep experimenting and doing what makes you happy and sharing.
Nerds: be useful and don’t try to correct them only.
Perpetual Victims: stop taking everything as an insult or offense.

I hit a survivor male with ethephon and will do as much as it can handle on parts and if i actually get seeds ill weigh the viable ones and see if *66-75% are lopsided and or hilum (see i learned a new word because of og nerd) prolapsed.


I agree. You have valid points.

I am keeping on watch.

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From someone sitting over here in the cheap seats, it seems that the initial presentation of this didn’t come across the way you intended. Because of that, you’ve been spending a lot of time and words trying to debate the merits of it as a scientific experiment or proposing that you’re trying to prove/debunk a bro-science theory–instead of something fun for the community to participate in if they choose to.

There’s already a bunch of folks who can take a leaf sample and tell you whether the sampled plant is genetically male or female. That said, being able to look at a seed and knowing whether you want to pop it based on the gender desired would save a couple weeks and a few bucks over sending a sample for analysis. But that also begs the question: how many phenomenal plants might never be found because their seeds were/weren’t dimpled and so they were never popped?


for sure i’ll let you know if i’m in the area. it sounds like you and mrs dirtron are some serious climbers, and to be establishing pitches as well. my hat’s off to you and much respect for creating climbs for others to enjoy. i have one or two trad climbing friends, but that’s some serious commitment right there. it’d be amazing to pick your brains one day about climbing and your lives.


I wasn’t trolling, good sir.

while I “know” it doesn’t work… I never tried it myself or seen anybody do any serious experiment with this…

By producing batches of seeds of known m/f ratios, the small sample size problem is null instantly.
Fem ~100%, reversed male s1 66%, and hermie male favoring female offspring ~75%.

I personally don’t have any fem of sizable quantity or I’d stab a 1000 seeds ass up on a piece of Styrofoam and countabilize the mofos.

Some people swear it works, they can’t all be fools. lol.

If you’re willing to do the leg work and/or lead a group to reasonable conclusions, I am willing to offer the first (and probably only :wink:) og science fair trophy :trophy:in the worllddd


Me too! I’m interested to see what pans out here.


There is an app for your phone with a magnifying glass that’s what I use and it works great


Well did a gender sweep in the rooms, here’s the results so far of my guess and a :heavy_check_mark: if it was correct, for what’s identifiable so far out of the 9 I only missed 1, still have 44 to go


hey AzSea, i just came back from dropping off one of my babies with a friend of mine. turns out he’s been casually growing for a little bit now and he was definitely interested in hosting some more plants if i had any, but he didn’t want to deal with males. so i thought this would be a great opportunity to pop some new beans and put your hypothesis to practice.

i’ve selected three strains, with four seeds from each strain. i’m gonna present photos and let you or the group decide which y’all think the females will be and i’ll pop those seeds. hopefully the photos will show the bottoms clearly enough. let me know if you need better pictures of anything. also if anything is uncertain, i have more seeds for each strain that i can substitute in.

my buddy will be growing them outdoors, so i thought i would select strains from colorado sativas.

first up, queen mother. finishes in early october. from the website description…

“This tall and elegant Sativa has always been our favorite plant, not for its intense flavor or for its amazing production of crystals that dazzle, but for the unique stimulating sensations it produces. A genuine “mystical experience.”

next is new caledonia. finishes end of october to early november.

"New exotic pure sativa from the remote Pacific island of New Caledonia that our team has recently reproduced and that has us completely mesmerized with the quality of its sweet and fruity terpenes and by its powerful euphoric, ‘good vibes’ and premium psychedelic sativa effects, to the point of being considered the best pure local sativa we’ve offered in many years.

The best features of this strain are its aromas and effects, offering incredibly refined terpenes which fuse tropical sweetness with flower petals, lemon and musk. Very clean and cerebral psychoactive, expansive, euphoric and motivating. It develops intensely, cheerful, playful, creative, enveloping, psychedelic and sensory, very sharp, bringing you back to earth two hours later in an optimistic, constructive, warm and peaceful mood, with good energy remaining. It leaves you smiling and positive, in a placid mood, without negativity or paranoia. This is a sativa of moderate high potency and duration, with first-rate effects.”

finally, nanan bouclou. look at the coloring and stripes on those seeds! finishes mid to end of october.

“Seriously acid trippy profoundness to the high with a sweet aromatic taste. The mother plant is a Haitian Sativa and its father is a Cape Tribulation Sativa (which is Papua New Guinea Gold). The high is profound and very trippy, is creepy in onset and rushes hard from there to a limitless ceiling.”


