Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Another long over due update,

(Mikado x Tropicana Cookies) x Cherry West Bx
Or as im calling this one Orange Creamsicle or Sweet Cream Citrus

This plant started with a orange scent that added pine needles to it once it got to flowering. However that orange morphed into the exact smell from the old school orange cream soda. I love this plant, its fast and quick to bulk up. Here are some pictures.


Awesome. They are all looking nice and healthy. They should be set to take off now.

That makes me happy to hear! Hopefully that only increases as they progress. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…


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Aye @stanknugzz77 i got those cherry west bc f2s in the mail today :grin: thanks man


mmmm… I have some seeds of that one @Ris … those are gonna get popped right after I’m done my summer outdoor. They look really nice and the flavor description… I’m wishing I had popped them with the mikado x tropicanna cookies . LOL
I transplanted my MK x TC younguns up to .8gal pots yesterday. They were a bit stretchy but once transplanted the look pretty normal now.
I’m moved all my big plants out of my winter veg room and that let me spread all the seedlings out so they stop stretching and competing for light. They should take off now!!
I’ll snap some pics tonight… with the warm weather my minor iritation of a thrip issue from an infected bale of sunshine mix has exploded into a problem I need to deal with. It’s always somethin right?


I am having a fucking crazy busy day over here and I need to get my ass to preparing dinner for the family, but I just wanted to stop in really quick and acknowledge how much everyone is fucking killing it in this thread. All of the pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I truly appreciate everyone’s love and support! Thank you all! Positive vibes…



Ain’t that the truth.

Look for a strong orange scent in veg. Thats the one that turns to orange cream lol. I didn’t mess with any other characteristics. Scent i would think is from the tropicana cookies but the leaf structure is that of the cherry west.

They are good with stress tests, LST is easy they respond fantastic. It almost feels like they have some mold resistance, the temp swing is like 60 - 90 so they handled that well too. Hearty, one in flower has a 2 -2 1/2 inch stock and its only like 3 1/2 feet tall really. Kind of a shame, but i zeroed in on it and i have 6 in veg, 2 in flower and 8 clones. Is was throwing the most trichomes in early flower that i have seen. The trichomes are dense as fugg, and so are the buds and node spacing. All in all, the plant is easy to work with, smells fantastic and no lie even brought back memories of my child hood with the orange cream soda hits.


nice!.. now I am more excited haha :smiley:
They will veg for 3 more weeks inside and then the females will go out to the greenhouse and into 7gallons of organic soil. Trying to find 10 gallons pots or fabric bags around here is impossible but I have over a 100 x 7gallon pots so that is what I’m gonna use


I can get ya the ac pots lol


Well final tally is in a whopping 9 out of 13 plants are female with 5/6 of the hel being female :joy: going to be able to have some selection being done as only 4 are being ran indoor hoping to do 2 hel and 2 black apple the rest I will take clones then put outdoors for the season going to be hard to choose they are all looking absolutely stellar :grin: @stanknugzz77 will get picture updates tonight


Pretty certain that’s a male :pleading_face: image


Yep. Sure is


Open up your hate and let it flow into me.

It never gets old hearing that haha.

All good brother. Family and life in general always come first.

What is that anyway, 71 days that you will be bringing her down? 11 weeks is definitely not bad at all, in my opinion. (Just speaking on other people running her) Although, I am never waiting on flower, soooo yeah I wouldn’t know haha.

I can’t stop looking at these and it just keeps getting better haha.

I look forward to seeing how they round out for you! Thank you so much again! Positive vibes…



I am happy that they made it. Truly my pleasure brother! Thank you again for seeing the test run through to completion! Positive vibes…



Beautiful write-up! Your descriptions always make them sound so delicious! I hope that you all enjoyed the effects. I appreciate flavors, smells, even bag appeal, but the effects are always what I look for the most.

You are far too kind. I am happy that you are starting the (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee. It is definitely always a pleasure to have you on board! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Ok day 61 smoke test
Oven dried 1 bud from each plant
The first one I smoked is from the cherry west leaner
It was a small hard bud smell on breaking up filled the air quickly ( sorry bad on describing smells ) like good weed lol
3 hits in a glass pipe and satisfying buzz is beginning in the frontal lobe ( sorry had to stop and take a hit )
Ok I’m ready
Delicious yet delicate lite not a heavy taste
I smoke a 5 hit bowl and it worked at 3 lol
Cherry west leaner
Sorry no pic of the first bud except trichomes shot

Ok now I guess I should continue in the name of science

Tropicana cookies leaner

Still a bit clear but we shall see
1st hit oh yeah strong wow fills the lungs
Ok me Likie a lot lol is likie a word ? Second hit and i don’t need another but again in the name of science I must explore further an go where no man has gone before
Well I forgot how many hits I was at and the bowl is empty this won’t do so again in the NAME OF SCIENCE I will and must push the limits
So I filled another not sure how many that makes but I’ll will forge on oh look time to walk the dog !



Nobody’s gonna have bad results


Do you realize that song is 20 years old :sweat_smile:
I was finishing up HS. Gosh I’m old :man_white_haired:t3:


Haha I know the feeling brother :facepunch:t2:


I don’t even know the song :joy:


Welp collect my dirt for future reference and this boy is going in the trash… is what is was thinking until I started banging him against the bin to loosen the soil and the smell kept coming off of him it was like “aye bro where you get that cologne” looked down and a branch broke off then I said “I should clone that for later” :joy: