Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

That is fucking insanity! No thank you!

Sorry to hear that, but definitely understandable. I have no idea how anyone or anything can survive in those temperatures.

Indoors is looking nice! I look forward to seeing them progress deeper into flower! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Hey Guys different update from my usual heat roasted plants.
I took some clones June 5th, Rooted for about 2 weeks, Planted June 20th
I think the clones missed that heat in the lower garden they are happier

I’m also trying a new set of nutrients on the clones, Nectar for the Gods
Liquid Bone Meal and a few other Bottles, mostly organic I think
Fed that first time July 28th, Following Week Aug 4th I Fed Compost Tea

Chem Del La Black and (Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc Clones


Idk what took hold of this one but

This one seems to be finishing much better


Awesome! I am happy that the cuts missed the heat wave. I hope that they flower nicely for you!

They are definitely looking nice! Did you put all of the cuts that you have of them outdoors? I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Thanks man these plants are growing themselves! All Outdoor. I don’t have an indoor set up yet, might make the leap next year. I love both indoor and outdoor.

I cloned them in my porch room in 7" Domes, RootRiot Cubes, CloneX Gel, and Azoz/Mykos Microbes. No real light, just window and some random LED Lamp
The room was like 80F during the day and 60F at night, so less than ideal.
Placed outside and hardened within a week. Almost 4-5 days, no droop, and I left them for full sun since.

I got 2 clones off each plant back in June when I Lolipopped the 2 lowest branches.
I have 4 Plants and 8 Nice Clones

2x Chem Del La Black #1
2x Chem Del La Black #2
2x (Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West #1
2x (Tropicana Cookies x Herjuana) x Cherry West #2


Back in the day, long before growing weed was legal or cool haha, I used to be primarily outdoor (with a garage run every winter). Several thousand, guerrilla style with my mentors. It took me years to convince them that sinsemilla was the way to go haha. These days I wish I had kept all of those cultivars or even a small fraction alive.

These days I am much too old for that shit haha. I can’t even imagine how I did it when I was young haha. And with the amount that I run indoors, I would be stupid to risk anything outdoors, although I do miss the full sun grown often. I digress.

Fucking smart and I can’t emphasize it enough. I hope you have a beautiful harvest! Stoked to be a part of your outdoor grow, if only in genetics! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Just knowing the genetics as well as I do and wondering what they will hit like, I still think they are beautiful haha. I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Killer list there!!


Much appreciated! I am just making hybrids that I care to have in my garden and I am stoked when anyone else is intrigued by my work as well!

I need to get off my ass and have another round of testers sent out this week. I have been doing my best to enjoy as much of summer as possible with the family and all of my rooms are banging like there is no tomorrow and work is… well work haha, so it has been difficult to find much time to dedicate to being online etc. We shall see. Positive vibes…



I’ll keep an eye out for when you do some more testers. I’m pretty full for this next pop in a few weeks, but once I clear out the males and stuff from the veg tent, I could start some. Dog Patch and Irene are favorites and that Cherry West is nice as well. Nice genetics you’ve chosen!


Closing in on the finish line with the Chem del la black


Sounds good. Just hit me up a little before you are able to start them and we will do our best to work out the details.

I only work with genetics that I enjoy/make hybrids that I care to explore in my garden. What can I say? I have impeccable tastes haha. Thank you again for your interest in my work! Positive vibes…



Looking good brother! What day flower? I can definitely see the Triangle Kush influence from the Black Triangle side. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



They’re at 57 days right now. I’m still giving them a little more time tho


These are gonna be big ladies and gents (what do you want me to do with the males?) from the greases pieces x Tropicana cookies f2 run. Also the stems on these are something else, very sturdy, no give at all and no need for staking.
They fell over in the wind though because I haven’t defoliated and so they grew towards the sun for a day in the ground… Kinda amusing.


Things are moving right along over here with the Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies F2 ladies.
Cloning them has been rough… not the plant’s fault … I’ve just never been a master at cloning LOL I do have a nice clone of the #2 plant and a couple unrooted #1’s so at least I have one of them backed up and the #2 plant is a real nice plant so I’m not gonna complain too much.
Now out of the two ladies, #2 is filling out a little better with a bit nicer node development on the branches and inners. Seems a bit more robust than plant #1. That said the stem rub smells, the generaly structure, leaf shape , vigor ect are all extremely similar between the two plants. Can easily identify them as sisters and an untrained eye might think they were clones off the same plant.
Day 16 of 12/12 light dep today and these girls are drinking HARD right now. Just gotta keep em happy and healthy from here on out. So far they have just been getting water only since they went into the #7’s and the organic soil mix I did up.


Just based on genetics, they will probably need around 10 weeks, but you should be rewarded for your patience. Thank you again for giving my work a spot in your garden! Positive vibes…



How many of each (male/female) do you have? And what are your thoughts on what you would like to do with the males?

That is most likely coming from the Grease’s Pieces.

Is that why the full plant picture looks a little bit wilted or something? Either way, definitely looking nice! I look forward to watching them progress through flower! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Yeah that’s why it looks silly. grew to face the sun while lying on their side. Looks to be 2 of each male and female there. I could cull the males and grow out the females, or take unrooted cuts of the males and send em your way if you want em. I do have another pack of these that I purchased that I’m likely able to run after i finish up with all the others I have going. (Congolese, devils tit, CBG HURV19PAN, Black triangle x counterfeit kush, Nepali landrace, putang (purple) x tropicanna punch bx, and these greases pieces x Tropicana cookies f2)


They are looking good brother! Everything in your greenhouse is on point!

Sorry to hear that you have been having trouble getting cuts to root. The F1s bust roots pretty easy, but I can’t speak on the F2s.

If you usually have difficulties with cloning, it could also just be you though haha. I have always struggled with different methods of cloning. And when I seem to perfect one, I lose all other abilities with the other methods haha. I have been stuck on homemade aeroponic cloners for about 12-14 years now and it has been the only method that I could ever depend on like clockwork.

I am happy to hear that you have your preferred female backed up though!

This sounds like a Mikado leaner to me. They would tend to have nice internodal spacing and be stocky/robust, especially comparatively to the majority of the Tropicanna Cookies.

Sounds nice to me! It will be interesting to see how they progress through flower.

I believe in you! I look forward to seeing how it goes! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…
