I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow



Holy crap that’s a lot of seeds. I recently tried Tropicana Cookies. Pretty good smoke got a couple beans from the guy growing it. Definitely the strongest orange flavor I have ever tasted. I like it, good mellow buzz. Could go either way. Sit and relax or get up and do something maybe not so important lol. Duhhh why did I walk into this room!!! :rofl:. Nice list brother


Dang, boiii!
You have your work cut out for you. I get more than 10 plants going at once, I start going bonkers.
Love your tenacious nature tho.


Now I just gotta finish this bud run, so I get on to making some more crosses. I spoke to Corey and he is sending me something for you. As soon as it gets here, I’ll get it headed, in your direction :+1:t4:


Thanks brother J. I tied to make sure I got a good variety, so the crosses would have something that everyone could enjoy. I’m kinda interested in this one but, it’s a photo and might have to wait until next year. My photo seed run is about full, for this year outdoors

Greybeard Private Label Mocha DoSi Feminised Seeds

Mocha DoSi

Cannabis creations have come a long way since the early days of American breeding in the ’60s and the efficacy of the genes which have gone into breeding this stupendous strain cannot be denied. Oregon Afghani, Chocolope, and GSC come together to form the high-test herb that is Mocha DoSi. Growing fast and strong, reaching four or five feet and exhibiting prolific budding. Your outdoor garden or indoor grow op will stink to high heaven with scents of chocolate, coffee, earth, and spice, indicative of this strain’s award-winning lineage


|Indoor Yield|**400-500g per square meter
|Outdoor Yield|**450-550g per plant
|Flower Time|**8-10 weeks
|Aroma & Flavors|**Chocolate, Coffee, Earthy, Spice, Woody
|Terpenes|**Humulene, a-Pinene, b-Caryophyllene


Now I just gotta figure, how many I am willing to fight with, indoors. Already got 12-13 photo’s for outdoors. I keep saying that I’m gonna slow down some. WTF am I thinking, don’t look like I’ll be slowing down, for a while. :thinking: :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Worked on a little more defoliating, last night, after a few adult beverages. Gonna try to get back in there shortly

Arachnid Pie is packing on some weight

I’ll try to get some better pictures, after I put a drink or 2 in my hand and get back to defoliating
My front porch

2 little volunteers from feminized White Widow run, I have no clue what they are

I keep forgetting about this one behind the chair

Back porch

Oly’s Wash clone in the middle

Re-vegging German Duck clone, from last year

The rest of Moma’s veggie plants

I found 3 or so loose seeds in the bottom of a container, when I was cataloging, everything and threw them in this pot, not sure what they are but, I believe that they are a photo something or another. I thought that only 1 was gonna pop. I see today it’s got a little friend

2 more volunteers from the White Widow seed run, these were under 8"+ of snow a few weeks ago.

And then there is 2 more volunteers, from the same run

I broke a branch a week or two ago, when I was out on the back porch bending branches, stuck it straight in a pot that had some dirt in it, doing nothing else to it, it’s a feminized photo something or another, 1 of the ones, I have already put out back. I didn’t expect it to grow

Go figure. I would have paid more attention to what plant I broke it off of :laughing: :rofl:
My Sobriety Check Point project

Some random shots of the back porch

Didn’t make it to the girls outback today, maybe tomorie :man_shrugging:t4:
Well that’s all I got growin on for now. I hope that y’all are enjoying your weekend. Have a great day. Y’all be safe :v:t4:


Gotta love living country bro. :slight_smile:
And dang that’s an amazing list! There will be some fire generated out of some of that!