None of them appear to have a perfectly round depression on the base, so according to the technique, you should be discarding them all. Either that, or ignoring what the technique says to do and figuring that anything with a visible depression is perfect, like they’ve done in the original pic. In that case, all of them are female since all of them have visible circles. :man_shrugging:

Pretty sure neither of these will be the case and you’ll actually have a mix. This technique is based entirely on visual observations and entails no measurement of anything though, so if it ever doesn’t work you can just blame the person trying it for doing it wrong. :stuck_out_tongue: Bertrand Russell, eat your heart out!


So looking at those seeds and factoring in a nice roundness to em

For queen mother number 2 looks like a female with a perfect volcano and a nice round shape, other 3 got the flat tire shape so I’d expect the other 3 males

New Caledonia 2 and 4 would look like the ladies with 1 and 3 being males

Nanan bouclou I’d say number 1 is the female, other 3 looks like lobsided seeds and would suggest males to me


Here’s more results from yesterday’s gender sweep

Appears I’m able to identify males with 100% accuracy so far but results ain’t looking so good picking out females this round


Thanks for the update! The information is interesting, and it’s neat to watch this topic evolve. Keep it coming :cowboy_hat_face:


Sorry bud but I have to ask, if you can pick males 100% of the time how is it you can’t pick females? If you take out the males would the rest not be females? Or do you mean you can pick some seeds that will be male but can’t identify some?


Not a clue, last year I did 2 runs of 32 plants with only 4 males each run attempting to target females, results are a lil baffling to me too with the worst female selection I’ve had yet since attempting the method , for the males I picked the most lobsided and least round crater and I guess those traits are spot on for being males so feel like something was still worth learning here

When doing the experiment I was dumping out the pile of seeds for each cultivar and shooting for the extremes of which seeds in the pile are the closest to the " perfect specimen" for the described traits for each m/f vs trying to take all 5 of a cultivar and say these 2 are male and other 3 are female, just targeted guess of the best representation.

One variable that might need to be considered is just more experience being able to notice any subtle differences that comes with not being a beginner in attempting to apply the method that might get better with time


oh, i see. you’re looking at the shape of the volcano indentation type thing. i had read the graphic that you posted multiple times and i still wasn’t quite sure what i was looking for. but now i realize i’ve been photographing these seeds from the wrong angle to get a really good idea of the roundness of that feature.

i’m gonna re-upload images of the same seeds, with a straight on view of the volcano. i’m also going to provide two alternate seed options for the queen mother and nanan bouclou, as those seem to have fewer female candidates so far.

lets see if these photos change your mind on any of your selections so far.

here are the alternates for queen mother and nanan bouclou.


if we’re looking for total roundness as the identifying feature for females, i’m really liking…

  • queen mother 1 and 6
  • new caledonia 1 (maybe?) 2 and 4
  • nanan bouclou 1 5 and 6
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You can find peer reviewed scientific journals on NCBI that conclude sex cannot be determined by a seed as the plant chooses its sex based upon its environment

Yrs ago, phylos tried selling sexing testing based on seed and their accuracy was way off.

Not until the plant establishes real leaves does it choose sex. And even then, plants have been observed to change their sex.

Theres one interesting paper out of Hungary that concluded all cannabis is XY with varying levels of Y-suppression hormones.

Sungrownmids on IG posted a lot of scientific articles on the subject and the conclusion is basically they are all theories - not fact.

My personal conclusion is that plant sex is a phenotypic expression and not genotypic. Hence, we can reverse the sex in plants through environment and/or hormones.


Just like you can with humans :wink:


just a quick update on those seeds from last week. i started germinating them a few days ago on 6/18. tails popped two days later on most of the seeds, and they’re now in solo cups making the slow journey to adulthood.

in the end, i chose the following seeds:

  • queen mother 1, 2, 6
  • new caledonia 2, 4
  • nanan bouclou 1, 5

lets review their little volcano divots…

@AzSeaindooin420 seemed to think that queen mother 2 showed positive signs of female-ness. again, i might be mistaken about the features to look for, but as far as i’m aware currently, we’re looking for roundness of the divot as seen from above (is this correct?). maybe it’s more about the roundness of the volcano hump as seen from the side? hopefully we can get some clarification, so we’re all looking for and at the right features.

here they are yesterday showing tails (except for new caledonia 4, and nanan bouclou had just the barest hint of a tail).

notice the wacky double tail on nanan bouclou 5. it looks like it’s doing the yellow pages finger walk. i’m curious how that will affect the shape, growth or morphology (if at all) of that plant.

we’ll be back in 4-6 weeks with these babies once they show gender.