Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Apples & Cherries


Hey ~nugzz, Thank you for the information.
I ran some Herijuana, way back now, maybe 2008-2009 from Sannies.
It was a strange plant, very potent small buds, on a plant that was more willowy, lots of staking her, but damn did she smack hard, with a bewildering type of stone.
I also just love running unknown strains to me. I’ve paid for it now and then, with buds that were great on a compost pile!!
I’m very grateful to grow these out, and share the information, I find.
Long ago, I chased Mango flavor, but did not find it myself.
This is even more reason to desire them even more, LOL!
Should you see thing you want, in these, let me know., and I’ll clone them for you.


I am happy that they landed! I hope that you enjoyed your time with your family! I look forward to your germination pictures! Positive vibes…

It is good to see you around brother! That fucking cold spell was no joke. I am happy that some of the (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch survived. My population of them are doing well. I hope that all is well with Jackson and the rest of the family! Positive vibes…

I am always stoked when those international envelopes drop as well. You are awesome at germinating the seeds immediately, as agreed. I truly appreciate you for that! I hope that you enjoy the slap. It is very well deserved. Positive vibes…

I ran some Herijuana that Motarebel gifted me around the same time. It could have actually been closer to 2010 or 2011. My mind has never been great with linear dates, unless I have notes right in front of me and it has only gotten worse with age.

The Herijuana stock from Mota was something else. I remember thinking that the name was kinda funny (while some people hated the name, understandably), but I can still recall smoking joints of it and passing the fuck out, only to wake up dazed and confused haha. Real medicinal quality stuff for aches and pains as well.

I truly appreciate the offer brother! I will definitely keep it in mind.

Since you brought up cloning, I would recommend that everyone that is able to, has the space, knows how to etc, take cuts of everything that they run from seed. And I am not just saying that because it is my work. Quite a few of the cuts that I currently hold and have selected from seeds are 1 in 100 or maybe even 1 in 1000. I am saying that as someone who looks through hundreds, if not thousands of seeds every year. I am not great enough at reveg to depend on it and I don’t have the extra space and time to hope for it to work anyway. After decades of growing and working with cannabis, I am constantly on the hunt for unicorns. Just really unique plants are what piques my interest these days.

I truly hope that everyone that runs my work can find something that they enjoy and that if they run enough of it, they can find some unicorns as well. Positive vibes…



100% germ… only one is really lagging but we will see who has the will to live. If they don’t surface they don’t play in the garden. :smiling_imp: In roots organic coco. First five days they will be on autopilot… followed by a week feeding with CloneX solution and tribus. Then I will switch to Athena Pro line. Mrs. 88 dropped the seeds this time around she wanted to learn. Plants will be under my ROI-E200 until I can get my Scorpion Diablo clean of pollen from the last run!

Until next time… :metal:t4:


I can’t wait to pop them, it’s hard not to right now but we are visiting the wife’s Grandma in two weeks(we don’t think she’s got much time left n she hasn’t seen her in a few years… lady practically raised her) and that’s in socal desert by slab city(were my wife n I met) so we’re stopping by there for the annual rave thrown by midnight riders(huge free festival of ghost riden exploding cars flying over other things burning or bombing…band crazy pyros doing all kinds of fun dangerous stuff that you could never do at a legal festival with permits and liability… ) fter that were heading to quartzite for gem n jam @ the mineral show…

Back by mid Feb and then I’m gonna be here alllll year… building n breeding!

Btw if you’re interested I’d love to send you some mystery akbean brains for one of my project 2023

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Black Triangle F2 x Cherry West Bc

Stagger Lee x Cherry West Bc


Started today
They soak in tap water 18 to 24 hours
Then paper towel till I see tap root .
Once root is 1/4 to 1/2 in will be placed in solo cups
Medium will be pro mix Bx with extra perlite

Thanks @stanknugzz77

More fun to Follow


It never gets old hearing that haha.

Please tell her that I appreciate her. Also, I know you two don’t have the space just yet, but if she needs any seeds to play with and sees any of my work that she is interested in, feel free to reach out. I have a ridiculous amount of seeds and I am constantly making more haha.

I look forward to it! I appreciate you brother! Many thanks to you and Mrs. 88. Positive vibes…

They are definitely coming along nicely! Positive vibes…

Yeeeee. Welcome to the show! I truly hope that you find something that you enjoy! Positive vibes…



I hear that my friend… one of my chucks has had 100% germ for everyone growing it out right now so that’s a good feeling for sure.

Oh she’s been feeling the love lately lol my account is no longer just me I’ve pretty much come to realize its a joint OG account. :laughing: We may hit you up on that… I’m in the middle of remodeling my garage for a grow space so once that happens she’ll probably have her own 2x4 tent! :v:t4:


I’d like to run some of your strains outdoors if that’s possible cheers Bob


Just a heads up to anyone running the Apples & Cherries [Stagger Lee x (Cherry West Bc)]:

The Stagger Lee is Original Bubba x (Sour Apple IBL) from Alien Genetics. Quite a few of my Stagger Lee females took forever to veg and seemed to lean pretty hard to the Original Bubba side of things. I chose the female with the quickest growth during veg (which is still pretty slow haha). She leans pretty heavy to the Sour Apple IBL side of things. She has the most beautiful sour apple smell and taste that I have ever had the pleasure of encountering with cannabis. I just refer to her as my Sour Apple Bubba cut.

If you get phenotypes that lean more towards the Stagger Lee, it would definitely be advisable to clean up a lot of the lower growth. My cut gets incredibly bushy and the lower growth seems to make it almost impossible for light and air movement to penetrate. It isn’t too much of a concern in any of my rooms, but if you have high humidity, low light levels or lack of air movement during flower, it could be problematic. I tend to clean up most if not all lower growth in my production rooms anyway, but I usually leave the lower growth for the first couple runs to check for intersex issues. Positive vibes…



I’ll be running these after I reset the current grow.


Apples & Cherries - Stagger Lee x Cherry West Bx


I put it off long enough


Hey @stanknugzz77 , that is quite an amazing list of crosses!
I am an outdoor grower so I won’t be starting till about April 15th
I would love to run the Herijuana cross! I have been looking for good sleep meds/pain meds

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Cherry West Bc)

I love what Mean Gene is doing, every time a catch a podcast with him my knowledge bank grows!
He said that Cherry Limeade is one of his best pain killers and night time smokes

Your work sounds fantastic and I would love to test some out




Its been about a week, now time for an update:

Everything is moving steady. Stagger Lee x Cherry West Bc seem to be less vigorous than (Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) ones but not by much. I realized i started too many seeds right before i got yours to test so i gave 3 of mine away so i can have the room back… I might have to get another tent.


Yeah sorry I find have a feedback thread. So I might have to give it a miss .cheers Bob

I can’t wait to pop mine I’m getting antsy
But I know if I wait till I’m DEFINITELY home for rest of winter and the spring then I won’t have the traumatic sight of frozen or destroyed seedlins …
Never fun!

Hopefully I’ll have my own beans to mail you be summer… some from your genetics and some from varies places…lots of folks have stepped in to mail me beans and help me rebuild my genetic library… I love y’all, this place is amazing!