I'm looking for African Landrace seeds

There’s Moroccan “Ketama”, which is apparently often contaminated. And Derg has a Nigerian. Those are the only West African strains I know of.

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had this from Tanzania last summer but lost the clones due to mites. Never budded butbgrew 14ft tall


(:thinking: I thought Morocco was part of North Africa)

but cool on the N :eye: gerian. :thumbsup:

@Mongobongo :sweat_smile: Tanza-knee-her is on the Eeeeeast Side. But also good info/thanks. :wink:



Hhahaha please post a map for those of us geographically unable.

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Depending on who you ask what “West Africa” is I guess… :joy:

Nigeria is east-most in W Africa. Morocco is North, but it’s also as far West.

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I won’t get nerdy & argumentative about the saharan divide :joy:

…but what led to my thinking & asking is the climate on the coast there would be different from Congo, deep in the center & maybe a climate 1/2-way between South Africa & Congo… more moderate? African OG?

:telephone_receiver: Time to call @Sunvalley



Looks like most of W Africa is in the BWh climate zone (Arid/desert/hot). The rest is pretty similar to Congo (tropical).


I have a landrace strain from Senegal. That is about as west Africa as you can get. I have not grown it yet. I have also seen weed from Ghana and Ivory Coast. They are likely related and said to be milder strains of weed. At least the original strains are.


I would like to try the senegal myself, I like the colors I seen from a few pics of that strain… USC and Tropical seeds had it, but no longer stock it for some reason… I do have some ghana crosses, like sour diesel X Ghana… I dont have much,but perhaps we could work out a trade…
That is if you would be interested that is… I have been collecting african landraces for a little while now as I am hoping to eventually grow out several crosses from the african strains.

If you are referring to me here? Sorry senor, I do not have enough Senegal seeds to trade. Not sure when I will grow them for more seeds.

I understand… It never hurts to ask… I have African landraces from, Makawi, Nigeria, Congo, Morroco, Ciskei, Transkei, Lesotha, A Ghana cross or two, And a few others from south africa near transkei, But no senegal…Like I said I like the looks/of th Senegal as it can be colorful with even some blue in it…:grinning:

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I got some DD was very purple and now working on some blue kush and dj short blueberry.