Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Day 20 for them. And I’m not really sure if I have the V1 or V2 :man_shrugging:t2: sorry I’m a lazy stoner


Is that one top already at light height brotha? Btw looks killer as ALWAYS


I’ve had to raise the light twice. She’s getting moved to another tent soon


Beastly I love it!

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They should be getting more interesting by the day very soon!

No apology necessary! I would have to look back at my notes, but I am pretty sure that you got the V1, but I wasn’t referring to them as V1 and V2 yet.

If I recall correctly, the seed crop on the '88 G-13/HP leaning Black Triangle F2 mother (V2) was pretty small the first time around, so I kept them all for myself and only sent out V1. Without knowing if I would circle back around and make both versions again, I do not think that I even clarified versions on the packs.

My 2 Black Triangle F2 cuts definitely make it confusing haha, but V1 will always be made utilizing my Triangle Kush leaning Black Triangle F2 cut and V2 will always be made utilizing my '88 G-13/HP leaning Black Triangle F2 cut.

On a similar note, I have some (Black Triangle F2) x (Cherry West Bc) Black Cherry V1 and Black Cherry V2 that are being remade and ripening on the vine as we speak. Fun times. Positive vibes…

Beastly is a good word for it haha:

Positive vibes…



Which reminds me; just for clarification:

Everyone currently testing the (Black Triangle F2) x (Cherry West Bc) Black Cherry V2 received the seeds from the '88 G-13/HP leaning Black Triangle F2 cut (V2) because the exact opposite happened with that pollination and minus the small amount of prerelease seeds that sold out on Strainly right after they were listed, I kept all of the V1 seeds for myself, since it was such a small seed crop. Positive vibes…



Damn I was a little late to read this. Maybe I’ll try that for the other 2 if this doesn’t work out

I also built myself a cloner…was thinking about giving that a go but I’ll wait til I got some more cuts to put in it


Good on you! What kind? Positive vibes…


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I built an aeroponic cloner out of 2 hefty storage containers
Here’s prototype lid #1

I’m about to make lid #2 with 16 sites

And here’s my sprayer manifold


My flowering tcC’s x herijuana x cherry west BC.
The first 3 are oozing delicious scents as I brush against them, with simple maintenance work. Limey cherries with a bit of ?, well I’m not quit sure really.
Just realized yesterday, I’ve not dialed up the intensity on my LED’s in that area, after the first couple increases.

Dog Patch youngins!



Aeroponic is definitely the way to go. I have like 15+ of the motherfuckers and I run them all basically constantly. I built a few of them in the humongous rubbermaid containers, thinking that I would replace a few of my smaller ones and I FUCKING HATE THEM. They are such a pain in the ass to move/clean etc when they are huge.

And you probably already finished this one, but trace out all of the cuts for the plugs first and then put as many holes in the lid as will fit. You would be surprised how many can fit haha. I hope they work out well for you brother! Positive vibes…



Now that you mention it I’m sure I can fit 4 more holes on this mf

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I am definitely down to send you the (Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black for you to test, but I do want to warn you that the difference between the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) and Chem Del La Black is going to be like night and day. The Chem Del La Black is a Chem/Kush hybrid and should have some really nice plants to be found, but again, will be nowhere near similar to the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc). Totally up to you brother. Positive vibes…



Bless it and make it holy haha. Or holey? Haha. The more the holier? Never mind. Positive vibes…



It’s all good I’m not banking on the same flavor. I’m just confident you picked some :fire: parent plants

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Mmmmm sounds incredibly delicious! I can’t wait to look through all of these Cherry West Bc hybrids myself!

Crank up the volume!

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Cherry West Bc) and Chem D ? Skunktek Sour Diesel x Dog Patch plants are all looking beautiful! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Awesome. I just wanted to doublecheck. I should hopefully have another round of testers sent sometime this week.

I truly appreciate your confidence brother!

I love my Chem Del La Chem F2 female cut and my Black Triangle F2 male has not done me wrong in any of the hybrids that I have looked through that I made utilizing him. Positive vibes…


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Just out of curiosity what are your top 3 desired traits when looking your looking for a male eventually I want to do some open pollination preservation work but also would like to do some targeted selections if I find something that really calls to me but haven’t grown any males and kind clueless what to be looking for I know it’s different for everyone always curious to hear how people like doing things sorry if this has been asked before much love and good vibes @stanknugzz77


Proof of life.
The Hazmat OG/Blowfish x Stagger Lee and the Black Apple are kicking butt. Looking really nice and starting to get big.


It’s alive!

Looking good brother! I look forward to seeing them get big. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…
