Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

They are 15 gallon pots. They are outside in the photo but they are inside now and that is where they will flower.
The mikado x Tropicana cookies f2 will be grown in a 4’x8’ flood table filled with organic soil.

I don’t know if it’s your memory or the way I am slow vegging them but I think I should take the blame!


I’ve only ever grown outdoors
But damn
Some years mother nature can be cruel…

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Where I am at , if I put my plants outside , exposed to the elements they would never survive the month of June. I use a simple but effective cold frame type greenhouse that I attached to an outbuilding that I lightproofed inside. To flower any decent 8 to 12 week strains I have to light dep which I do by carrying my plants twice a day , out at 8am and to bed by 8pm. It’s a dedicated job all summer but I prefer sun grow cannabis for my daily smoke and I grow a years supply… or at least I try too. I grow indoors too so I can pheno hunt and find cool plants but the greenhouse grown is essential for my stash and my seed making.


61 days veg? Nice! They should be ready for action by the time you flip them to flower. I am fucking stoked! I have a really good feeling about the funk that should be in those (Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black seeds.

I still have both the male and female that I used to create that hybrid, but I have such a good feeling about how those genetics should play together, that I often consider creating the exact opposite hybrid with my 2 Black Triangle F2 females and my Chem Del La Chem F2 male.

I am sure that you will figure it out. Like a motherfucking weed MacGyver haha. Positive vibes…



And you know this mann…turns out I can actually stuff them in the 2x4 now. I think I just might do that tonight 61 days was long enough




June 14th - Week 8 (I forgot to post a week 7)
Hey guys I finally transplanted on June 10th
The Chems have a nice color and seem happy
(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West #2 was kinda root bound and lighter green. Should I foliar some Aminos or just root drench some nutrient?

Chem Del La Black #1 / #2

(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West #1 / #2


There is definitely something magical about outdoor growing. When I was a kid, that was primarily what I would run, usually with an indoor flower run every winter. My mentors would guerilla grow thousands of plants in the mountains. Early 2000s, I moved to primarily indoors, whilst still running hundreds outdoors. Back around 2013 or some shit, I got ripped for ~150 plants outdoors in early September and never found out if it was hunters, leo or what and I have barely run any plants outdoors since.

Hell yes! They are gorgeous! I can’t wait to see them as monsters. They will be beautiful beasts haha.

I look forward to it! I feel like I have seen your indoor posts here and there and your canopy management is fucking incredible. (Although, I could be mixing up you and someone else??) I look forward to watching what you do with the indoor ladies for sure! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Way to get it done! And you flipped them to flower? Let the real fun begin! Man the potency of both the Black Triangle F2 and Chem Del La Chem F2 lines are really nice, but it will be interesting to see how the Chem and kush blend and what the phenotypes are like in there. There is soooo much fucking Chem and kush in those two lines.

I am biased as fuck because it is my own work haha, but I have been looking through my (Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face and Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel and those are both Chem/kush hybrids and I am literally finding female cuts that are such beautiful blends of Chem and kush that IMHO, they could easily be new classics. I fucking absolutely love a couple of them.

Anyfuckingway, I am super stoked to see what you find in the (Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black. I hope to be looking through a nice population of those, as well as my (Chem Del La Chem f2) x Dog Patch Dog Eat Dog ASAP. Positive vibes…



I feel you, but we can definitely split the blame at least haha. My old mind sure isn’t what it used to be haha.

I appreciate the information! That definitely sounds like a solid plan to me. I look forward to following along and seeing what you find! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…


Another round of testers went out today. I will reach out to everyone individually as time permits. Thank you!

Anyone else who is interested in running some of my work, please feel free to reach out and we will make it happen.

