In the basement with Loggershands

Nice job @Loggershands, those are some exquisitely trichome encrusted nuggets you have there! Great work!

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I love what I assume is pollen collection cups.

Your grow looks great, I am currently running a stardawg cross and I hope she turns out as nice as yours :+1:

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Thank you @herojuana.tom! I appreciate you stopping by to check out the grow :grinning:

Yes, they are muffin trays for catching pollen.

Thanks mate! I appreciate it :grinning:


Beautiful job! The flowers look excellent!


Thanks man! You made some great crosses :grinning:

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Recently I seen people taking about smoke reports and it occurred to me that, even though I like reading them, I’ve never done one.

The Suga Suga (bred by @DannyTerpintine) was a beautiful plant to grow. She is early into her cure but it’s still really nice weed so here is what I think so far.

Smells: When I bust this weed up it gives off a chunky peanut butter and dank Kush smell/flavour that is intoxicating. The smell is thick and rich and I find myself holding the bowl of weed up and taking hard, satisfying sniffs each time.

Effects: It’s a creeper, which I like, taking a few minutes to really settle in. It’s comes over your whole body with a warm wave, like a weighted blanket. It’s very chill but surprisingly clear headed. It’s excellent weed for pain and body ailments. I’m recovering from a spine injury and this weed is my go to at the moment.

Buds: Beautiful frosty purple buds with dark orange hairs certainly offers a lot of “bag appeal”. These nuggets are hard and bust up to much more than you would expect (important back when I was buying :grin:).


Bravo on your first smoke report. Sounds like I gotta grow Suga Suga at some point.


There are no words more satisfying to me than those! :pray: :raised_hands: Know the feelings all too well, hope you get through it alright! :green_heart:

Also, great first smoke report! :100: :fire: … definitely made me wish I could fire up some of that flower! :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks mate. If you come by some of these I would highly recommend growing them. I would definitely grow it again.


It’s great stuff man. It’s stuff like this that allows me to sleep at night.


Corey Heime male has had pollen extracted and dried. It is now broken down into a small vial and in the freezer. Not a crazy haul but enough for my needs.

Corey Heime female and Alien Apparition female have been segregated, bagged and had their four lower branches pollenated. The Corey Heime female (right) already stinks like burning/chemicals. It’s very in your face and I’m not sure I like it but I keep sniffing at it. The Alien Apparition (left) smells like spices and dried flowers.


With the weather changing and the first real snow coming down I’ve got to rethink the composting situation. I’m going to try and push it to see if I’m able to fully compost food back into soil completely indoors.

This Bokashi bin has been sitting for about 6 weeks since being filled. Some of it will be feed to the worms with some roasted egg shells. The bulk of it will be buried into a tote full of recycled soil. I am planning to leave this for a further 6 weeks and then, if it’s broken down enough, start incorporating this soil into my main soil mix.


Also new in the grow, I’ve been collecting sea water for trace minerals. This is a pretty interesting write up about how and why sea minerals are beneficial for plants. See table one for a breakdown of the nutrients/minerals sea water contains -


HogFishDog, Sour Bubble, Coastal Dreams and Paczkies


Day 25 flower

Corey Heime


Alien apparition


Chopped down the Sugar Belts and Nanna Glue x Sugar Belts. The SB was definitely the favourite with the grape pheno being the standout. Beautiful plants with tons of frost and sweet fruity terps.

SB 1 - grape pheno


SB 2 - Cherry/grape pheno

NG x SB 1 - berries and acrid chemicals

NG x SB 2 - still trying to place what she smells like, will know more as she drys.


Wow, sugar belts!!! That NG x SB!! :eyes:
Went through the pics multiple times to try and find a favourite…couldn’t do it…lol. Looks like a solid harvest of beautiful buds! I can only imagine the fun your having doing the chop!
What a great morning to harvest :coffee::+1:

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It’s was a great run! @Ottafish did an awesome job with these crosses, especially the Sugar Belts. I would highly recommend them :grin:


Well you did a great job creating some hype! Looks amazing!

Where do I get seeds!?!? @Ottafish