Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Day 35- we be stackin

Grandmas Dog (Irene x Dogpatch)



ODIN (Dogwalker x Dogpatch)




14 testers took the dive in the deep end last night.:swimming_man:‍♂ :diving_mask:

We have 7 Goji’s and cherries :cherries:. I’m super excited for this strain. The cherry pie is such a remarkable and distinctive plant. That smell…yum. Well, Goji og holds a special place in my heart. So, the combo sounds amazing!

We also have 7 Apple Patch seeds soaking. I’ve heard great things about the Stager Lee and anything it touches. Hopefully it has some fruity funk… we shall see what come of them. :apple: :green_apple: :fuelpump:

I will update when something happens.


All good brother. I have ran literally thousands upon thousands of plants indoors and I am not going to sit here and bullshit you like I could tell a 17f from and 18f haha.

Yeah the Hazmat OG in the Hazmat OG x Blowfish HogFish is Chem '91 x Face Off OG Bc1 and the Dog Patch is Chem D x (Chem '91 Bc2), so there is definitely a lot of Chem in the genetics.

The Blowfish doesn’t smell/taste so much like Sour Diesel, but it is the closest thing that I can describe it as, with a really intense smell and flavor. Just a beautiful, piercing aroma.

My Hazmat OG x Blowfish HogFish female cut literally burns my nostrils and makes my eyes water when processing her dry flowers. I have loved her for a long time.

It will be interesting to see what your two ladies produce as far as smells/flavors. Positive vibes…



Hay brother you’re going to really like the grandma’s dog

It’s a strong hitter
Great flavor and hi



Where are the profile shots to show the stacking? Haha. Not that the aerial shots don’t look nice though!

Both hybrids are looking really fat and nasty! I love it! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Awesome! I truly appreciate you giving my work a spot in your garden! I hope that you find something that you enjoy in the Goji OG x (Cherry West Bc) Gojis & Cherries and Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch! Positive vibes…



I appreciate the opportunity! I’m excited to give them a run. I’m sure to find some heat in those packs.


I’ve been away a little…
Plants saying hello!!!

Runt is a crazy pile of leaves…
Reminds plants when they are revegetating.




​I am still working on getting everything together to post up the contest thread ASAP. I have reached out to everyone who is eligible to participate and I have heard back from the majority, but some people seem to be MIA and have not logged into the forum in quite some time. I do not want anyone to miss out on participating that has fulfilled the requirements, but I also do not want to delay for everyone else who has submitted their entries. I am a little bit torn on how to proceed with that.

I am also still waiting to hear back from @Great_lakes_Genetics, just to make sure that everything is still good to go on GLG’s end.

I will keep everyone updated as I know more. I truly appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding! Positive vibes…



I don’t normally like to cull plants buts I’d get rid of that little fucker for sure :joy:


Yeah that’s some gnarly shit for sure. I feel like the only plant that I have heard of expressing intersex traits from the Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3 seeds might have been similar to that plant or maybe even a worse mutant. Positive vibes…



Again, definitely some gnarly shit. You are not testing, so please definitely don’t feel obligated to keep it around at all on my account haha.

The other plants are looking gorgeous and healthy! You can easily see a ton of Chem influence in them! I am excited to see what you find! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



I’m really curious to see what this will do…
If it’s a male, I’ll cut him off :hocho: :smiling_imp:



Hello! Can you hook me up with some Tropicana× cherry? It would be greatly appreciated.I can get them popped asap

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Jejeje small update!

The Dogwalker OG is growing amazing! Quick, huge amounts of resin and rock hard buds, with nice purple colors.
The small one has a distinctive “Kush” smell - unfortunaly she’s just a third of the size.


That is odd. I was thinking that the runt might be coming from the Cherry West side of the lineage, but it sounds more like it might be something out of the Albert Walker OG in the Dogwalker OG. Intriguing, to say the least.

Just to clarify, it is Dogwalker OG x (Cherry West Bc), but no real worries haha.

I am happy to hear that the hybrid is growing amazing! It sounds like it is exactly what I had in mind when I was creating the hybrid, which is always nice, but fairly rare haha.

Absolutely gorgeous! How many days of 12/12 are they at in the pictures? I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



True! My bad!

The pictures are from of today and today is day 47 since flipping.
Just as mentioned before, they are a bit behind due a lack of heat on the beginning of flower.


Better late than never I guess. This summer I grew some Mikado x Tropicana Cookies f2, Chem de la Black and a few HEL outside. I was growing them indoors and I was about to flip them when I suffered a regulatory setback and I moved my plants outside. This was my first outdoor grow in an area with a very short growing season(alfalfa is a challenge so it’s mostly grass hay) and it was the worst summer and fall for growing that I have seen. The quality of the grow is more reflective of the weather and my frame of mind at that time than the genetics I was testing. I have some clones of some of the HEL and Mikado x Tropicana cookies f2 and I hope to flower them again under more favorable conditions.
I’ll start from about the time I moved them outside.

Mikado x Tropicana Cookies f2 which I will call M x TC in the future. I think I moved 7 outside. One was a slow showing male and one female was killed by mice. I forgot to mention the crazy rodent infestation!

I moved four Chem de la Black out and left them in 15 gallon pots.


Dude, you had me. I was super-interested. Great pics, nice backgrounds…

So, uh… What happened?!? Haha.


I am going to post them all. I am just kind of slow at it. To answer your question they were harvested but they didn’t mature and they went through many frosts. There were a lot of cloudy days in the 50’s and 60’s when the should have been bulking up and producing resin.
Thanks for asking, there will be some good background mixed in with all of the plant shots.