In the basement with Loggershands

Recently I seen people taking about smoke reports and it occurred to me that, even though I like reading them, I’ve never done one.

The Suga Suga (bred by @DannyTerpintine) was a beautiful plant to grow. She is early into her cure but it’s still really nice weed so here is what I think so far.

Smells: When I bust this weed up it gives off a chunky peanut butter and dank Kush smell/flavour that is intoxicating. The smell is thick and rich and I find myself holding the bowl of weed up and taking hard, satisfying sniffs each time.

Effects: It’s a creeper, which I like, taking a few minutes to really settle in. It’s comes over your whole body with a warm wave, like a weighted blanket. It’s very chill but surprisingly clear headed. It’s excellent weed for pain and body ailments. I’m recovering from a spine injury and this weed is my go to at the moment.

Buds: Beautiful frosty purple buds with dark orange hairs certainly offers a lot of “bag appeal”. These nuggets are hard and bust up to much more than you would expect (important back when I was buying :grin:).