Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Why not? Could be special? You really never know bro


He damn sure smells special


Eye candy for sure! You are really bringing out the beauty in that hybrid!

For science! Haha. Sounds like the effects are there as well. Always a nice feeling. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Well, the (Mikado x Tropicana cookies) x Cherry West bx is looking like its time to come down. Ill be taking it down over the course of the next few nights. Im taking tops only and going to let the rest continue rippining.

Pictures and more info later.


Don’t you leave us hanging @Ris :joy: I wanna see


Absolutely beautiful brother! I am happy that you found something that you enjoy in my work! Hearing that from people running my work never gets old.

Sounds like a plan to me.

I look forward to it! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Awesome! That will give you a nice group of females to choose from.

Sounds like a plan to me! I look forward to seeing which ones you choose.

There are so many spicy, earthy, fuely kush females coming out of my Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel. I am glad that I am utilizing that hybrid for my Dogwalker OG Bc1, but I am stoked to dive into my Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin soon as well.

This should be nice too. I always love seeing my work ran outdoors.

I am happy to hear that!

I look forward to it whenever it is convenient for you! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Chem Del La Black day 33veg (correct day count now)

I just wish one would show female to make me feel comfortable


Well well well, looks like it’s about time to flip these greases pieces x tropicanna cookies @stanknugzz77. Brother they rebounded so well I am thoroughly pleased.


the 5 hel ladies going to be choosing a few to put outdoor will update once I make a decision!

4 black apple ladies will get in over the next couple days and start to do individual growth/structure and notes I’ve made / pictures when I start making selections on what I’m doing indoor and outdoor


Looking good brother! I feel like if the males are starting to show sex, the females should not be far behind. Positive vibes…


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Awesome! I am happy to hear that!

They look a lot healthier. How many did you end up with?

This is a link to my homie who looked through the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F1s recently (3rd picture in the post):

Edit to add another (Fuck I suck at being able to keep up with other threads…):

The F2s shouldn’t be too far off haha. Positive vibes…



I ended up with 4 total, I picked out 4 stragglers early on as well they either had deformations or were stunted, and the trifoliate ones didn’t stay true just had the extra seed leaf. We lost 4 to the aphids in the move, but these 4 are going as hard as life will let them and I’m impressed to say the least.

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The structure on the one it has side branches reaching it’s top already

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Good luck with your decision! I look forward to seeing which ones you choose to run indoor and outdoor and how both sets perform! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Well I made a stupid mistake and fell asleep with my plants half in and half out of my barn and it froze hard. Some were damaged, some were not. The HEL got it the worst. Chem de la black got it the least. I am going post some before trim photos now and post some after clean up in the morning. Overall, I would say I got lucky. i Have 3 weeks before I room in a flower room so I have time to turn the bad ones around.

HEL before…

Mikado x Tropicana cookies before…

Chem de la Black before….


We all make mistakes. No worries at all.

Yeah I think you will have them bouncing back in no time. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Garmr Day 69F

Decided it was time for a “photo shoot” on the girls before I take my trip next week.
Here’s the best I can do with an iPhone

1 and 2 have similar structures. Short, wide branching. Smaller club shaped nugs. Burnt rubber smell is dominant.


3 and 4 are likewise similar to each other. Taller by 4-6 inches with branching that wants to go vertical but fall over from bud weight. Cone shaped nugs, with the baby poo earthy dankness.



#5 will get her centerfold tomorrow :green_heart:


I read the OP
Im hoping I’m not late.

So…I’m reaching out.

I’m definitely interested in
(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc)

I will start immediately lol
Love me some Tropicana
And Cherry anything lol
Last cherry bomb I grew was like
Eating sweet black cherries.


I think you might be late for that one in particular. And boy oh boy did you miss some :fire: