Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

damn!!! that looks like straight fire
excellent smoke report too.

My Mikado x Tropicanna cookies are days away from going outside and into thier final pots.
I’m not really one of the official testers but i still feel bad for not getting more pics up. They are in a room with dozens of other plants so it’s been hard enough to manage that aspect. Thrips got to them as well and the lowest leaves took a big hit but I think I’ve got it managed now as they are taking off now.
Fucking pisses me off that the “sterile” sunshine mix keeps coming preloaded with thrips. I even got my bales from different sources and everytime I crack a bale…within a week, I’m dealing with thrips again. Not to worry, they won’t last long once all the plants are in the greenhouse.


Ouch damn sorry to hear

Captain jacks dead bud
They also have a spray soap for early flower

Good luck


I got em handled with Monterey’s Garden spray with Spinosad.
Just having fresh critters with every bale of fresh medium is getting old fast.
There is a healthy population of predators that I see have already started arriving like the little black wasps that eat mites and thrips and also lay thier eggs on the plant and the larvae go in search of thrip and spider might eggs and new hatches. I have little brown leaf hoppers that are also the predator type and they are out now too. Finding grasshoppers is discouraging but manageable.
Can’t wait to get these plants in the greenhouse!!!


Another round of testers went out today. I will reach out to everyone individually as time permits. Thank you!

Anyone else who is interested in running some of my work, please feel free to reach out and we will make it happen.

These hybrids are available for testing:

(Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face

Goji OG x Dog Patch Goji Patch

(Black Triangle F2 TK leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V1

(Black Triangle F2 GHash leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V2

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Dog Patch

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch HogFishDog

(Cherry West Bc) x Dog Patch Cherry Patch

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x Dog Patch Dog Eat Dog AKA DED (pronounced DEAD)

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch

Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog

Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin

Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3

These hybrids are still available for testing as well:

Goji OG x (Black Triangle F2) Black Goji

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Stagger Lee

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee

Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

Positive vibes…



Beautiful work, as always!

Smart man haha. I am happy that you found something that you enjoy in my work! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



@stanknugzz77 hey there mate, stumbled upon this and figured id join to raise my hand to run some testers. tried to find you on icmag but no dice. send us a pm and i can send you some pics if you like.


June 1st - Week 6 (Midway through)
4x Chem Del La Black
4x (Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West
Some genders showing up, 2 Females / 2 Males each strain
I’ll check back in next week to confirm the males and cull.
Females getting transplanted soon into final 45 Galon Fabric Pot


[4x (Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West]
Some of our most favorite buds!
Yours are looking amazing!!
All the best to run!


Looking great my friend!


Looking beautiful, as always!

50/50 m/f ratio definitely isn’t bad at all haha. Perfect!

45 gallon pots should be really nice! I am fucking stoked to see them shine outdoors! I truly appreciate you running them full term outdoors and sharing! Positive vibes…



well, here’s some quick pics of my Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies
Hoping they show sex soon and then I’ll transplant the girls and outside to the greenhouse they go. To me 5 of them look very similar to each other and all of them have equal vigor and nice branch formation. I haven’t done any stem rubs yet but I really like what I am seeing so far.
There is 8 of them altogether. I dialed the light up a notch and they didn’t seem to like that … they drooped a little. The HLG600B spec is a killer veg light :wink:


Awesome! They are all looking happy and healthy!

I upgraded an entire room to HLG Scorpion Diablos recently and I fucking love them so far. I like my rooms with Timbers, but I almost wish that I would have upgraded all of my rooms at once. Although, my wallet would have liked that a lot less haha. Positive vibes…



Packs are starting to land from this last round that went out.

Anyone else who is interested in running some of my work, please feel free to reach out and we will make it happen.

These hybrids are available for testing:

(Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face

Goji OG x Dog Patch Goji Patch

(Black Triangle F2 TK leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V1

(Black Triangle F2 GHash leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V2

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Dog Patch

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch HogFishDog

(Cherry West Bc) x Dog Patch Cherry Patch

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x Dog Patch Dog Eat Dog AKA DED (pronounced DEAD)

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch

Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog

Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin

Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3

These hybrids are still available for testing as well:

Goji OG x (Black Triangle F2) Black Goji

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Stagger Lee

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee

Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

Positive vibes…



2 BT x CW and one more CDLC x BT pulled , now that they have room and some have been topped as well as upping their nutrient intake plus they are alternating/staggering so I’ll have final numbers any day now. The root growth in there amongst the BT crosses I’ve noticed is insanely prolific ! Like fat finely bristled roots everywhere when I disturbed the soil a good bit by pouring a bit heavy handed it blew my mind the structure already built in there.


Same shit over here. I added a bit too much cuz they hated me. They were used to that BS mishmash I had, then this so it’s been interesting dialing it in to say the least :laughing:

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Looking good brother! How many of each do you have left?

Yeah the Black Triangle and hybrids of it seem to have pretty amazing root development for the most part. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Hay @stanknugzz77 what’s a good site in the USA :us: to buy your seeds


I’ll get you an exact count later today 100% brotha

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Depending on what you are looking for, @Ris has some of my work available on his website here:

Anything other than what Ris has available on his website, anyone can hit me up direct at . I have a monthly mailing list and the majority of people that purchase seeds from me do so directly through my email.

I utilized Strainly up until they recently forced everyone to start using bitcoin through their payment system. I have never cared to be forced to do anything in my life and this is no exception haha.

Let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



All good brother. Just curious, so whenever it is convenient for you. Positive vibes…


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