In the basement with Loggershands



Yeah hit me up when you want to document the grow on Ottafish’s seed giveaway for OG members. I’ve been busy so I’m behind but I’ll get seeds out when I can. I know some people are waiting.

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I’m in Canada…is that a deal breaker for seedos?

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Beautiful plants @Loggershands!!

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Thank you mate! I appreciate you stopping by to look! :grinning::+1:

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I don’t wanna speak for Otta but I’m in Canada so should be all good! :grin:


No just check out my thread and then send the PM✌🏼

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Thanks @Ottafish!!! …will reach out to you shortly!

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Finished trimming up the testers tonight. Here are the final numbers.

Sugar Belts 1 (108g buds 57g larf) - Surprised me by coming in with the most total weight, she smells amazing already with a funky grape thing going on.

Sugar Belts 2 (121g buds 38g larf) - Solid buds and dank smells. She has turned sour as she has dried and she reeks of fermented sour funk and cherry/grape.

Nana Glue x Sugar Belts 1 (41.5g bud 11g Larf) - After searching through some buds it’s seems the Goji pollen did not take. This is a bummer but now I get to smoke it as some nice sensi.

Nannag Glue x Sugar Belts 2 - This girl was very frosty but also very lafry when she dried. I ended up putting her in with the other larfy buds for bubble hash. Didn’t weight her but probably around 30g-40g.


This is Jadam Microbial Solution (JMS) and it’s the easiest KNF/natural input I’ve made so far. It’s just a hardful of boiled potato, a hand full of leaf mold, 4 gallons water, 400mls sea water. Leave it for 2 days and you have a homemade microbial solution. I hit the plants 1:10 with water and they love it.


Yeah bay-beeee!!!
Love that JMS.
Did you see my last one? It went crazy!!!


Corey Heime day 33 flower - She is doing great, still stinks like burnt rubber and is getting really frosty. Her lower branches are pollenated with Corey Heime pollen for a couple F2s to play with.

Alien Apparition day 33 flower - Has a funky incense and spice smell with a floral stem rub. Also has her lower branches pollenated with Corey Heime pollen for a few beans to play with.

HogFishDog (6), Sour Bubble (1), Paczkies (3), Coastal Dreams (3) all chugging along.


Damn those Corey Heime look fire!
I’m gonna toss down some Shellcatcher this summer for sure.


They are wicked easy. Great result for very low effort.

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She is a beauty, really glad I got some F2s coming from her. That Shellatcher looks fire, I’ve got some Saltwater Kush coming up in the rotation soon as well.

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I’ve said this privately, but this summer is going to be all breeders who are active on OG: Crafty Flame (our newest addition), Hoss, Mahakala, JAWS, and Danny Terpintine will all be making appearances in my tents!


So much fire flying around on OG right now! I’ve just finished a run from Danny T and Ottafish. I’ve got genetics from Hoss, test of oath and Stanknugzz going now and Crafty is sending me a card with something to run. I need more time and space! :evergreen_tree::fire::grin:


Setup a Blumat watering system. 10 gallon pots, 3 drippers each. How long now till I flood the tent? :grin:


Pump driven or gravity feed?
I’ve been eyeing blumats because it takes me an hour to water!
Also considering deep 12 inch saucers to just dump water in for bottom watering.


A couple weeks ago I decided I wanted to thin out my seed stash…so since then, I’ve ordered more seeds! D’oh!
