I'm the Black Sheep of the Family's Continuous Grow

Morning Gary.
Hope everything is working out good for you, my friend.


Just topped my res off with 66 gal of water. 4/2/23 I added 68 gallons 0f water. Plants drank close to 60 gallons of water in 26 days. WTF. I think think the math comes out to if you round it off to 60 divided by 9, 6.6666666 gallons per plant, counting 9 plants. I’m right fucked up right now so maybe my math is wrong :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Well had a wonderful mail day yesterday thanks to @repins12 thank you for the fire!

thanks so much again! I have a planned long flower run next so gonna be hitting up these autos to keep me smoking!


Outmotherfuckingstanding. I’m glad that they arrived safely. The LCM x Chem D is a reg photo, still one of my favorite strains. All the rest of them are autos. Should be marked on the back of each. The Charolett’s Yesterdream won bud of the year on another forum. The grower had it tested and it came back at 29%. Not too shabby for an auto. He said that the Vet’s he grows for love it. Hopefully they will do well for you.


Damn @repins12 , who I gotta buy a hooker for to get a :heart: pack like that? PM me the Flippin deets!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


How is everyone out there in WEEDVILLE doing this afternoon? I hope that all is well in your neck of the woods or your side of the pond.
Been raining like a mofo here all day and I got a little bored so, I decided to make some chocolates. I have never done this before but, I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
I looked a many different recipe’s and came up with the simple method that I used. So, here we go

I had some canna oil that my wife canned back in 2021 along with some cannabutter, to experiment with the shelf life. I now know that I can preserve both oil and butter with my wife’s technique.

She is on the rebel canner’s forum and they can everything.
Started out with half the chocolate, about 2 cups.

After that melted, I added some more. About half of what was left, maybe a cup.

After all of the chocolate was melted, I took it off the heat and added the Canna Coco oil. Around 1/3 of a cup. Mixed thoroughly and transfered to a measuring cup.

Poured into molds

Went and picked some fresh strawberries yesterday with my grandkids, so I dipped 2 of them as well.
Then it was off to the refrigerator to harden back off. I’ll let you know later how they turned out.

This is the recipe I used

What you need:

24 ounces of melting chocolate (2 12 ounce bags)

1/3 cup Canna Butter or Canna Coco oil

Double Boiler

Candy Molds


  • Add water to your double broiler over medium/low heat. Once water is at a boil, turn to low heat.
  • Add 2 cups of chocolates and stir for 30 seconds.
  • Add the remaining 2 cups of chocolates and stir until mostly lump-free.
  • Add cannabutter or canna oil and stir until completely melted.
  • Once the cannabutter or canna oil is melted, pour into your candy molds.
  • Refrigerate until the chocolates are hardened.
  • Once ready, remove the chocolates from molds and store in air-tight container in your refrigerator.


Water causes chocolate to seize, when the water is on high, causing the water to come to a rolling boil, it gives off more steam than needed. Steam can make it’s way into the top bowl, seizing the chocolate. It is important to never cover the top pot, creating steam.

When shopping for chocolates, using higher quality chocolate makes a great deal of impact on flavor. You can also substitute white chocolate or dark chocolate in this recipe and yield the same results.
I hope that you have a great evening. Y’all Be Safe :v:t4:


@repins12 Hello brother!! Evening!!
Just passing by to let you know I’m enjoying a Purple Lot Lizard joint!!
You are awesome! Hats off!! Thank you!!
Have a great Sunday!!
:pray: :leaves: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:




Yo Gary!
You sure have some purty hands! Hawhaw.


Those were my wife’s. She helped towards the end. My back was giving out :man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :v:t4:


I knew dat. I was screwing with you. Nice garden.


This can never be allowed.

God bless America! Please.


Glad you’re feelin better, Brother!

Everything is looking great so far! I’m betting the edibles were delicious? I think I’ll try your method with Cadbury diary milk choc if they pass muster with you and the Mrs.

Herald and Kumar open population update - The Males I kept finally dropped pollen after 50ish day into flower. Culled two that were going to drop a bit sooner but they had some undesirable internodal spacing so I went with less males but all had much better structure.

Will upload pics when I get a chance. Stay safe my friend and eat an extra chocolate for me :smiley:

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How is everyone doing this evening out there in WEEDVILLE? I hope that all is well and we are all vertical an kickin. Got another shot in my back today and they are testing me for something else once again, Bla, Bla, Bla.
I’m off work again until work can get clarification from my doctor :man_shrugging:t4: WTF.
Got bored and still have some fresh strawberries, that I don’t/can’t let go bad. So, I made another batch of chocolate. This time using Canna Butter and one half cup instead of one third as I did with the Canna Cocca Oil. The othere was very good but, looking for a little bit more of a kick. Here we go

Off to the refrigerator they went.
And there you have it sweet and simple.

What you need:

24 ounces of melting chocolate (2 12 ounce bags)

1/2 cup Canna Butter or Canna Coco oil

Double Boiler

Candy Molds


  • Add water to your double broiler over medium/low heat. Once water is at a boil, turn to low heat.
  • Add 2 cups of chocolates and stir for 30 seconds.
  • Add the remaining 2 cups of chocolates and stir until mostly lump-free.
  • Add cannabutter or canna oil and stir until completely melted.
  • Once the cannabutter or canna oil is melted, pour into your candy molds.
  • Refrigerate until the chocolates are hardened.
  • Once ready, remove the chocolates from molds and store in air-tight container in your refrigerator.


Water causes chocolate to seize, when the water is on high, causing the water to come to a rolling boil, it gives off more steam than needed. Steam can make it’s way into the top bowl, seizing the chocolate. It is important to never cover the top pot, creating steam.

When shopping for chocolates, using higher quality chocolate makes a great deal of impact on flavor. You can also substitute white chocolate or dark chocolate in this recipe and yield the same results.

I used 1/2 cup of Canna Butter this go round. There you have it.
I hope that you have a great evening. I know I will :wink: Y’all Be Safe :v:t4:




Y’all have a great day :v:t4:


You to man✌️

Morning Gary.
Hope you have a nice day bruh. Eat a couple of those chocs and a nice day is guaranteed.

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@Oldguy @Bow4Buck @BIGJ @TestOfOath If y’all are interested, you might want to check this out



Hey there Buddy… how you been…? busy here.

I’m checking in with everyone who was going to make seeds and I think you were going to do the Miss Piggy for me… Was hoping you had a chance to toss a few out into the yard or whatever… just trying to keep on top of things.

Looks like Argo just started the Gabagoo and Beast Mode… while the other breeder will have them ready sooner.

Looking forward to your trained eye and who you choose to breed with too…
Always nice to paruse thru your thread to… and yes, your gonna get me on the spelling of that word huh? hahaha