Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Around a month or two ago, I took a tester nug off of a Chem D cut that had been pollinated ~6 weeks prior by my Dog Patch [Chem D x (Chem '91 Bc2)] male to check seed maturity. It had 4-6 seeds in it that were mature enough to be harvested, but I like my seeds to be as done as possible. Around 5-7 days later, I took another nug off of what I thought was the same plant and broke it open and it had another 10-12 seeds. I put those seeds in the same bag with the previous seeds. As I was still breaking the flower up, I realize that the flower smells a lot more like Sour Diesel than Chem D. I go back to where I broke the flower off and sure enough, I had moved around the plants in the 5-7 days that had passed since harvesting the first nug to check seed maturity and the plant where the Chem D was before, is now a cut of Skunktek Sour Diesel that had also been pollinated with my Dog Patch male. I had already put the seeds into the same bag, so now I have a bag of 18 seeds, being a mix of Chem D x Dog Patch and Skunktek Sour Diesel x Dog Patch male.

I have way too many seeds that I have made to ever really give time and space to plants that I can’t really say for sure what they are. It is sad though because both Chem D x Dog Patch and Sour Diesel x Dog Patch should hopefully be pretty fucking nice. Even more sad because I have attempted to make both of these hybrids maybe 3 times each and each time only ended up with very few seeds.

I am planning to attempt another large pollination with my Dog Patch male and quite a few of my females, but I am not sure if my Chem D x Dog Patch and Sour Diesel x Dog Patch will ever actually be released.

I am about as anal-retentive as they come, when it comes to categorization/labels etc, especially when it comes to seeds. I have never had anything like this happen. The realization made me instantly sick to my stomach, considering how few seeds both of those hybrids keep producing.

I would love to offer up 6 seeds each to 3 people to start immediately and document them here as testers as well. It kind of fucks with me that these will not be in my garden, as I am fairly intrigued as to what they will turn out like. Again, the mothers of all 18 seeds will either be Chem D or Skunktek Sour Diesel, with the father definitely being my Dog Patch male.

I also want to mention that Chem D and Sour Diesel can produce anthers, but if you know anything about the cuts, then you know that they are both nice enough finished product that who the fuck cares. Just be vigilant for any intersex issues if you run these seeds.

Tl;dr: I have 18 seeds that are mixed together from a fuck up, being Chem D x Dog Patch and Skunktek Sour Diesel x Dog Patch. I would like 3 growers of 6 seeds each. Come play Russian roulette, where everyone dies a winner. Positive vibes…
