Ill Eagle Birdseed Testers

It is good to see you here brother! I know that I already have several times, but I just want to thank you again for encouraging me to take my craft more seriously and to get my work into more people’s gardens. Without your encouragement, I would not have taken the leap that I did and wouldn’t be where I am today with my work. I can never express enough gratitude to you for that. Thank you for your work and for all that you do for the cannabis community.

As always, you are far too kind!

Absolutely beautiful! I love that little bit of foxtailing that she has going on with her bracts. I am happy to hear that you found something that you enjoy in my work (which is half your work with the Grease’s Pieces, so thank you for that as well!).

I have been meaning to put some of the Grease’s Pieces x Herijuana up for sale, but I have been even busier than usual lately, on top of trying to soak up as much of summer as possible with my family. I definitely still have some of the F1s though.

Thank you again for dropping by over here and also for the gorgeous pictures/write up. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



Those buds looking real pretty in there

And I’m about to roll up one of these test nugs I put in the dryer a few days ago


Ok this is on the list
I normally stay away from heri
I for a long time grew nothing but herijuana and crosses of hers
But this one is a beautiful cross


Halfway through the blunt. I really could put this mf out right now but that’s against my religion😂. It really hits you behind the eyelids. Definitely not as flavorful as the (Grease’s pieces x Tropicanna cookies) x (Cherry west bc) straight out the dryer but the effects are THERE definitely can see why I should let plants go longer now. I’m gonna seal the rest up and taste test it again in a few weeks see what time brings out of it


Just to clarify, how many females of the (Chem Del La Chem F2) x (Black Triangle F2) did you flower?

And how many do you still have going?

Did you get any pictures before harvesting this plant?

Looking beautiful brother! Yeah the patience always pays off.

I like the look of those dried flowers too! Beautiful work on your part brother!

This is like comparing chemicals and cherries haha. It couldn’t be more different.

I am happy to hear these 2 parts of feedback for sure!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts after a little bit of a cure! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



I flowered 3 females took one early because of “life” and for some reason it started looking really bad. Took the next one at 70 days. Still got the last one going I did not take pics before harvesting. I was a little inebriated last night ohh the shame


All good brother. I thought that you flowered 3, but I felt like I was fucking up the simple math somewhere haha.

No worries at all. Any pictures of the last girl standing? Haha. Either way, I appreciate your patience brother! Positive vibes…


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Here she is still sporting the mass of her white hairs


My healthy mikado x Tropicana cookies f2 females. I had to move them outside under duress and I am having my first real outdoor experience. I have a couple of other females that don’t look too great due to slug infestation.

My HEL male.

And finally my HEL females. I will try to get better shots of these tomorrow.


Looking good brother! I am happy to see things still kicking over your way! Will those be able to properly finish outdoors for you? I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



super dope the red looks killer!

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my Mikado x Tropicanna Cookies F2 are doing pretty good.
They are both so similar now I have to look at the tags to tell them apart. My early favorite which was number 2 didn’t like something did and she developed yellow edges and burnt tips on the fan leaves. I might have double dosed the food I gave her when I gave everything that looked hungry a dose of hardwater micro (5-0-1) and alaska more bloom. She greened back up but I must have done something wrong with that jug of feed LOL . Regardless , flower formation doesn’t really seem too affected as they are keeping up with the other plants just fine. #1 took the dose of feed really well and seems to be back on track.
I guess I missed the mark a little when I reammended my soils this year. I cut back on the amount of sheep manure by 1/3 of what the fresh recipe calls for. I think that was a mistake as the plants seemed to run out of N as they hit the begining of week 3.

They both smell quite stong now and it is all fermented fruit with a bit of that cookie dough note to it. Getting nice and frosty too which I tried to capture in the pics. Today is day 31 of 12/12, pics were from 3 days ago.


What a beautiful view of the mountains, @Bugsandnugs :sunglasses:!!!
It must be wonderful to sit among the plants in the morning and smoke and admire the scenery!!!


I’ll deff get one do you have long talls lol ?


Deffinatley some happy ladies right there !
Nice work bro !


Hey guys, I havn’t been updating as much, the summer is roasting me and the plants. Chem Del La Black handling it a little better than (Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc

(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc started flowering pretty early around Aug 1st I was seeing signs. It’s looking to finish very early, like Mid September
Chem Del La Black was a late bloomer almost no pistils till Aug 14th. Probably October Finish

(Trop Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West #1 has really round fat grenade buds
(Trop Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West #2 is more long spear buds
#1 has a more Pine, Evergreen with blunted Tropical Fruit, Tropical Soda
#2 has a less Pine, Full on Cherry Icee, Tropical Soda, Lime Soda, Sprite Terp

Chem Del La Black #1 has a dank Kush aroma, maybe some Pine Powder
Chem Del La Black #2 is pretty much the same aroma, nice classy dank kush

(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc (Aug 20th)

(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc #1 / #2 (Aug 20th)

Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana x Cherry West #1 (Grenades) (Aug 24th)

Chem Del La Black #1 / #2 (Aug 24th)


Looking great man! I am excited to see my mikado x TC flower out.


It’s very nice and relaxing, thanks for stopping by!


Awesome! Sounds like a good time to me haha. The creamy papaya might be coming from the Stagger Lee side of things.

Yeah the Hogfish doesn’t have much bag appeal, but definitely makes up for it with flavor and power. The Stagger Lee definitely has bag appeal, but bag appeal has never mattered too much to me, personally.

This sounds incredible, especially stanky fuel haha. Did you keep any cuts to run again?

Gorgeous flowers! You definitely got a nice haul from the testers. I hope that you are enjoying the fruits of your labor! Thank you so much again for giving my work a spot in your garden and for following through with your end of the tester agreement! It means a lot! I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



I keep cuts of everyone of them. Hogfish 5 is that keeper for another run and the Black Apple 2&5. The 2 being the best of them. Everyone is loving the Black Apple. Thank you for letting me run these. When I’m down with my other testers I’ll hit ya up for another run of something different if that’s ok.
