Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

If the word smooshed is the technical term well then it’s my fault Cuz. That’s the bud I smooshed to check the smell.and stem rub

The Tropicana cookies leaner has a stronger smell then the cherry west leaner but both have a delicate smell
Sweet almost berry like but not
I’m no good on smell’s


Hay buddy

It’s My fault I smooshed it lol


They seem to love the smoosh, paps!! Lovely work!!


So what smell were you getting from yours?


Sweet delicate pastry / berry - kinda

I’m bad with smells

It was not loud at this stage


For me plant number 5 which I just tested yesterday had sort of a berry taste mixed with the tangerine. It was odd to me because the smell of the buds were so similar but I did let #5 go a little longer

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Yeah man! Should be harvesting the Outdoor around Sept 15th-Oct 15th, any later in my climate gets a bit shocked from Hot Summer to Cold Windy Fall.

Some days get around 100 degrees in July / August so I’m hoping they can handle a little heat. I think the Chem gets a little fox tail in heat, I’ll be looking out.


Good call. This is usually the culprit for me. Positive vibes…

It looks like you did a lot more than smooshed it haha. I hope that you at least bought her dinner first haha.

Sounds nice to me! We might have to send you in for another smoosh haha. Positive vibes…

They definitely seem to love whatever he is doing in there. Positive vibes…



Ok ok so we’re 5/5 with one seed dragging ass up under here. The mf JUST started showing a tap root the one in the bottom right is that (GPxTC) x (CWbc) F2

Well bottom left now that I see how the picture is turned😂


You know what as I think about it coty was the 3rd seed planted and was also last to the party. Wtf is it with me and the number 3

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Proof of life. Got em all transplanted into one gallon pots. In the 4x4 with a new light all the plants in the first three rows starting at the bottom of the pic and the three from the left in the fourth row. I’m pretty sure you can tell which ones. They aren’t topped lol.



Awesome. It will be nice to hopefully see some of them as beasts, outdoors in the full sun. I wish you well with your run! I look forward to following along! Positive vibes…


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Sounds good to me brother! Hopefully the 5th one figures itself out soon haha.

I feel you. With me, it is the number 69. Wait. No. Never mind. Positive vibes…


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They are looking good brother! They should be able to spread their wings a little bit in 1 gallons. I truly appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Ok, finally got to the back corner of my tent. Here’s a look at the apples and cherries, I believe


Day 35 for Garmr. She’s loving the inadvertent VPD going on but I need to get some more airflow in there soon, it’s crowded and I can only prune so much.

The Tall Drink of Water from the big tent. She’s at least 6 inches taller than the others.


Very nice :+1:


Looking beautiful brother! The (Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) and the Stagger Lee x (Cherry West Bc) Apples & Cherries should be fairly easy to tell apart deeper into flower. Positive vibes…



little update.
Popped the mikado x tropicanna cookies [f2] … got 10 sprouts but only 8 came up… all good!!
They are doing thier seedling thing… stretched a bit more than I like before i moved them to the main room but no worries I’ll correct that next transplant. Will get better pics next time too LOL
Stoked to have these going!!!


They are fucking incredibly gorgeous! You have me so excited to see what comes from my (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch (Triangle Kush leaning mother) Garmr V1. I have some in early flower and then another round of cuts of them a week or so behind those. Same goes for my:

Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3
(Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face
Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel

That is how much I fucking slacked on getting that round of planting into flower haha. All of those plants are smelling offensive as fuck and I love it haha. I can’t get over it.

I would think that the Tall Drink of Water (or really any of the major stretchers in the Garmr V1) would most likely lean towards the Black Triangle F2 or more specifically, the Triangle Kush side of the genetics, but the Dog Patch definitely had some major stretchers as well, so it is difficult to say.

The majority of my Garmr V1 plants are exhibiting major stretch as well, but I don’t have any major height restrictions. Well other than ceilings haha. I would think that if someone does have height restrictions, the Garmr V1 would still be doable, as long as the grower is aware of the stretch and prepares for it prior to flowering.

It took me 3 times of coming back to this post to finish it, so my apologies if it is all over the place haha.

And if that wasn’t bad enough…

Edit to add: I just finished shucking another round of (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch (Triangle Kush leaning mother) Garmr V1 and (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch ('88 G-13/HP leaning mother) Garmr V2 seeds. Positive vibes…
