I'm looking for African Landrace seeds

I’m on the hunt for African landrace seeds from all over the continent… I’m hoping to try and acquire landrace seeds from all over the continent of Africa if possible, I do have some already But , I hope to acquire some from all over the continent as I wish to eventually work with these various land-races to make some of my own crosses that are solely made of African genetics…
If I pull of making these various crosses I intend on sharing the fruits of my labor with other OG members that would be interested in trying them also…
Who knows some stunning examples might come out of my pollen chucking or perhaps other members contributions… So if anyone has any African strains they don’t mind sharing, I would be very grateful indeed… Perhaps I might have something to offer in trade also if needed… I don’t have to much to offer in trade but perhaps something.
Ok guys and gals thanks for taking the time to read my post and happy growing! :slight_smile:


You could get more seeds from older members if we could see some of your grows. You only have one photo of buds you grew but no pics of any budding or even vegging plants. Do you have any plants going outdoors right now? I would love to see your work.


Thank’s for the advice and what you feel is required of me… :slight_smile: It would be nice to feel comfortable posting pics of grows, But unfortunately I don’t live in Colorado or Cali etc… Call me a little paranoid if you like… I’m hoping where I’m at will go recreational legal in 2020 or so… I wish I could have a nice outdoor legal grow as I’m in a good latitude at around 29 deg to be able to grow some nice sativas.
I am in a legal medical state though the regulations are pathetic to say the least, such as not allowed to grow your own, cant buy smoke-able forms such as buds, only tinctures, vape cartridges and edibles oh and also no high THC either only low THC and CBD also here they only allow corporate big money dispensaries to open shop…


Thanks for pointing out Ace seeds to me , I already have a few of their strains, Zamaldelica, Destroyer, Tikal and china yunnan… I definitely plan on using some of Ace seeds and some from Tropical Seeds that I have in some crosses for sure… :slight_smile:

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Figured it was a good fit for someone on a budget since you can purchase 1 seed at a time.

Take a look at the Panama x Malawi.


The top 1/3 of Ace’s Malawi drying


Mmmmm, Allagash, too…

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Afropip seeds used to have some good African strains.


I always vow to myself “Don’t do it, don’t answer”

But I can’t help myself, I want to help people.

Because there was a (very dark) time in my life when I needed help, but no-one offered to help, despite my screams for help.

Have you checked WOS offerings?



Hi. What strains da ya have to trade?

I suppousse yare talkin bout Destroyer Cannabiogen… It’s one of my favourites strains…


cannabiogen has ‘durban’ pure south african


i’m planning on traveling to find some genetics in the next year or 2, either africa or south asia


You lost me a little there… Thank’s for suggestion of WOS, but unfortunately I have heard bad things about them from others, While their offerings look enticing I here they are dubious when it comes to genetics… as in not what they say it is… So I think I will avoid them based on hearsay…:slight_smile:

Wow, I would love to be able to travel around Africa and searching for seeds while I was at it… If you do it just be very careful, You see what happened to Franco Loja dying from Malaria in the Congo at the age of 42, He was the good half of greenhouse seeds if you ask me…


Yes, I was talking about Cannabiogen’s Destroyer… I dont have too many strains but off the top of my head I have, Some of the colombian blacks, Psycodelica x Zamaldelica, Second Sight f2 (Trainwreck X The Purps) X (Headband X Jack The Ripper) Tree of life BX (Trainwreck X The Purps) X [ (Trainwreck X The Purps) X (Headband X Jack The Ripper X2) Goat Yogi (Trainwreck X (Blueberry X Skunk #1) ] X (Tree of Life X Third Eye)[ Trainwreck X (Blueberry X Skunk #1) ] X [ (Trainwreck X The Purps) X (Headband X Jack The Ripper) Hulk P (somango X destroyer) Tall White ( Pineapple Thai X R6) Then I have various Tropical seed strains, Durban Punch, Old Afghan NLD, Ciskei X Afghan, king congo, ciskei and nepal highland…


I do have Moroccan gold, maybe we should work in a trade? :blush:


FYI cannabiogen also has a really interesting looking Ghana strain out on limited edition right now.


Franco went to Congo over 250 times. They have medications you can take before going in.

IMO, the other ‘good half’ of GHS founded MrNice (Shantibaba). There are anti-malaria drugs that you can take, but they take a toll. Also some malaria species have become resistant to them. In Congo, there have also been outbreaks of Ebola, hemorrhagic fever, polio, cholera, and typhoid. Tuberculosis is on the rise there and AIDS and malaria are fairly common there. So be very careful indeed.


Bump for :earth_africa:. :slight_smile:

I’ve never heard of any WEST African weed… anyone know anything?

Presuming that it’s all mixed up with modern hybrids by now, of course.


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