These hybrids are available for testing:

(Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face

Goji OG x Dog Patch Goji Patch

(Black Triangle F2 TK leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V1

(Black Triangle F2 GHash leaner) x Dog Patch Garmr V2

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Dog Patch

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch HogFishDog

(Cherry West Bc) x Dog Patch Cherry Patch

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x Dog Patch Dog Eat Dog AKA DED (pronounced DEAD)

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch

Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog

Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin

Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3

These hybrids are still available for testing as well:

Goji OG x (Black Triangle F2) Black Goji

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Stagger Lee

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee

Stagger Lee x (Black Triangle F2) Black Apple

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) F2

Positive vibes…



well I have a good update on my plants
2 for sure females are potted up to 7gal pots of my outdoor mix and settled into the greenhouse.
Will keep checking the remaining 6 … there’s gotta be another girl or two hehehe. Of the 6 remaining 2 are short and squat and might be female. Just hard to tell yet.
These two plants could be twins… leaf damage is from thrips that have been beat back pretty good now…
Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies -F2- #1 and #2

an interesting thing I notice is the mature leaves have some double serrations fwiw.

will update each week from here on out :wink:


Awesome! Are those the 45 gallon pots? Getting 2 females of each hybrid is nice! How many did you start of each again? Again, those two hybrids should be really nice representations of 2 opposite spectrums of my work.

I am usually the “less is more” type of person, with most situations. If they were just root bound and hungry, the transplant might have them bouncing back in no time. Depending on how your soil mix is, adding nutrients or doing a foliar probably wouldn’t be a bad decision either though. I couldn’t say for sure though.

I look forward to seeing them beast out outdoors in those pots! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



The Chem Del La Black in 45 Gallons
(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West #1 in 65 Gallon / #2 in 45 Gallon
I had accidentally set up a 65 Gallon in the line up kinda makes it uneven haha.

I started with 4x of each. I had 3x Females of Chem Del La Black and gave the 3rd to a local friend that wanted a plant a few days ago (I’ll try to get a picture or something from him later of the Chem Del La Black #3).
2x Females of the (Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West was perfect
#2 has that nice sugar cookie stem smell with extra fruitiness / cherry icee


They are looking good!

2 females is a nice start!

You would think so haha.

The short and squat could be leaning to the Mikado side of things.

I look forward to it! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Update time!

Plants are looking really nice. The five Black Apple are a beautiful shade of green and bush out nicely. The two Hazmat OG x Blowfish x Staggerlee are like telephone poles. All have pre flowers on them. No smells yet. Pics below


This would fuck with my OCD pretty hard haha, but they should be beasts. I definitely look forward to watching them grow!

You are a good friend.

If possible, that’s cool, but you purchased the beans; please feel more than free to do whatever you wish with them.

Which reminds me, I truly appreciate you joining the fun and updating as good as if you were testing the seeds. Please definitely remind me if/when you place another order and I will hook you up fucking fat for it. I truly appreciate it!

This sounds fucking incredible! I can’t wait to hear how she tastes.

I can still recall when my homie first sent me a zone of GSC and the cut back around 2011-2012. Everyone, including myself, on the forums had been bashing GSC (as was pretty normal for new hype shit on the scene) and I was like, “yeah whatever, I will fucking try some and take a cut, if it is as good as you say it is”. I am still homies with the dude to this day. Just one of the good, old school people still left in the game. Anyway, I smoked the shit and never wanted to lose the fucking cut haha. It was incredibly unique, at the time.

I can definitely understand why some people are like “fuck cookies” though, just because it has monopolized and watered down most everything. The doughiness takes me back to that first oz though haha. Life rolls on. Positive vibes…



I’ll second that haha.

That Original Bubba in the Stagger Lee makes for some fucking stout plants.

That could definitely be the Blowfish shining through. Still to this day some of the most unique cannabis that I have had the pleasure of having in my garden. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



That would be me take pride in having a full well kept canopy sorry for delays but will have weekly updates from now until harvest still got about 3 weeks to fill out the tent before flip

2 2 black apple in the back 2 hel in front getting recovered from being a bit root bound wasn’t there to keep up on biology to keep them running healthy don’t look like much now but will be whole new plants in about 2 weeks once there tapped in and trained out should see some varied phenos in the tent as I picked the ones with the most differences(tallest Hel female and most squat black apple female and most branchy black apple and the shortest hel)

Outdoor plants doing good hel pushing 3.5 feet already black apple little less then 3 foot pictures coming in the morning when I water them got some more transplanted outside seeing as the first two I put out are rocking it got 3 outdoor hel and 2 black apple all in 20s


Hay nuggz are there any apples x cherry crosses avail

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