Beebud's country living journal

Been running around here like a lost pup. Need a home base. so a journal makes sense now!

Made a 4x8 bed to grow some CBD. Fast bud’s 20:1

Some mango smile autos (Mephisto)


Looking good there @beebud :green_heart:


Always have some tomato plants. And that pretty much wraps up the front yard (for now). :smile:



Left LA Pure Kush, Wedding cake (jbz)


Nice! I’ve heard nothing but good things about Mango Smile. I’ve got a couple old Night Owl crosses with it that I need to grow out.

Cheers to the country life!


Thanks @HomegrownVABudz, plants need to be grown!
I’ve heard the same about mango smile @Jobu, it’s been a very wet spring which has pm all over the place but hopefully still get some finished.


Awesome, happy to see you starting a log! I’m thinking of rebooting my thread or something, I need to get back on here more and say hi to folks! PM here in Southern NE is crazy too this year, my yard is currently a torture test zone for some FDM African Queen, Jack The Ripper from Badger (thanks @catapult ! The indo came out nice, the other mom went out) and Copa testers he called off but I just booted the best ones out back, that’s Carbon Killerz (Strayfox) x Durban/Lambsbread. Hope I can get them to finish at 43N, reports were 12 weeks or so from other people testing the crosses. Just got a pound of Bonide micronized sulfur to treat with, do you use that? What’s your preferred mode of application for cannabis, dusting or spray? I feel like this is something you’d know, I want to use it on my tomatoes too. Happy to see you around bud!


Looking beautiful man! I wish I had enough sunny areas to do outdoor plants but all my property is heavily wooded. Hope you have a great grow and check out joecrowe’s thread on PM, it’s a good read if you get the time.


Almost grew some Mango Smile seeds I had this round- gonna be fun living vicariously through your log :+1:t4:


Here’s what’s getting sprayed tonight. I’ve always suffered along with it until reading the success @JoeCrowe and others have with sulphur.
The autos didn’t get treated and some clones did earlier but the photos definitely all need done.


@FirstCavApache64 and @rasterman these are the clones I whined about on the reveg.
These clones are a bit of a different game… Live and learn.

Wedding cake

Scorpion Candy


Sannies Jack F9


You’re gonna like that Wedding Cake smoke I bet. It’s very good potency and has a mild chocolate flavor to me. I’m keeping that one around for a bit. The Trinity was good, nice terps with a good buzz but the Wedding Cake works better for me. Can’t wait to see yours in full flower.


Holy SHIT those look good. I wish I could grow plants that large. There’s no place outside for a plant that large to hide even if I didn’t have gophers. But they’re looking awesome! :100:


Make sure you break the mildew life cycle for the next grow season! If the mildew keeps coming back spray the autos and the photos at the same time. Even if they are tiny seedlings it’ll still work. The seedlings like the sulfur! Never apply within 30 days of an oil based application. etc! Or you can treat the area before you plant. Sterilize the colony right away then plant your clean seedlings/clones. The mildew can’t spread 6 meters unaided, but it can spread .5 meters.


There are 3 Gabagoo’s there. Actually the 2 smaller are decent size for indoor (one is hiding behind the biggin). But the 3rd one is a real dandy! 95% sure it’s a female now. As fast and vigorous as she is I had her for a boy. Looking great, thanks @Carty

TK up against the chikin coop. Put it out later, and thankfully didn’t have to reveg as much as the other.

Big Don x Vortex from @Dirt_Wizard
Another 95% sure this one’s a girl too. It’s looking real nice. Got 3 more that are closer to seedling size in a bed. Thinking about weaving them in and around some sunflowers later. He he

Three on left are Sowah Males from my winter run. They are heading down in the valley later to make pollen. Barring any catastrophic events there will be Sowah pollen available this fall. Tempted to reverse a few others down there also…
The three on right are Hoku circles CBG strain.

That’s most of what’s going on around here. Took me a bit to cover them all. I probably won’t do picture updates on everything every week. But if you want to know about one ask!


Looks great… Fantastic even! Thanks for sharing

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Sannies Jack…great memories there

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I’m so psyched to see you growing those out, she look beautiful! Definitely a good candidate for some training up a stalk or trunk, the Vortex moms were all extremely viney/creeper structured, the dad that pollinated everyone was extremely tall and columnar. The Big Don mom is definitely a bit lanky and leggy but much more of a usable growth pattern. My hope with this particular genetic combination was to use the pheno of Big Don I had kept, with great big chunky foxtails that told me it was likely expressing the Romulan, and stimulate that in the Vortex. Everyone says Vortex is an absolutely terrible plant to grow, and my experience wasn’t disproving it, I literally coiled them around stuff, but the kif from the seed plants has a great up, slightly weird and trippy effect, so I can see where the love for it comes from too. Romulan is such a legendary outdoor Northern latitudes plant that I figured maybe that reinforcement might make it a lot more productive and hardy, alongside the GG4 RIL genetics from Tonygreen. I’m biased a bit by hope because I still have hundreds of these seeds, but I hope they are dank as possible!

Here’s the genetics for those reading along with this grow:

Big Don from Tonygreen’s Tortured Beans

Vortex from Subcool/TGA/The Dank sourced from Badger

Apollo 13 by Brothers Grimm (Genius x P.75)
Space Queen (Cinderella 99 x Romulan) by BCGA

Since Vortex reinforces the Princess/Genius side of Space Queen, I thought it might give good balance to put some more Romulan back into it.


It’s looking pretty out there this morning

Probably the last bed of the year. I’ll mix some chicken goodness and a little perlite in there. Ran out of Gaia so will topdress only on this one when it arrives.

Unfortunately, had to remove a male sowah. When they were grown from seed and pulled down to my clone rack there was one that took a lot longer to calm down, and now I see him!

Really wanted at least 3 males for diversity, but a chance of improving stability in this strain trump’s that.

These two should do the job


That hole turned out nice, and has been filled with Dog walker OG, courtesy of @hoss8455