Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Chem Del La Black day 36 veg

The (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) F2 is in the back on the right


Well damn, after seeing them, I’m falling in love with their quirkiness! Great update!
Of course reading rubber grabs my attention. I love odd, also.
And I am in a bean popping mood, and I do have a gripe of those, and Dog Patch has moved into a flower area last night, and I really want to set up a SOG, and those leggy ladies fits the bill perfectly!!
The TropicannaCookies x Herijuana x Cherry West BC I let get tall, and the bud is spaced longer between nodes. But that Garmr, dang, she is ticking the boxes for me after your post!!
Love the plants!!


It’s a good one @Toker1 im just about to harvest it’s everything thing you’re like


I truly appreciate your interest in my work! As others have mentioned, the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) has already been tested. There are actually packs available for purchase from @Ris here:

And I have some packs available as well. I would prefer that anyone who is interested would purchase from @Ris though.

I have worked with Tropicanna Cookies for years and now I work with several hybrids that I made utilizing my male and female that I lost to russet mites a few years ago. Tropicanna Cookies brings such wild flavors and smells to its hybrids.

I still work with my Cherry West Bc male and female as well.

If you are still interested in testing, I have a lot of new hybrids that were harvested over the last couple of months. Just let me know. Positive vibes…



Damn that’s frosty


My homie just posted a smoke report of my (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F1 at another spot:

Positive vibes…



Awesome! They all look so delicious! For day 69, some of them look like they could go another week, while others look like they could almost go 2 more weeks.

Whenever you need to take them is obviously alright though.

There are definitely some 10 week phenotypes to be had in this hybrid, but I think I am enjoying growing the 11-12 week phenotypes a little bit more. The proof will be in the effects though.

This is most likely from the '88 G-13/HP in the genetics. Those are my most favorite memories from looking through the '88 G-13/HP seeds that NDNGuy sent me like ~15 years ago. These days, most '88 G-13/HP stock that I have looked through is heavy on the lemons, which can be nice, but doesn’t tickle my nostalgia haha.

Yes please. These look/sound wonderful as well.

If she is nicer than those 4, I look forward to the centerfold even more haha. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



The last TropicannaCookies x Herijuana x Cherry West bc she is from the second half of the seed gripe.
She went into flower on 3/15, and without scopeing her, I think 10 days more will bring out her sweet stink.

Will show her next, succulently deconstructed, splayed even…with love, of course.


Yeah the (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch Garmr V1 is shaping up to be nice for sure. The (Black Triangle F2) x Dog Patch Garmr V2 should be fairly similar.

As I mentioned to @Vagabond_Windy, the burnt rubber most likely comes from the '88 G-13/HP in the Black Triangle F2.

You have a pack of the Garmr V1 from the t-shirt order, correct? Definitely feel free to post them up here if you crack them. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



So my (Grease’s pieces x Tropicanna cookies) x (Cherry west bc) F2 is a female :grin: can’t wait to enjoy this shit. I’m gonna let it get nice and big this time though

Look how it’s labeled it was “The” shit🔥


Oh yeah, my friend, of course, I will!!
Being the shameless old attention whore I am, LOL!!


Garmr #5 (#4 on the tag but for simplicitys sake 5 here)

She seems to be a mix of both structures but still floppy. She has the gassiness and greasiness. She’s starting to fade.

I’ve convinced my wife to water everything for me while I’m gone so hopefully the Garmr can go to full term before the chop. :green_heart:


That plant is gorgeous man… I love the structure. I’ve always preferred taller plants with nice internodal spacing and sparse leaves that are massive. How is she smelling?


Congratulations! Definitely a longer veg and maybe taking cuts is in order? Haha.

Looking good brother! You have 3 unsexed (Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black left, correct? I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Yup I’m still waiting on them to show me something definitive


Thank you for the kind words!
Her scents, are more a blend of the first three. That, not quite, lime/cherry scent, close to those, more pie smelling than the others.
When I bruise a leaf, first thoughts, damn sticky, damn gassy, then that tribe of scents and smells.
I’ll be holding my breath to scope her, for sure. I just love that!
She is standing tall with a pair Sin City Juice plants!
3, very different, but all, bad assed bitches, each bred to be slam soldiers, just ready to knock a pilgrim unconscious.


Love this :facepunch:t2: they do look real nice bro!


Ok so I just inspected the tent again and it LOOKS like everything left is female. It’s hard to tell shit is really small but I THINK I’ve gotten good enough to know the difference now lol


You always do such beautiful work! Thank you!

Is this from @hydrored of 3Thirteen Seeds? If so, that is who gifted me his Grease’s Pieces that I looked through and utilized in several hybrids.

He is such a good person and one of the people that really encouraged me to take my seed making more seriously and to actively pursue getting my work into more people’s gardens. Without his guidance, I wouldn’t be where I am with my seed making today. I can’t say enough good things about Red and all of the things that he continuously does for the community. Positive vibes…



3/4 females isn’t bad, IF you are correct haha. Here is to hoping! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…
