Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

I’ll go through Ris, or you, as I read that shit Kropduster went through, (over on the other site), about Strainly. Forcing bitcoin only on a site, what nonsense.


Yeah it is a weird situation. I am all for bitcoin adoption and decentralized, peer to peer payments. I have been around bitcoin since the early days and know a few people who made a literal fortune from their involvement with it back then. I am not one of them though. I am old and new things terrify me haha.

But Strainly seems to be pushing this on their users, not for privacy or protection, but to take a cut of the action by forcing the bitcoin to be used through their payment system only and charging a percentage. Taking a cut of the action wouldn’t even be the worst thing, but trying to mask the intention with the excuse of privacy and protection for their users is kind of lame and unsettling. I always appreciate honesty and transparency.

@Ris is good people. It took a while for me to relinquish any control over my work and sales to anyone else. I have had several offers, but I do not trust just anyone to take as good of care of the people who purchase my work and support my efforts as much as I do.

I still have seeds of all of my work available on Ris’ website, but a purchase of my work from Ris is a confirmation that he made the right decision in reaching out to me to carry my work.

I truly appreciate everyone’s love and support! Positive vibes…



an outdoor hel tapped in got a little sunburnt but turned around and growing out
And a black apple outdoor going to transition a few more outdoorbefore it gets too hot as I’m pretty sure I made my selection of them for the tent run indoor update coming shortly @stanknugzz77


(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc)

I would be interested and can get them into soil immediately


Awesome! Those should be some monsters! I am excited to see how they perform for you outdoors!

Being on my second flower run of Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel, I would be surprised if you didn’t find some nice plants in that hybrid. I am really stoked for you and everyone else who is testing Hel. With how nice the plants are from that hybrid, I am even more excited to run a nice population of Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin ASAP.

I look forward to it. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



That hybrid has already been tested.

These hybrids are available for testing:

(Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face

Goji OG x Dog Patch Goji Patch

(Black Triangle F2 TK leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V1

(Black Triangle F2 GHash leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V2

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Dog Patch

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch HogFishDog

(Cherry West Bc) x Dog Patch Cherry Patch

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x Dog Patch Dog Eat Dog AKA DED (pronounced DEAD)

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch

Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog

Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin

Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3

These hybrids are still available for testing as well:

Goji OG x (Black Triangle F2) Black Goji

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Stagger Lee

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee

Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

Positive vibes…



Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple
I will take my second option if it’s still available


Aye @stanknugzz77 here’s what my Chem del la black looks like today thank god. I don’t think she gave them any calmag but I’m thankful for what she did do

Ended up having to move my light up and my cheap ass fan(y’all don’t judge me)…
And since one of my flowering plants died in my absence I’m gonna flip the F2 today


Deepest apologies for not posting any updates in a while. Life has been so hectic. Below is a photo of my Hazmat OG x Blowfish x Staggerlee and Black Apple. I have 5 black Apple and 2 hazmats. Three in the back and two up front to the left are the black Apple and the two tall lady’s in the middle are the hazmat. Single one in front right is an Alien OG.



I think they look great, especially all things considered.

Everyone! Everyone! COMMENCE THE JUDGMENT! Haha.

I truly appreciate you brother! I am happy to still have you on board! Positive vibes…



Happy I can still be of service. It was a long scary week wondering what they were gonna look like when I got back.


All good brother. Life is crazy. I hope that it is easing up a little bit for you.

Did you only end up with 2 females out of the (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee? They all look like they are happy and healthy. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…


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Yes. Only 2 females of the hazmat og’s.


Yeah I am sure that you were even more pleasantly surprised than I was haha. Positive vibes…


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Salutations, to the Ill Eagle Bird Seed test group!
A huge Thank You, to ~nugzz, for allowing me to be a part of this group, to test, these most excellent cultivars.
My choice was/is Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana x Cherry West bc and this in my last plant from the second half of the gripe of beans sent to me. My end game to this project, if you will.

She came into life as a 3 trifoliate, if that is the proper term.
She is now finished, hung, trimmed up, I did not weigh out any of my final harvests. The intensity of the bud, meant more sampling, LOL!
Honestly, the few folks, I sampled any of the 4 plants I run, those folks beg to take some home. NFS!
No, if ands or buts, and no, even family, gets the same answer, go to GrowingUpGanja and get yourself some seed, and grow them out! These are ours!
The seed is CHEAP AS FUCK, for the fire they throw!!
As for me to part with my bud, I was offered $25.00 a gram, and laughed at him, and his whinny, man we have been friends forever, comment.
Yes man, that is why I’m giving you the chance to grow treasure, just get the seed!
That dude got tight at me, for not selling my gear to him! Yeah well it’s PRECIOUS to me/us!

But is the end really the end? The clones, in flowering glory!

So my test is complete, for the TropicannaCookies x herijuana x cherry west bc for Ill Eagle Birdseed
Their beans are priced excellent!
The plants are MOST excellent!
Very easy to grow out, female to male spot on.
Bragging rights type of buds, will slay the pilgrims, and pie eye, the old timers!
I loved every second of this run, and will keep her around, until I can not.
Just to put my money where my pie hole is, I secured a gripe of (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) from GrowingUpGanja to stay on this winner run, that started back in December last year!
Many, many Thanks to ~nugzz, for this great time, and see so many of you killing it, far better than I can.
So, I wish everyone the best flowers they can grow!!
Sincerely webe.


Man @stanknugzz77 is breeding some :fire::fire:. Not one disappointed tester yet


Good choice. If I had it I’d buy the whole damn lineup


Oh yeah thats the one I did it’s most excellent!!!

I’m still kicking around which one I want to buy
I m always looking for something different and his crosses fill the bill at a great price


Fill the bill is an understatement how dare you lol just kidding

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@webeblzr , awesome tester run and follow up report.

@stanknugzz77 , I think 2 of my 8 Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies F2 are females but only one confirmed. I potted her up to a #7 pot yesterday and she is out in the greenhouse now.
Here she is before taking her outside

One thing I notice is that they all have such nice structure and it seems fairly typical on all 8 plants. The pics aren’t the greatest, I think i left the flash on. They are screaming for a transplant but I want them to show me the lady parts first hehehe

won’t be long now and light dep will get underway but will give the transplants a good week or two to settle into the bigger pots then I’ll clone and flip.

Indoors I feed them bottled nutes and because I can;t get General Hydro product here anymore without buying from amazon (which i avoid at all costs) . That forced me to switch to the next availlable thing and that is Hollands Secret… a 3 part liquid set , similar but no the same as General Hydro. The NPK numbers are a bit different so I have to push P a little or input at certain PH range to promote P uptake. Anyways, I run the Lucas formula so it has been a bit of a curve to finding the plant’s happy mix. They seem to be doing okay but they need transplant now.
They will go into my usual , water only outdoor soil mix and this year it is all reammended recycled soil. Add backs were sheep manure, gypsum, dolopril, bonemeal, sulphur, diatomaceous earth and coarse perlite. The mix feels great in the hands… the plants seem to be liking it too :wink:
stay tuned… things are about to get good :wink: