Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

I found your link and hit up your email


All set Just emailed

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I know brother. I was just utilizing your question as the information that I needed to clarify. I think my original post just added a lot of confusion and that was dumb on my part. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…


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Much appreciated. I will add everyone to the mailing list as soon as I get some time. Thank you! Positive vibes…



Chem del la black day 45 flower


I have added everyone who reached out via email to the mailing list. It was a lot more of a response than I expected and took a long time to do it all. If you reached out and did not receive a confirmation email, please send again.

Anyone else who is interested in details about the August promotion/joining the mailing list, please reach out via email ( Thank you!

Also, I am backlogged on messages, so if you have sent me a PM in the last few days, please employ patience and I will do my best to respond to everyone in the order in which messages were received. I truly appreciate you all! Positive vibes…



Thanks for the pictures of the (Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Stagger Lee! They are chunky gals! I like them! I can see a lot of Blowfish influence in there. What kind of smells are you getting off of the flowers?

Yeah 7 weeks seems incredibly quick. I have rarely had any cultivars finish before 8 weeks and even then it just didn’t feel right haha, but I tend to like mine to be a little bit well done.

I look forward to hearing how the effects are! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



It took my high ass a second to figure out the joke, I am sad to admit. I appreciate the laugh! Positive vibes…



Definitely looking like you have a full house over there brother!

They are definitely beasting out! I like the structure on both of them. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Awesome! They are looking nice! Which ones are the females and which one is the male? And you are correct, it is Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog.

And I could be mistaken, but were there supposed to be two pictures in here? Like one for the Cherry West leaner and one for the Tropicanna Cookies leaner? It just sounded like it from your words, but I could definitely be mistaken.

Either way, I am super stoked that you are still enjoying the (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) plants.

How is the grafting project going? I need to get my ass over to your thread and get caught up. Positive vibes…


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I guess my old ass forgot the pic
The CW leaner is in a 1 gallon pot

The grafting project is working out had to put it on hold had friends in from Fla no time to play till now
The multi mom lol is now getting big I’ll add a few more cuts to her soon


black apple in the back and hel in front day 7 flower will get some outdoor pictures when I can the outdoor hel are getting beat up from the heat the black apple are Hanging in better but we have had a crazy summer heat so far hottest on record :sweat_smile: @stanknugzz77


damn bro how can any plant survive this at all! 118 ???


The (Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x (Cherry West Bc) ladies definitely look a little more heated. Hopefully they bounce back and flower nicely for you, as well as the (Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) Chem Del La Black plants. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Looking good brother! Do you think that they are looking better after you realized that they were underfed and you corrected the feeding strength? Either way, I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Na I think they were just fading as the saga is still continuing


I think they’ll be ready I’m about 2/3 more weeks. The smell hasn’t changed much except a hint of sweetness entered the party some where


I am happy to hear that it is working out brother. You are like a cannabis mad scientist! Truly an inspiration! Do you have your two (Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc) keeper cuts grafted to the multi mom?

I know the feeling haha. You can definitely see the Cherry West influence on the leaf morphology. I love it! Positive vibes…



I did attach them but I lost the attachment due to my own error :rage::hot_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::joy:


Damn I am sorry to hear that brother! Positive vibes…
