Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

Chem del la black day 66 flower… I got one plant that I’m pretty sure is ready and it’s got a really sharp chem smell sitting atop everything else. Really really tempted to cut it down right now but I can wait 4 days

And here’s the one I’m gonna let keep going


They look straight :fire:


I can’t thank you enough for that! I hope that you find something that you enjoy in my work!

All good people, doing good work!

I truly appreciate you recognizing the heart and soul (not to mention relentless work and dedication) that I put into my craft. It is always nice to have people see myself and my work for what it is, especially when they are people such as yourself. Thank you again brother! Positive vibes…



Hay @stanknugzz77
Whatz up

Grandma’ dog

The one in the 2 gallon bag is 2.5 weeks in flower
And the one in the small tent is in flower only 5 days she got a major haircut of course clones taken
Don’t tell anyone I hit her with my orange tart male from prof p why cause she was there :sunglasses:

Here’s a pic of greases pieces x trop cookies x( cherry west )

She’s about 3 weeks in flower
She’s big and beautiful
I can’t get at the CW leaner to take a pic sorry
It’s a jungle in there

Looking forward to running a great deal more of your gear thank you very much !!!
and by the way, you hooked me up really good I appreciate it



Not mine thankfully though you’d be surprised at how much game this guy has, I’m just here temporarily with the plants while we move.


Also hopefully I didn’t come off rude or like a retort before I really wasn’t meaning to.


First I would like to apologize to @stanknugzz77 i was behind on this project. So here we go. 7 days ago i dropped these beauties!


Today we have 10/10 grandmas dog popped. 7 look extremely healthy. 1 is still working its way up and 2 have a little mold.


Odins- 9/10 have popped. 2 helmet heads. 1 breaking spoil. 1 with mold. And a set of TWINS!!! Due to @stanknugzz77 kindness i have some other odins i can pop to have a full run.


I cut a couple lower nugs off and put them in the herbsnow. It’s smelling pretty impressive in there


I appreciate the apology, but as long as you hold up your end of the tester agreement, we are all good brother.

You actually have the extra pack of Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin because you purchased multiple t-shirts, so those are yours to do what you wish with. If you would like to germinate some to top off the testers, that is fine, but please do not feel obligated at all.

Everything is looking good!

Quite a few people have the Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog in their garden, but you might be the first to crack the Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin. Just based on what I and others have found in the Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel, I am even more excited to see what you find in the Odin.

Thank you again for giving my work a spot in your garden! I hope that you find something that you enjoy! Positive vibes…



Sounds like my kind of flowers!

About a week and a half ago, higherthoughtguru on IG was asking me what I found unique about the Cherry West Bc. I wrote a long post about everything that I find unique about the Cherry West Bc line, including the fact that some of the flower runs that I have with my Cherry West Bc female hit this real skunky vibe to them.

I couldn’t say for certain, but I would guess that maybe the skunk that you are getting from your (Black Triangle F2) x (Cherry West Bc) Black Cherry V1 might come from the Cherry West Bc side. I hope that you are still enjoying the flowers brother! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



The smell was definitely up my alley. I am quite the fan of skunk smells that’s for damn sure and that’s good to know about the CWbc because most of what I had was throwing citrus scents. Definitely heavy on the lemon of the 4 females I had and as a whole my grove bags definitely smell of a lemon line combo since they’re more than cured now. Over all great smells.

There is definitely a reason for me to look through the cross I made between the Black Cherry and the Blueberry Diesel from my last run which has the Cherry West Bc in its lineage as well. Honestly the Black Cherry’s will be getting another run here shortly as well probably after this next planned run since I’ve told a few members I would try their packs out. I will probably look for a male/female from a 100 or so of the F2 beans and see what I can come up. If I can find either super skunky version or a very far leaning lime smell I’ll be extremely ecstatic! Super happy to have the new space. I’ll finally be able to do some huntin’.

Cheers brother!


I should be getting another round of testers sent sometime between now and next week.

Anyone else who is interested in testing some of my work, please feel free to reach out and we will make it happen.

New Cherry West Bc male hybrids:

(Face Off IX) x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry Face

Goji OG x (Cherry West Bc) Gojis & Cherries

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Cherry West Bc) Chem Del La Cherries

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x (Cherry West Bc)

Irene OG x (Cherry West Bc)

Dogwalker OG x (Cherry West Bc)

Chem D x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry D

ECSD x (Cherry West Bc) East Coast Cherry Sours

Skunktek Sour Diesel x (Cherry West Bc) Cherry Sours

These hybrids are also available for testing:

(Face Off IX) x Dog Patch Dog Face

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Dog Patch

(Hazmat OG x Blowfish) x Dog Patch HogFishDog

(Cherry West Bc) x Dog Patch Cherry Patch

(Chem Del La Chem F2) x Dog Patch Dog Eat Dog AKA DED (pronounced DEAD)

(Grease’s Pieces x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

(Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies) x Dog Patch

Stagger Lee x Dog Patch Apple Patch

Irene OG x Dog Patch Grandma’s Dog

Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin

Chem D x Dog Patch Chem^3

(Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana) x Stagger Lee

Positive vibes…



I thought that the white on black t-shirts were badass, but check out the red on black version:
7b99e7920966ac1dee31e1027a587e765de34409_2_384x500 - Copy
80e2a0047d632194b01040938bb5df5c99a01b53_2_384x500 - Copy
Who wants one? Positive vibes…




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I do like my original one but wow it definitely catches my eye

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Day 27 flower

Hel 1

this thing is large and in charge nicest looking in the tent and starting to reak a bit of chemicals and a slight sweet lemon hint

Hel 2

been slightly finicky but starting to have it turn around for the better got a compost tea going and giving them a feed tomorrow :call_me_hand: not tons of smell yet just some generic weed smells so far

Black apple 1

stacking up fat has a real interesting minty smell

Black apple 2

no noticeable smells other then a slightly skunky thing going on starting to frost up quite a bit

No signs of intersex both Hel and black apples seem stable so far :call_me_hand: can’t wait to see these in a few more weeks! Not 100 percent my best run as I’ve had lot on my plate and trying to stay above water and been trying to play catch up vs on top of my game but these plants have been great and think there going to turn out pretty amazing :star_struck: @stanknugzz77

Had to let the outdoor plants go where getting to beat up from the heat wave and couldn’t keep up with there needs 🥲


Well uh it’s 12:42 my time so the finished chem del la black is getting chopped :joy: I made it to 70 days. The other one might make it 80 who knows but I am gonna need that spot soon got 2 plants bunched in the 2x2 struggling in that hot ass room so we shall see


second choice if i had one (Cherry West Bc) x Dog Patch Cherry Patch

would like to grow these and see if the tester…“me” can show you i have some skills to make things happen.
please allow me the oppurtunity to grow out one of your test strains…i can drop ten at once if needed