Just wanted to make sure that I hadn’t unknowingly done something that offended anyone, if I did feel free to not visit my journal. I had some issues on another forum and for something, that I posted on 5 other forums, evidently it offended someone or somesnowflake, while I heard nothing about offending anyone on the other 5 forums and evidently, it raised to enough of a reason to suspend me. Go figure. As soon as I saw that my post was flagged, I immediately deleted it. Someone has been gunning for me for the last couple of months there anyhow and I was actually trying to be good. WTF. It is what it is, their loss, not mine. I’m a little disappointed, with that forum, most claimed to be the adults of their sister forum, turns out, a lot of them seemed like kindergartener’s. Actually, I saw it coming. Had issues, ever since I was invited over there. Makes me leery to accept any invites, from anyone to a new forum. I liked the old days when people were not a bunch of over sensitive p*ssies. I’ll get off, my soapbox. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop: :v:t4:

And this is one of the reasons :point_up_2:t4:



What’s the history/genetics of the German Duck strain you have?
Does it have Ducks Foot genetics in it? :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, I just scored some more and also some autos

All American Seed Co Quack Autoflower Feminised Seeds


Our version of Auto Duck, Quack Auto, is a stealth cannabis variety with unusually shaped cannabis leaves which make it difficult to identify as cannabis, especially during the first half of its life before the buds form. Outdoors this variety tends to take around 85-90 days from seed to harvest, she produces good quality cannabis and will bloom well in good conditions outdoors or in a greenhouse. Indoors, she is ready after about 75 days. Quack Auto has a stabilized natural leaf deformity, with webbed leaves that resemble a ducks foot print as well as a light odor during bloom. Quack Auto is the autoflowering version of the best selling photoperiod ‘Frisian Duck’ variety and crossed with our Auto White Widow which turned it into autoflowering strain. Auto Duck has green buds and a light cannabis scent compared to Frisian Duck. Perfect for urban growing.


BREEDER/BRAND All American Seed Co
GENETICS Frisian Duck x Auto White Widow
VARIETY Indica / Sativa
FLOWERING TYPE Autoflowering
SEX Feminised
YIELD Medium-High
GROWS Greenhouse, Grows indoors, Grows outdoors
FLOWERING TIME 11 -12 weeks

Greybeard Private Label German Duck Feminised Seeds


German Duck grows with unusually shaped leaves making it difficult to identify as traditional cannabis and ideal for outdoor and greenhouse growing in populated areas. The name refers to the distinctive leaf shape which looks like a ducks footprint especially during the first two thirds of her life. During bloom some upper leaves may show the more traditional cannabis shape. German Duck comes from crossing Frisian Dew with DucksFoot. This unique, robust, stealthy variety is ready to harvest at the start of October (start of April in Southern Hemisphere). She can show beautiful purple colours during flowering and grows like a Christmas tree, outdoors up to 2.5 meters, indoors up to 1.5 meters. German Duck produces compact buds with spicy aromas of pine, citrus and fresh forest. She was created for outdoor growing but also does well indoors. German Duck is a unique cannabis plant in disguise; tough and easy to grow, perfect for less experienced growers. German Duck grows without being recognizable as cannabis for large parts of its life.


BREEDER/BRAND Greybeard Private Label
GENETICS Frisian Dew x DucksFoot
VARIETY Indica / Sativa
SEX Feminised
PLANT HEIGHT 150-250 cm
GROWS Greenhouse, Grows indoors, Grows outdoors
TASTE / FLAVOUR Citrus, Pine, Spicy / Herbal, Woody


Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds | Hybrid | THC content 15-20% | High yield

Product Details

Flowering Time

8 - 10 weeks





Seed Type



Growth Area

THC Level


Auto Duck | Dutch Passion

Auto Duck Strain is a kind of camouflage cannabis variety. The plant shows up with oddly shaped cannabis leaves, making it difficult to recognize as a cannabis plant.

At least in its first half of life, before it forms its buds.

In outdoor grows, Auto Duck typically takes 85-90 days from seed to harvest, produces high quality marijuana, and flowers well in good conditions both outdoors and indoors. Indoors, the cannabis plant is ready for harvest after about 75 days with 20/4 light/day.

