Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Looking good brother! Which one is #3? The bottom left corner in the second picture? (I am just guessing based on which one is the smallest). I feel like whatever way that you decide to move with it should be fine. I am not sure that it will matter too much in the end. If you do top, I wouldn’t flip to flower too quickly, is about the only advice that I could give in that situation that would really make a difference. I wish you well with whatever way that you choose to move forward! Positive vibes…

Holy shit. 8/9 females is pretty crazy. I can’t wait to see them all in full flower. That should be interesting for sure! Positive vibes…

@Murciano207 Looking good on your end as well brother! Have you topped any of your plants or are they all just growing naturally? Positive vibes…



I would like to ask all testers to please post the name of the hybrid that they are showing whenever they post pictures. It isn’t really a huge deal or anything, but without going back and forth to my notes, my old mind can’t even really keep track of who is growing what and it will also be easier to refer back to different hybrids by using the search bar. I appreciate you all! Positive vibes…



yes, topped all black cherry…in a fews days to bloom…


Awesome. I am excited to see what you find! Positive vibes…



Black Cherry

Bloom day 1


Apples & Cherries


Dog patch mystery effups starting on some leaves


My babies are finally growing up lol

2 on the right are like twins
The one on the left has fatter leaf structure
The 3 have the same saw blade leaves

And then there’s the runt

Greases pieces x Tropicana cookies x( cherry west bc) I believe it’s called



I honestly spaced that didn’t even think about it lol I’m used to running the same testers as everyone else in the group. Duly noted will include it when I post from now on. Which should be later today. I let these babies ride far to long in the 12oz cups. They’re gonna ride out in the 2g’s now instead of the 1g’s.


Awesome! Did you take any cuts off of them before flowering? The Apples & Cherries are looking nice as well! Positive vibes…

Looking good! They seem to be growing pretty quickly or maybe I just have so much shit going on in my life that time just flies by haha. Positive vibes…

Proud papa haha.

I truly appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…

It’s all good brother. Again, it is more so to be able to refer back easier when using the search function. And because my mind can’t keep up with it all haha. I look forward to seeing them in the 2 gallons! Positive vibes…



Above ground for 8-9 days, just trying not to kill them :wink:

Thanks again, I always look forward to growing ‘new’ strains.

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3- Tropcanna Cookies x Herijuana x Cherry West BC or half the 6 bean gripe sent.
I did c2cln today, labeled each plant, Plant 1, Plant 2, Plant 3, and made labels for the cut’s.
I roll a work stand around, when I putter, each one gets a going over, picking at sour leaf, sprucing up.
I use a close pin on the stalk, to determine where I’ll chop them at.
One plant had no bottom branches to remove for clones, another had 4 sets to pick off.
C2cln’s under a dome, with a patch of shade cloth on the dome.

Alrighty now, my Dog Patch 6 bean gripe of mixer beans pics, will be in the l’ll Abner thread above. Anyone running them can post in there if you want.
One mo veg month!!


Trying not to kill them is all that any of us are doing haha. You are doing more than fine. Truly my pleasure to send them your way. Thank you again for running them! Positive vibes…

Hell yes! Those are pretty large. Have any of them been sexed yet? And you have one more that was started later, if I recall correctly? I hope the cuts root well for you!

Did all 6 end up making it above ground for you? Positive vibes…



Hey ~nuggz, They are still gender fluid at this point. Dog Patch tailed beans, was 5 with one just just starting to to poke the shell, and it did go into a pot, but as of last evening, it had not poked up yet.

I did back fill them, I prefer to 1/4 fill a pot, poke in a tailed bean, then let them strech to their indoor sky, and back fill. After a few points of growth, only bottom drenches, to stop the gnat playground, in the top of the pots.
Everyone has their own way, just my way.


Grease’s Pieces x Tropicana Cookies) x Cherry West bc)

This is number 2…I was looking at the plants thinking about getting rid of some of the lower growth (I normally do that early) but I don’t think I’m gonna be cutting much off this one. Bottom branches are trying to be main colas. Same on numbers 4 and 5


(Black Triangle x Cherry W. Bx)
up potted the Littles last night. it got late and I forgot to take a picture of them as a whole afterwards but to be fair they weren’t happy I let them go without water as long as i did hope they’re happy when I get home at lights on.

Here are some roots from last night. Happy and healthy.


However you wish to do it is definitely fine by me. Just to clarify, do you have 4 (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Cherry West Bc) altogether or just the 3? Positive vibes…

Nice! My Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies cut (the mother) does the same thing. I would make an educated guess that comes from the Grease’s Pieces side of things. The Tropicanna Cookies was always more along the lines of sparse/spindly lower growth. The Cherry West Bc line has a really odd growth pattern. I have seen it referred to as a candelabra by a few different people before and that is actually really fitting. Or maybe if a candelabra fucked a spiral staircase and they had a baby hahaha. Just perfect structure for maximum exposure of flower sites with minimal training required, if any at all. I fucking love my Cherry West Bc male and female. Positive vibes…

Good on you for the transplant. I don’t doubt that they bounce right back. Nice root porn as well. Definitely happy and healthy. Positive vibes…



This is mildly relevant, especially to anyone running any of my hybrids with Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies because I made the Grease’s Pieces x Herijuana hybrid using the same mother that I used to make my Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies that I used in my (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) and (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F2. The person that grew this particular Grease’s Pieces x Herijuana is also Hydrored of 3thirteen Seeds and the person that made the Grease’s Pieces (GG#4 x Peanut Butter Breath):


Positive vibes…



4 total of 6 bean grip. 3 are topped, 1 will be in a few weeks. Very sturdy, plants. Love running them.


I’ll run mine in the small tent by herself so maybe no issue

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