Auto Duck exhibits a permanent natural deformation of its leaves. The leaves seem to form a sort of webbed skin and makes it look similar to a duck’s footprint. During flowering, it is also noticeable that it hardly smells. Auto Duck is the autoflowering version of the best-selling photoperiod variety Frisian Duck, crossed with Dutch Passion’s Auto White Widow, making it a very potent autoflowering strain.

At harvest, Auto Duck shows green buds and then a strong cannabis smell especially when compared to Frisian Duck. Perfect for growing in the city and ideal for growers who do not want the whole world to know they are growing cannabis. However, as a precaution, always work with activated charcoal filters. This robust and reliable cannabis strain can be grown in any climate.

The effects of the weed are mainly cerebral, energetic and euphoric. Due to the rather average THC content, the weed can be consumed throughout the day.

Normally, the yield is around between 50g to a maximum of 100g per plant. Outdoors, the yield averages between 25-75g per plant. Indoors, it can produce an average yield of 400-450g per m2. Auto Duck does especially well in a SOG setup with multiple plants per m2.



I never even knew there was an auto version of it.
I will have to get some one day. :slightly_smiling_face:


Me either, that’s why I snatched it up :wink:


Why would you think you had?

Totally! If folks are offended just move along. Nobody is forced to read every post here.

You and me both. Things have gotten to silly.

:green_heart: :seedling:

I know the post was older.


I may do a run and cross the 2 auto Duck’s, with each other. There seems to be a lot of interest in this one and possibly next year, use the German Duck as my pollinator and breed it with itself and a few other photos, that I have. One of the crosses that immediately comes to mind is Stealth Fighter. I have an auto and photo version of it. Fighting Quack, maybe? When I do remind me and I will get you some beans, my friend, for sure :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Thank you for the kind words, ma’am. I was beginning to feel like I was the only one that felt that. I was just asking, because evidently, one of the exactly the same posts, that I put here got me the boot, on another forum, that I was invited to and kinda feel more at home here and didn’t want the same thing to happen. I’ve grown weed since the mid 70’s and never discussed it with anyone, until just under 3 years ago. I enjoy being able to discuss growing openly and don’t really want to go back to discussing, nothing with nobody. Everyone seems to have forgotten how to agree to disagree and move on. Like you said, I’m not forcing anyone to read my journal. If something on my journal offends someone and they can’t just move on. Don’t get mad at me and try to get me or anyone else in trouble. Get mad at your parents for raising, such an overly sensitive pr^ck. This cancel culture crap, has got to go. Just my humble opinion. I reckon my biggest problems is, I was raised to speak my mind and most people now a days, don’t seem to like that quality in a person. I’ve always been a straight shooter and a lot of people seem to be living, in some kinda fantasy world They would rather be lied to and told everything is okay, when they can see with their own 2 eyes, that it’s not. I just dunno anymore. Sorry for the rant :man_facepalming:t4:
I hope that all is well, with you and yours ma’am. Be Safe. Things are crazy out there and unfortunately, I have a feeling, that they are gonna get crazier :v:t4:


Nice rant, keep on trucking’

And by the way, the eagle has landed. Wow, that is some spread you sent me, thank you very much.

I will make sure to send you pics when they start strutting


Good morning, my brother. I hope that all is well in your neck of the woods. I’m glad that they landed safely, my friend. I’ve only had issues a time or two, with getting things to their final destination and unfortunately, I beleive both of those times were kinda my fault :man_facepalming:t4:
I hope that you enjoy them. Have a great day brother. Be Safe :v:t4:


You did an outstanding job of disguising :+1:mad props


I’ve never seen you be anything but nice and very generous to the community. So I hope it’s just autoreportbots or something reporting everything and somehow your post was taken down/removed accidently.

Everything’s looking nice and healthy! Going to be some great crosses coming from that list! What kinda shipping times does Linda’s have?
Got a buddy that wants to hire me to establish provenance and do a open pop seed run, Some special stock his family has been running for decades. They’ve lost vigor since moving to the mountains, so the line needs a little tough love haha. I’ll be documenting and passing out some of the seeds, hopefully.

Hope all is well, Brother.

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